The era of ruthless men

Chapter 531 The Panorama of the Legendary Immortal Realm

Chapter 531 The Panorama of the Legendary Immortal Realm
Ye Qingxian didn't say another word, and looked at the huge barrier in front of him with deep eyes. The barrier shook like ripples, forming a super spherical shape that tightly wrapped the "core" in it.

At the same time, between the endless dark faults, there is a shady pink light beam connecting the Qinglong galaxy, which is the only way for the Qinglong galaxy to return to the fairyland.

The same is true for the other three galaxies.

And this only way is blocked by the great gods of the protoss clan, and the general emperors have no means to get in.

Even if a terrifying figure like Pluto, who is equal to the sky, wants to break through, it is basically difficult.

As for Emperor Huangtian and the current ruthless emperor Ye Qingxian, they seemed to be waiting for something, and they didn't go for it. No one knows if they can make it to the Immortal Realm.

It's just that the attitude of the two of them towards Xianyu is very flat...

Their purpose may not be this day.


the other side.

Following the lead of the startled salamander, Ye Youwei and others embarked on a journey to the fairyland.

Time flies by like a horse.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen figures non-stop, passed through countless planets, and finally came to the end of the Qinglong Galaxy in a straight line.

There is no civilization in the star field at the end of this place, some desolate stars are like fire, some are like ice, and the dozen or so followers of Emperor Zhun who came with Wang Ye, they all need to open a gauze made of spiritual energy to protect the body.

And Wang Ye, Meng Youyou, Jingxi, they are all above the Great Emperor, and their whole body and every move are embraced by Taoism, so naturally they don't need to open other things to protect them.

As for Ye Youwei, even though he is only the quasi-emperor, the strength of the Holy Physique is naturally not weaker than the Great Emperor, and even several times stronger than the average Great Emperor... Therefore, there is no need to activate any miscellaneous things to make it unnecessary.

Those followers followed Wang Ye at the beginning, but now they are all fans of this statuette. If they respect Wang Ye, then they worship Ye Youwei!
"Brother Ye is really terrifying."

"Brother Ye is mighty, it's freezing cold..."

"With the same cultivation level as us, you can still be so calm in such a bad star field."

Many people are in admiration.

Ye Youwei just smiled helplessly and didn't respond too much to these. The only thing he wants to do now is to find Xian'er.

"How long will it take?" Ye Youwei asked the startled salamander.

"Not surprisingly, with a distance of more than a dozen star fields, you should be able to see the enchantment of the fairyland with the naked eye." Startled salamander said.

There are more than a dozen star fields, whether they are far or not very close, they are about two or three times the distance from the earth to the sun.

There was no ink on the crowd, and they were non-stop.


Everyone came to the highest peak of a desolate star. The desolate star was gray and heavy, and in front of their eyes was the whole picture of the legendary fairyland!

Immortal Domain, a huge star, is at least ten million times larger than the star domains in this galaxy. The desolate star they are standing on is not small, but in front of the Immortal Domain in front of them, it is like a star. Rice, Xianyu is a big bowl...

The giant enchantment with pink ripples tightly envelops the fairyland, and it is impossible to feel any abnormal power in it from the outside.

Ordinary powerful people can sense fluctuations across a few star fields, but the fairyland is in front of them, only separated by a huge "cosmic fault", and the distance is only about ten desolate stars.

"Is this the fairyland..."

Some people couldn't help sighing, their eyes were full of passion and fiery.

"It's worth it for me to be lucky enough to witness the Immortal Realm in this life!"

"Immortal Realm...the destination in every monk's mind!"

"It's so vast... I just don't know what it will look like. Are there any legendary gods?"

"You are stupid, the protoss in it are gods in the eyes of ordinary people, aren't they?"

There was a lot of discussion and all kinds of excitement.

"As monks, we are immortals in the eyes of ordinary people." Ye Youwei said with a smile to everyone at the moment: "So I don't believe that there are immortals in the world." At the top, the cultivation talent is not bad, it seems that the reason why I have not enlightened is that I do not have my own beliefs."

One word awakened the dreamer, and many people were stunned for a moment, as if they had been enlightened, and three of them sat on the spot.

The terrifying aura of enlightenment slowly rises!

After a while.

Those three people were actually preached by Ye Youwei on the phone with just one sentence...

"Thank you, Brother Ye, for your advice!"

The three of them were vindicated in one sentence, and they were promoted to the Great Emperor. At this moment, they knelt down on one knee in front of Ye Youwei!
"..." The king on the side was also speechless, and rolled his eyes at the three people who were a little depressed: "Fuck, you don't bring such a joke, you came after me, how did you become this kid's die-hard fan?"

"Hahaha, naturally I dare not forget Brother Wang's care along the way." One of them immediately stood up and cupped his hands: "In the future, I, Wang Xianzhi, will advance and retreat together for you."

"So do we!" Everyone's eyes were serious.

"Brother Wang and Brother Ye's brotherhood, we have all witnessed it with our own eyes, and there are some bonds that need not be said." Someone said generously: "Even if you haven't seen each other for thousands of years, when you meet again, your eyes will not lie."

"Right." Someone agreed.

"Now is not the time to flatter." Ye Youwei pretended to be, and said with a smile: "I have long regarded you as my own, and there is no need to deliberately point it out in the future. You are true to me, brothers are as simple as that."

"Yes! Brother Ye!" Everyone shouted.

Hearing that Ye Youwei regarded them as his own, everyone was extremely relieved and equally happy.

"But speaking of you, where are Xian'er and Emperor Huangtian?" Ye Youwei murmured at this moment, looking up at Xianyu, and then at other directions.

Although this is the end of the Qinglong galaxy, the end is also not "vertical", but "balanced".

It is still very tricky to find the exact direction where Xian'er looks towards Xianyu.

"What's that over there?" Ye Youwei looked to the left, a dark pink beam of light connected to the Immortal Realm, and suddenly asked the startled salamander curiously.

"The only way this galaxy leads to the fairyland is from there, you can enter the fairyland." Startled Salamander said: "This is still far from there."

"Why didn't you take us there directly..." Wang was also a little dumbfounded, looking at the beam of light the size of chopsticks, the distance might be unusually far.

"Thousands of stars are within the range of the path, all of which are key areas of the Protoss. There are more protoss eyeliners installed than in other places in the galaxy, and there are more than one half-step immortal king sitting in command." Surprised salamander said : "With so many of us, it is estimated that we have not reached the end, and I am afraid that we will be exposed. I just saved some unnecessary trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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