The era of ruthless men

Chapter 555 Although the ancestors have no great achievements, they dare to fight Chi You alone!

Chapter 555 Although the ancestors have no great achievements, they dare to fight Chi You alone!
Dozens of great gods and the enlightened people of the ancient tribe under the subordinate gods formed their seals at this moment, and a transparent divine light quickly pushed away from the inside, isolating the killing god domain of the startling salamander.

And under the law of heaven, their strength as members of the protoss has almost been improved by half, and their attacks have been doubled. This is the countercurrent divine light array specially prepared to capture Ye Youwei!

"Negative Current Divine Light Formation, I didn't expect that all the guardian formations in the Immortal Territory were moved here by you. It seems that the sky is not very reassured about your strength." Startled Salamander smiled slightly: "But to be honest, he does have foresight .”


Ye Youwei swung a strike at the sky at will, and the golden beam soared into the sky, but the mask remained motionless.

"Sure enough, it's a good magic circle. A magic circle like this can match the strength of my ten barriers. It seems that you protoss still have some hard goods." Ye Youwei withdrew his gaze and glanced at Zhenjun Jiuyang and other figures.

"Hmph, don't put on airs anymore, no matter how strong you are, you are no better than a prince in the human world." A man from the god clan frowned and said: "The only way to fight against a god is death! Let me test your cultivation!"

The enlightened man of the protoss rushed towards Ye Youwei in an instant, with a clear goal, he avoided the other people directly, and was about to come to Ye Youwei with the light of the blazing divine fire.

There was no wave in Ye Youwei's ancient well, and there was not even a wave of emotion. The Wanhua pupil lines changed along with the trend, and instead of going head-on, the red black knife waved, and the enlightened man of the Protoss exploded into dust in an instant!

An enlightened great god just disappeared.


Many people showed stunned expressions. Ye Youwei's strength has not yet turned into a demonized state, and beheading a Taoist is as easy as beating the mud on the ground!horrible!
"Sir, why are you afraid of the princes! Kill!"

This is the mouth of a god, one of the Twelve Heavenly Venerates, with a ferocious face and a body of steel, immortal!Both the Dharma Hercules are of the power type!
Swish swish!
All the protoss started a counterattack in the entire star field covered by the enchantment!One sentence, why are the ministers of the king afraid of the princes, it directly ignited the fighting spirit of the protoss!

Even though Ye Youwei's reputation shook the world, they, as the ministers of the emperor at this moment, still killed the six of them without hesitation!

The nine Heavenly Venerates, including dozens of subordinate patriarchs under the king, are all half-step immortal kings!The scene is not terrible!Not to mention spectacular!

"Not good!" Xia Yuhe said.

"They set up regional teleportation in advance!" Ye Youwei understood instantly.

"This is trying to separate and kill us one by one!" Tang Lin said.

However, all of these happened in the nick of time, and they couldn't help them to think too much, but Ye Youwei activated the void technique in an instant and looked at Xia Yuhe.

Then Xia Yuhe's figure disappeared directly, followed by appearing beside her, and was sent to a certain yellow sand field in this star field together.

Swish swish!
"Youwei." Xia Yuhe was thankful that Ye Youwei brought her by his side, and at the same time said solemnly, "Sister Xian'er and the others..."

"Don't worry, they will be fine." Ye Youwei comforted, but even though he believed in the cultivation of Xian'er, Jingxi and others, he was still a little worried, and he had to end the battle here as soon as possible to help them.

As the two of them came to this yellow sand area, the God Clan coalition with them included four heavenly deities and sixteen enlightened masters.

"It seems that these protoss are really targeting you. It's so shameless that four Heavenly Venerates followed here." Xia Yuhe muttered with a frown: "It's really hateful."

"It doesn't matter." Ye Youwei Gujing Wubo, and then he just became a holy body, but relying on the Asura Dao, Human Dao, and Animal Dao he realized by himself, it is already a different kind of sublimation. Even if he is not a Taoist, he does not need to use other means It can put pressure on some great emperors: "If the gods of the gods come out, there will be no rivals in the world."

The calm tone revealed incomparable self-confidence, Xia Yuhe's beautiful eyes sparkled, and she was slightly intoxicated by it. I don't know why she was not as worried as before.

This is probably the so-called sense of security.

"Arrogant, lead to death!"

"Let's go together!"

Among the four Celestial Venerables of the protoss on the opposite side, there is the former Buddhist Hercules and the other three low-key Celestials who have never spoken. Now that Hercules speaks, the twenty or so leaders of the major families who have become enlightened behind them are also eager to try!
bang bang bang bang bang—

The emperor's coercion burst into the air, crushing the sky with a radius of ten thousand miles!The situation changed suddenly, and the mountains and rivers turned upside down!Among them, some emperors should not be underestimated!
"Let me deal with those enlightened ones. I don't want to be the most useless of your wives." Xia Yuhe said with a serious expression in her beautiful eyes at the moment, as if she had already made a firm realization: "I don't have you!" It's so weak to think."


After saying that, Xia Yuhe opened his mouth directly, and the blue light all over his body was shining brightly, and the phantom armored shenya appeared in the figure!This is the supreme secret method of the mermaid clan!

"Damn it, when will you..." Ye Youwei was startled, he was indeed shocked, a strong sense of oppression ensued, he really didn't expect Xia Yuhe to hide this trick just recently, it was completely unexpected.

"This is the strongest mental method of our murloc race, the Sea King Kaishen Six Illusions. My father has passed it on to me a long time ago, but because I don't want to practice it, I have no interest in living for a long time, so I haven't seriously understood it... "Xia Yuhe lowered her head shyly: "But now, I have found a reason to want to live and live for a long time."

After saying that, Xia Yuhe raised her head, in her pure and loving eyes, only Ye Youwei was in her eyes.

Ye Youwei nodded without speaking.

This can be regarded as a recognition of Xia Yuhe's strength. It has to be said that Xia Yuhe is indeed talented and intelligent, and even Ye Youwei himself is a bit willing to bow down.

After getting Ye Youwei's acquiescence, Xia Yuhe was extremely happy. Looking at the enlightened man, his gaze quickly became as cold as frost, and a blue light war halberd was thrown out with a flip of his hand, directly killing him.

"The first-rank yellow-haired girl, dare to stand alone against our twenty or so enlightened people!" Although some people felt Xia Yuhe's oppression, most of them didn't admit it, and didn't believe it was true.

There are very few women who have reached the level of emperors!What's more, this woman looked like a cute little woman in front of Ye Youwei before!
"Although the mermaid race has not left many deeds in the human world, it does not mean that it is declining." Xia Yuhe stared at all living beings with cold eyes: "Although the ancestors have no great achievements, they dare to fight Chi You alone!"

what? !

Chi You, it is said to be the ancestor of the ancient biological royal family, one of the few ultimate beings who created the world in the early days, to them, these immortal cultivators, are like mythical existences!

Perhaps because of Chi You's bad reputation, later generations spread the rumors, and said that after leaving the Primordial Clan, he proclaimed himself the Demon Clan, and he was the head of the four Demon Emperors of the Demon Clan, that is, the first Demon Emperor!The demons are all his descendants...

However, these are just rumors, and no one has really verified them since ancient times, and along with Chi You's story, there is indeed a relatively profound past.

That is, someone once fought alone with Chi You, and fought fiercely for several days and nights. Although he was defeated in the end, he was not a coward, and on the contrary, he was admired by the world!And the identity of the person who fought Chi You has always been a mystery.

Combined with Xia Yuhe's words just now, this... This is clearly the descendant of that person!Fuck!It turns out that some of the myths in the early days were true!
(End of this chapter)

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