The era of ruthless men

Chapter 524 Unlock a new skill: Flying Thunder God Art

Chapter 524 Unlock a new skill: Flying Thunder God Art
At this time, the startled salamander suddenly wandered from somewhere in the corridor to Ye Youwei's side, her beautiful eyes were shining, and at the same time matured by years of baptism, she knew what Ye Youwei was thinking now: "Miss her?" ?”

Although she didn't know who the woman Ye Youwei thought about day and night was or what she looked like, she knew very well that there was a touch of envy and jealousy in her heart.

Of course, even so, she wouldn't really care about anything, because she wasn't the first woman Ye Youwei met.

"Yes, a dream of 5000 years..." Ye Youwei murmured with guilt in a wry smile: "I don't know how she is doing, I am her only relative and lover in this world, the first time I left her is 5000 year."

The startled salamander didn't speak, it could be seen that Ye Youwei really loved, cared for and cherished this woman.

"I'll find her, I'll look for it with you." The startled salamander looked at Yuankong at this time, full of determination: "Even if the whole fairyland is turned upside down, it doesn't matter."

Hearing this, Ye Youwei was startled for a moment, then frowned, feeling unspeakably touched in his heart, this woman is willing to go against the God Clan because of him, but he can't give her anything now.

"Don't be so nice to me, I can't afford it..." Ye Youwei murmured a little nervously, and then confessed with a smile: "Promising to marry you is just a way for me to play a rascal. want to marry you."

Ye Youwei felt a little uncomfortable when he said this, he didn't want to say it so directly, but he didn't want to let such a good woman wait for him for nothing, otherwise he would really be worse than a beast.

So he chose to show his cards.

The atmosphere became solidified.

Just when he thought that the startled salamander would be angry, angry, and sad, the sudden three words made him feel relieved.

"I know." The startled salamander's face was full of sternness and indifference, and he leaned on the Loulan, looked back at Yuankong and smiled at Ye Youwei: "But you are the person I believe, one day, I will let you marry me sincerely, and I can wait for millions of years."

"I..." Ye Youwei was dumbfounded.

"Stop talking, I don't want to hear it." Startled Salamander interrupted Ye Youwei: "The most important thing right now is to find that woman who makes you think about it day and night, tell me about it, I want to get to know her. "

While speaking, the startled salamander stretched out his jade hand and pressed Ye Youwei's forehead, a wave of spiritual consciousness instantly entered Ye Youwei's mind, but the memory in his mind could only emerge if Ye Youwei himself was willing to open it up.

Feeling the startled salamander's spiritual consciousness, Ye Youwei naturally didn't set up any more defenses, and played all the experiences about himself and Xian'er from acquaintance to wife in his mind like a movie.

The two stayed in the corridor, silent for a long time.

The spiritual consciousness of both of them was in Ye Youwei's mind, and Ye Youwei himself was deeply locked in the flashing memory pictures, happy and warm, and sad when it came to Yafei. sad...

I do not know how long it has been.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know your past was so..." Jing Xi withdrew her spiritual consciousness, and when she saw the part where Yafei and Zixuan were going to die, she was deeply shocked.

His women are all loyal, and these women are worthy of her admiration, so he feels a little ashamed of the previous jealousy, because he is narrow-minded.

So this sorry is not only an apology to Ye Youwei, but also a shame for her narrow-mindedness just now. She secretly made up her mind that since she has decided to be Ye Youwei's woman, she will never allow anyone to hurt him again. A penny!
"There's nothing to be sorry about." Ye Youwei shook his head: "Now you probably know why I don't want to talk about my children's affairs. I'm afraid."

"It's okay, if you're afraid, I'll be your heart." Startled Salamander said.

"What do you mean?" Ye Youwei was confused.

"Uh...well, isn't there an idiom called... lying in the heart and hiding the courage?" The startled salamander said timidly and shyly: "With my heart, I will lend you the courage, and I will accompany you for nine days and ten days you."

"..." Ye Youwei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, watching this mature woman speak immature love words, there was a tinge of cuteness in her awkwardness.


Ye Youwei let it go: "Let's wash and sleep first."

"What? You said just now that you don't want to marry me! Now you're so blatant that you want to sleep with me? Bah! A scumbag!" After saying that, the salamander ran away in despair.


Only Ye Youwei, who was confused, blinked his innocent little eyes: "What the hell I mean is to go to bed early, and go out early tomorrow morning to find the whereabouts of Xian'er in other galaxies!"


The next day.

The sun is shining and the lucky stars are shining brightly.

The rise of the Tutian Alliance has been an indisputable fact in the past half a month. The protoss did not move as Ye Youwei thought, and they were even surprisingly quiet.

But the more this happened, Ye Youwei felt a little uncomfortable.

The main entrance of the Zhetian Building.

Ye Youwei took Meng Youyou and the startling salamander to the left and right, Xia Yuhe and Murong Xiaoxiao originally wanted to go, but because their cultivation base was still relatively small, it would be a burden to go, so they didn't go together.

"The departure destination this time is the Qinglong galaxy next to the Suzaku galaxy. Brother Ye, when you get there, you must hide the wormhole stargate back and forth. This thing has not been perfected to the extreme, and I can't close it here. .” Hong Zhentian explained earnestly.

"Understood." Ye Youwei faced the crowd, smiled evilly at Hong Zhentian, and then said seriously: "The Protoss has not taken any action recently, it must be recovering, after all, there is a vacancy for a great god and there is still a need for candidates. It is possible that they are busy internally. Fighting for these top ten gods can't take care of us, so you can't take it lightly."



"Brother Qingshui, brother Tang Lin, after I leave, don't let me come back and see Xia Chanxing being forcibly demolished by the protoss gang." Ye Youwei said jokingly.

"Go look for her without worry, I'm here." Long Qingshui nodded.

"Goodbye." Ye Youwei waved his hand, turned around freely, and entered the wormhole star gate with the startled salamander and Meng Youyou.


After a few minutes.

The three of Ye Youwei appeared in a brand new galaxy.

Looking at the other end of the endless dark universe from here, you can also faintly see the palm-sized Suzaku galaxy cluster.

"Have you come here?"

They appeared on a desolate star in the Qinglong galaxy. This desolate star is covered with black soil, and the pungent smell is overwhelming...

"What the hell did this dead Hong Zhentian choose for us!" Meng Youyou frowned slightly, pinched her nose, and said loudly.

"This star field is in place, this smell, this black soil like cow dung, I am afraid few people will come here, and it saves the barrier to hide the exit." Ye Youwei squatted, drawing around the wormhole star gate. A circle was formed, and the golden glow was suddenly looming.

"What are you doing?" Meng Youyou said, "It doesn't look like some kind of enchantment."

"My soul breath should be left as a mark. After finding Xian'er, I can use the new technique I developed to fly Thunder God to come here in an instant." Ye Youwei said.

"New technique? Flying Thunder God?"

The two women couldn't understand that even the great emperor could only move within the range of one star field, but Ye Youwei meant that he wanted to cross the distance between one or two planets in an instant?
"Leave here first, I'll explain it to you as we walk~" Ye Youwei got up and clapped his hands and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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