The era of ruthless men

Chapter 556: One Person Picks Four Immortal Kings

Chapter 556
"Everyone don't need to think too much, winners and losers, the Supreme Mermaid in the early days can't beat Chi You, and she can't win you either!" A god of the gods said: "Ye Youwei let us delay, after killing this woman , come help us!"

Although these words boosted a lot of morale, more of them were the fear of Ye Youwei, the Dacheng Holy Body, and he did not despise him in the slightest. In this regard, he was still very foresighted.

oh oh oh——

At this time, the four great Heavenly Venerates exploded their divine power, the seal was lifted, the firepower was fully fired, and the terrifying sense of oppression instantly overwhelmed the sky!
Compared with Xia Yuhe, who has nine mermaid transformations, these Tianzun are indeed worthy of the pillars of the Protoss, and they are a little stronger.


Drink out one word, and the crowd will compete!

Twenty or so enlightened people also began to burst into flames, bursting with energy, radiating light, rushing towards Xia Yuhe who was rushing over!
boom boom boom boom-

A violent explosion sounded, and the battle situation was turned upside down in an instant!
After the four heavenly deities have solved everything, they are comparable to the four immortal kings!Each of them turned into a beam of light, rushing towards Ye Youwei with the momentum of thunder!
"Emperor Guangyang Palm!"

"Ninja Strike!"

"Heaven and Earth Domineering Art!"

"Physical Profound Truth: Day Tiger!"

The Four Heavenly Venerates are merciless, and they have already launched the ultimate big move when they came up!

While fighting Xia Yuhe, many enlightened practitioners were terrified here!Immortal king-level attacks, the sense of oppression, caught them off guard!

"Where are you looking at!" Xia Yuhe frowned, and swiped the halberd in the air, and the cracks in the sky and the earth bounced open, directly causing the four enlightened people to be cut in half instantly!Blood splattered in the air!
Although Xia Yuhe was a little apprehensive about Ye Youwei's battle, she was not worried at the moment, and she chose to trust Ye Youwei.

The only thing to do now is not to die, not to let this man be distracted by me!
The attacks of the Four Heavenly Venerates directly submerged Ye Youwei, and thick smoke rose like a mushroom cloud!Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ye Youwei didn't hide!


"This is the strength of the Twelve Heavenly Venerates of the Protoss. It is really terrifying."

In a certain star field, neutral family forces have their own projection stones, and many of their families can see the bloody storm between Ye Youwei and the Protoss.

"Do you want to help this young man of the human race?" someone asked.

"Neutrality is neutrality. If you get involved, there is no way out." Someone argued: "Besides, this human youth is still the Demon Emperor of the Demon Race."

"The devil and the gods are natural enemies. This battle of the century is also a battle of their fate. If we get involved in it, we will only be in a dilemma." An ancient man with two horns on his head murmured.

"However, although we are neutral, if Ye Youwei is killed by the gods, our neutral family forces will be wiped out by the gods sooner or later." Someone said.

"Indeed, now it's not a problem that we can solve neutrally." A red-clothed, scaly lion head said, "The arrogance of the Protoss in recent years is obvious to all. I also heard that he wants to replace the Sage of the Six Paths in the human world." The power of belief in the world, if it is true, we neutral people will also be his stumbling block."

As soon as these words came out, many people fell into silence.

At the same time, many star fields, many forces that are still neutral and unwilling to make a move, have also considered this thorny issue.

The ambition of heaven has slowly surfaced, and it is no longer a secret.


In a certain grand and magnificent palace, a middle-aged man in a black shirt with white hair and shawl was lying on a chair with a dragon head. At this moment, he was also looking at a mysterious light screen that appeared out of thin air...

"Hmph~, it's interesting."

There was a faint smile on the dark circles under his eyes. He was the god of the protoss, lazily leaning on the dragon head chair, holding a glass of peach red fairy wine in his hand.

Beside him stood a tall woman in a high-necked sky-blue gown, holding a cute jade rabbit in her jade hand, stroking it slowly.

She also watched the thick smoke billowing in the light screen, and after showing a little surprise, she returned to calm, and Gu Jing looked at Hei Longtian calmly: "Does it take Yueer to capture the king?"

"Haha, Yue'er, don't you have confidence in these four heavenly deities?" Tian turned his head and smiled slightly, taking a sip of the delicious immortal wine.

"That's not true, but I think he does have something special, and I want to get rid of it as soon as possible, that's all." Hao, she is the most trusted by the sky.

"Hahahaha, I'm not in a hurry for you. It is because of his superiority that he can live until now." Tian said meaningfully.

"How do you say that?" Moon God asked.

"The stronger he is, the more influential he is, the better it is for me." Tian murmured with emotion: "In the past few million years, I haven't found an opponent who can excite me for a long time, except Emperor Huangtian. .”

Tian didn't mention Pluto, so it can be seen that he no longer pays attention to Pluto, the fourth-generation demon emperor, and it can be seen that his cultivation is by no means limited to the highest level of the so-called fairy king in the human world.

"God, don't you think Ye Youwei is a little too flattering?" Seeing the words of the sky, Moon God chuckled, as if he had really heard a joke that wasn't a joke: "Do you think that Ye Youwei can be with you?" war?"

"Just take it as it is~" Tian smiled lazily and spread his hands indifferently at this time.

"I really believe your evil, you are really the same as before, you like to lift others up and then throw them down..." Moon God showed disdainful eyes angrily.

"The higher you stand, the more painful you fall. To be honest, I like this feeling very much..." Tian looked at Ye Youwei on the screen with evil eyes while speaking, and the corners of his mouth curled up strangely.

The Moon God stopped talking and left the hall with crutches.

Immortal Domain Entrance Star Domain.

Just when many people thought that Ye Youwei would be killed in an instant, the thick smoke gradually peeled away...

Ye Youwei still stood where he was without any surprise, he didn't take half a step away, surrounded by the Heavenly Formation under his feet, directly isolating the attacks of the previous four Heavenly Venerates!

what? !

When countless people saw Ye Youwei's figure, they all jumped up in fright. That was the attack of four immortal kings!It didn't even have any lethality to him!How is this possible!

At this moment, Ye Youwei was not polite anymore, and instantly activated the second stage of demonization, and the Dacheng Saint Physique was immediately promoted to the half-step Immortal King. Coupled with the activation of the Immortal Technique, the sense of oppression broke through the previous highest again!
The four Heavenly Venerates who have already entered the realm of the Immortal King for a short period of time feel the horror and oppression!
From the quasi-emperor realm, it soared to the level that even the fairy king was under pressure in an instant!
Is he a monster!
Ye Youwei's white hair became longer and redder, red paw prints appeared on his face, a blood moon pattern appeared on his forehead, and the red thin knife in his hand had a faint golden light!

This is the first time he has truly combined his magic power with his own holy light power!

"Blushing!" A Heavenly Venerable was oppressed, but not afraid, and shouted: "Slapping a swollen face to make a fat man, the meat quality will never change! Let's go together!"

"it is good!"

The other three Tianzun frowned and agreed, ready to attack again.

(End of this chapter)

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