Chapter 532

"There are so many of us, why don't we all search separately." Meng Youyou said: "If anyone finds Xian'er first and tells the truth that her brother is back, I think she will understand."

"The end is so big. Spreading it out can avoid the eyes and ears of the gods, and we can have more opportunities to find Brother Ye's sister. After we find it, we will set the round location in the Gray Starfield that we passed by when we came." Someone suggested at this time.

This proposal is indeed very good, and it is also the best choice at the moment. Many people nodded in agreement.

"Then it's settled." Ye Youwei looked at everyone with precious eyes: "You have all seen Xian'er's back, and I think you should be able to recognize it, but I only have one request for you."

Everyone looked serious and listened attentively.

"Since you are my man and my brother, I have to be responsible to you. The requirements are very simple. When you meet a great god of the protoss, don't force yourself. Life-saving is always the top priority." Ye Youwei said.

Hearing this, many people were inconceivable, and at the same time very warm-hearted and excited. They became more determined to follow Ye Youwei. After all, not every elder brother can regard the life of his younger brother as the most important thing...

"Do you understand?" Ye Youwei reconfirmed.


The will is united, and then "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" dispersed, each of them looked forward to it, and it was their duty to start looking for Ye Qingxian's whereabouts.

Ye Youwei and Wang Ye, and Meng Youyou and the startled salamander also started their respective journeys.


en route.

"Little Yezi, don't blame me for talking too much, don't worry about those two women?" Wang Ye said at this time.

"Of course don't worry, a holy aunt of the demon race, and a god of death from the god race." Ye Youwei smiled, glanced at the king and said, "I guess you can't beat them."

"Master Dao, I didn't mean that, I mean..." Wang also rolled his eyes blankly at Ye Youwei.

"I know, but I'm also very relieved." Ye Youwei was unwavering, and then he said something that made the king almost stumble, and paused: "I am now the fifth generation of the demon king of the demon clan, that is, the demon king." The leader of the clan, no, the kind that is higher than the leader, hahaha."

"Damn it? So dragging? When did it happen!" Wang Ye was startled and a little dazed, and then said solemnly: "Have you fallen into the devil's way?"

"It's not considered to be in the way of magic. I'm a fallen devil, and you don't know it." Ye Youwei said: "Besides, the real way of magic is not the kind of evil that ordinary people recognize. Don't mess around. Guess."

"That's good, then I can rest assured, I thought you, little devil, really became a monster full of evil." Wang also smiled wryly.

"If I want to become that kind of monster, you still have to become stronger? As an opponent, I will not help you." Ye Youwei's mouth curled up with an evil charm.

"How do you say that?" Wang also showed disdainful eyes.

"The devil is one foot tall and the road is ten feet tall." Ye Youwei said.

"Get lost..." Wang was also speechless.

"Hahaha." It's been a long time since Ye Youwei joked with others so bottomlessly, and he stayed with Wang, as if it brought him back to the time when he first wore Zingdi Xing.

"Hey, Little Yezi, what are your plans after you find Xian'er? You can't just go back to Beidou like this, right?" Wang Ye asked at this time.

"What about you, what do you think?" Ye Youwei said.

"My idea, at the beginning, was simply to find a way to revive you. Now that you have turned into a living person, my heart is really empty for a while." Wang Ye: "Why don't you die again?"

"Ye Zong, you are going too far." Ye Youwei pointed at Wang Ye dumbfounded.

"Hahaha." Wang also laughed, then paused for a moment and said slightly seriously: "Actually, I think since I have already come here, it would be good to go to the Immortal Realm to have a look. As for the method of immortality, I am not interested. , I just want to see the fairies inside."

"I believe you ghost!" Ye Youwei rolled his eyes: "Who doesn't know that you are not a womanizer, and the ninth floor is for the law of eternal life!"

"Tsk tsk." Wang also spread his hands and did not admit it.

But Wang Ye is indeed not greedy. If he didn't know that the law of eternal life was true, he would follow Ye Youwei back, but if he knew, he would have to go to the bottom of it to find out.

The two chatted while flying across the planet.

"Let's see at that time. I want to know what Xian'er thinks. It is no coincidence that she is with Emperor Huangtian." As a time traveler, Ye Youwei can probably guess that this is not true. Simple.

Although the book "Shading the Sky" does not describe too much about the events of these two 10,000+ years ago, it also probably explains that Emperor Ruthless had a relationship with Emperor Huangtian.

The truth of these puzzles can only be revealed after Xian'er is found.

The two don't know how many star fields they have crossed.

Finally, they came to the pink passage leading to the Immortal Realm. At this time, this passage has become very large in their sight. From the size of chopsticks at the beginning, it has become extremely huge with the distance!

The width of the entire passage can accommodate more than ten star fields!This range can be said to be extremely wide, and the length seems to be the gap of a black abyss, but it is actually very long.

It is estimated that from this end, it is difficult for some monks to cross the past in their entire lives.

"This fairyland is too big." Wang Ye murmured, "This channel alone can accommodate thousands of stars. It's incredible. Are the gods inside the second generation of immortals?"

"Want to know? Go and have a look and you'll understand." Ye Youwei chuckled.

"Are you agreeing to follow me to find the law of eternal life?" Wang Ye laughed treacherously when he heard the words.

"You go alone, how can I rest assured, as a best friend, of course I won't watch you die, okay?" Ye Youwei said lightly.


The two then stopped on a desolate star. This desolate star had no life, no civilization, and was full of flames and magma. It looked like a purgatory.

"It seems that we have been discovered." Ye Youwei looked in one direction at a crater: "The Protoss are indeed very cautious, and their eyeliners are everywhere."

"There's more than one." Wang Ye murmured, his eyes fixed on one side: "There is a half-step fairy king and two great gods."

"If the visitor is not good, he will be killed, but the most important thing right now is to fight Xian'er, try to avoid complications, and never make a move if he can fool you." Ye Youwei said, "What do you think?"

"Based on our current situation, this is the place where the protoss are densest. Once we fight, it will be a bit tricky." Wang also agreed: "Let's adapt to the situation."

Swish swish!
Just a few minutes.

Three glowing figures came to the void in front of the two and stopped. The leader was an old man with white hair and ponytail wearing golden armor, surrounded by five light yellow "little suns" behind him.

Its powerful aura can be said to overwhelm the sky!
"Five Dao Wheels... It seems that it is not as simple as a half-step Immortal King. If there is another one, it may be directly promoted to the real Immortal King." A milky-white sun appeared, and now another one appeared in his enlightenment. At present, after becoming an emperor, he only has two Dao wheels.

"Who is coming, do you know that you have entered the forbidden area of ​​my god clan?" A great god next to the old man asked, looking down at Ye Youwei and Wang Ye with contempt, like looking at ants.

The three of them seem to exude a kind of arrogance in their bones, arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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