The era of ruthless men

Chapter 523 Xian'er, Brother Is Here To Find You

Chapter 523 Xian'er, Brother Is Here To Find You

oh oh oh--!
I saw that Yu Jianchen came first with a little sharpness, and then the sword came out like a rainbow!

The whole figure followed behind a golden giant sword, and the breath around him formed a countercurrent, containing the terrifying pressure of the sword, as if it wanted to tear the void into pieces!

"Lishang Sword Jue." Tang Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, and the two-finger seal popped out. Immediately, the feeling came from his heart, and there was no sword like a sword!The huge transparent mysterious light condenses into an illusory sword frame, which cuts down on the comer vertically!

The loud noise rose in an instant, and the aftermath of the confrontation directly shook the ground with thick dust!It was like an atomic bomb exploded!A magnificent mushroom cloud rises!Thick smoke rolled and pushed away in all directions like a sandstorm!

"So strong."

Although it was not a big problem for the emperors to turn on the defense, they were still very surprised by the strength displayed by the two people from far away.

Especially Yujian Chenfeng, this person has not yet proved the Tao, but he can show the power of the sword emperor with extreme swordsmanship!They can be sure that if they are hit by this blow without knowing it, they may not survive!
"This guy's swordsmanship is superb, who is his disciple?"

Some emperors expressed doubts. They are all emperors who have lived many lives. They are based on the top existence in the world, and they may even know the master who is in the dust.

"The successor of Tongyou Sword Emperor." Ye Youwei suddenly appeared at this moment.

"I met Brother Ye."

Seeing Ye Youwei who came out of the blue, everyone seemed to be overwhelmed. The sky-defying methods, formations and barriers in the past half month convinced them.

Moreover, he still has the Dacheng Holy Body with Jingyan, Wanhuapupil, and Samsarayan, and he is the Demon King of an army of millions of demons, and the behind-the-scenes mastermind of the hundreds of thousands of Tutian Alliance. It is estimated that God knows Ye Youwei. It's time to fight one or two.


"What did Brother Ye just say? Tongyou Sword Emperor?" One emperor asked back in surprise, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"Well, on the way to the Suzaku Galaxy, I saw some of his deeds." Ye Youwei said, looking at Yu Jian Chenfeng with a smile and said: "And he is the only successor who has won this Sword Emperor."

"I remember that 10,000+ years ago, he came to this Suzaku galaxy, and then he seemed to go to the Immortal Realm, and there has been no news since then." Another emperor said, obviously from the same era as Tongyou Sword Emperor.

"Since the number one swordsman next to Shenzutian changed jobs, he has not found a second swordsman for millions of years, but in the past tens of thousands of years, a white-haired sword god wearing a mask came out of the fairyland to quell the chaos. I entered a land of alien races." Someone seemed to remember something, and said in surprise: "But I didn't stay in the Suzaku Galaxy for a long time, and disappeared again after peace."

"If this is the case, this sword envoy, maybe this Tongyou Sword Emperor." Someone hypothetically said.

"It seems that Dust Feng still has a chance to meet his ancestor." Ye Youwei said with a bit of meaning, if Emperor Tongyou Sword really became Tian's subordinate, it would be very interesting, swordsmanship developer and apprentice , I don't know what the picture will be.

Clang clang!
The two fought fiercely, Yu Jianchenfeng had to say that his skill in swords was amazing, a substantial giant sword, ever-changing, although the swordsmanship had the figure of the former, it also had its own savvy, and its moves were excellent!

It was so hard for Tang Lin to tell if he met him for a while!

A loud noise rang out again, Tang Lin remained motionless, but Yu Jianchen took half a step back, the victory was already decided...

"Concession." Tang Lin cupped his hands.

"Sure enough, you are a master of swordsmanship. I approve of you, a descendant of the sword god." Yu Jianchenfeng also bowed his hands politely, without being aggressive, losing is losing.

However, he can fight so many tricks with a half-step fairy king, and he is only a little inferior. In the eyes of many people, he is already called a monster.

"When your cultivation level is equal to mine, we can fight again." Tang Lin said seriously.

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders." Yu Jianchen sealed his words.

"Hit what you want, save your strength, and become a protoss." At this moment, Ye Youwei suddenly came up to the two of them, and said with a smile.

"Brother Ye." Seeing Ye Youwei, Tang Lin was a little excited: "Why don't you come to me? You really made me wait!"

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, Brother Tang, I originally planned to do this." Ye Youwei said with an embarrassed smile, and immediately spread his hands, looking at the sky-shattering building behind him that can't be seen at a glance: "Look See, I've been busy until now."

"I thought you just let me be hunted down by the protoss!" Tang Lin said.

"How is it possible, as long as someone is hunted down by the gods, I will recognize him as a friend, and the gate of Tutian will always be opened for like-minded people." Ye Youwei said.

"With your words, I, Tang Lin, know that I came to the right place today, Brother Ye." Tang Linyi said to Bo Yuntian.

"Let's talk in the building, I'll let the big snake man treat you first." Ye Youwei said, he could see that Tang Lin was seriously injured.

Even if Ye Youwei has gluttonous beans, it may be difficult to repair the damage to the foundation.

"Follow me." A man with a snake-like face came to Ye Youwei and the others at this moment, with a deep and sinister air, he was undoubtedly a big snake man, and he had already entered the ranks of emperors.

And after stepping into the enlightened person, there is no need to deliberate about the sinister aura, a look and a word are invisible, and when he speaks, his voice is hoarse, which is even more creepy.

However, the boss he was with was Ye Youwei, even if he had a vicious aura, he was not necessarily a bad person. He was now the second in command of Tu Tian's alchemy department, and Nangong Wentian was the first in command.

In fact, the number one leader and the second leader are just code names, and the division of labor between the two is different. Nangong Wentian refines medicine, while Big Snake Man refines poison...

The thing that hurt Tang Lin's foundation was actually not caused by some brilliant move, but an extremely poisonous poison that was extremely difficult to disproportionately.

Only Ye Youwei and the big snake man noticed it.

This is also the reason why Ye Youwei asked him to heal his wounds with the big snake man. Although this kind of venom is terrifying, it has a fatal flaw, that is, when things go against extremes, they fight poison with poison.


The years are long, and time is rushing.

It has been several months since Tang Lin was brought into Tutian, and his injuries are almost healed. The big snake man's alchemy skills are getting more and more exquisite, and he is definitely not under Nangong Wentian.

Hong Zhentian's research is still going on. The wormhole teleportation has been successfully researched. Now Xia Chanxing is completely sealed by Ye Youwei's barrier, and the wormhole shuttle is even more useful.

The greatest invention is this. Without Hong Zhentian, it can be said that there would be no Tutian on the bright side. This feat is enough for him to brag about for centuries!

"It's time to find Xian'er." Ye Youwei looked at the endless sky beyond the corridor, that is, the universe, and his mind was full of Xian'er's innocence: "Xian'er, where are you... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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