The era of ruthless men

Chapter 560 One Color Autumn Dao Art

Chapter 560 One Color Autumn Dao Jue
"Brother Dao, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time." Tang Lin was a little ashamed and didn't want to kill Vulcan Ji for a while, so he said at this moment: "Let's hurry to Ye Youwei's place."

"They should already be on their way to Immortal Realm, you still have time to catch up." Wang also looked at Tang Lin and said, "I still have to help others."

"Others?" Tang Lin was taken aback, and asked, "Who else did you meet before you came to help me?"

"Long Qingshui, Ye Qingxian, gone." Wang also spread his hands.

"Yeah, it's gone." Tang Lin explained, "I'm the last one fighting in this star field."

"..." Wang Ye was also a little surprised when he heard the words: "How many of you are here for Chuangxianyu?"

"What do you think?" Tang Lin smiled wryly: "The whereabouts of the two brothers in the Supreme Hall are unknown, and the demons have not yet crossed the moat, so there is no time to wait."

"Hehe, it's interesting. This makes sense. The Protoss are not as powerful as imagined. There are too many people, but they are flattering these guys." Wang also chuckled: "Let's go, go to the fairyland."

Tang Lin looked at Wang Ye, and was very shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that the Taoist priest in the face of the protoss would be so light-hearted, and the background must be not small.

"You are finally here, Burial King."

Just when the two were about to withdraw, a voice suddenly sounded, and an old man in white clothes with nine suns floating behind him appeared.

As soon as his words fell, Wang Ye's brows suddenly frowned. I'm afraid there are not many people in this world who know that he was the Burial King in his previous life.

"Who are you?" Wang Ye's expression became serious. The regret of coming here is that he could not meet Huangtian Emperor. The mystery of his inner dusty memory has not been solved. At this moment, someone actually knows his past life. a chance.

Seeing Zhenjun Jiuyang appearing, Tang Lin also frowned, and murmured to the king: "Let me hold him back, you go after Ye Youwei and the others."

"If he doesn't know my past life, I will definitely follow your will. It's a pity that this old man knows what I want to know. Brother Tang, let him give it to me?" Wang also rolled his eyes and Tang Lin said with a smile: "Besides, dealing with that woman is enough for you. Facing this old man, you can't survive ten tricks in his hands."

Tang Lin was a little speechless when he heard the words, but what he said was indeed to the point, but what he said was a bit too straightforward, this Taoist priest!Don't I, Tang Lin, the Supreme Being, don't want to lose face...

"Okay." Tang Lin finally nodded, and left here with the scarred Vulcan Ji.

"Tang Lin! Put me down! Let me down! Who told you to hug me!" Vulcan Ji scolded angrily, but looked at Wang Ye's back: "My male god..."

However, her acupuncture points were tapped, and her injuries were so serious that she couldn't resist Tang Lin's restraint at all. Apart from being able to speak, she couldn't move.

"Do you think I, Tang Lin, are Yumu? Others don't know who you are, but I, Tang Lin, know who you are." Tang Lin was expressionless as he spoke, and fled with Vulcan Ji all the way.


After Tang Lin left, True Monarch Nine Suns did not stop him from taking Vulcan Ji away, but instead focused all his attention on Wang Ye.

Because he understands that even if he wants to stop him, the reincarnation of the buried king in front of him may not be able to do what he wants. This is a very powerful opponent.

"Long time no see." Nine Yang Zhenjun looked at Wang Ye, and murmured a smile to himself. The smile seemed charming, but it carried a strong fighting spirit.

"I don't know you." Wang also looked at the old man, spread his hands and said, "I'm sorry, although I remembered that I was buried before, and my surname was Cao, but I don't have much memory of that life."

At this point, the king also paused, paused, and looked at the old man with deep eyes: "Then, please tell me that you know everything about my previous life."

"Hahaha, it's crazy, but it's not impossible, but you have to win the old man." Jiuyang Zhenjun smiled coldly and belligerently.

As soon as he finished speaking, the nine rounds of yellow sun turned into red sun in an instant, and his muscles and veins flowed brightly, changing his previous scrawny body and appearance!
Obviously, this is the liberation of the gods.

He was already close to the level of the fairy king, but after Wanjie, he turned the world upside down, and the clouds gathered and the wind rose!The divine light flickered all over his body, as if he was covered with a layer of gilt armor!
"What a strong oppression..." Wang also frowned. This Nine Suns True Monarch was different from the naive Heavenly Venerates he had met along the way.

"Millions of years ago, in the era of imperial hegemony, you once stained the blood of the Immortal King and followed the Emperor Huangtian to fight all over the nine heavens and ten places. The target." True Monarch Nine Suns had no impurities in his gaze: "It's a pity that Emperor Huangtian disappeared after that battle, and you were nowhere to be found. This is my greatest regret!"

"So it's like this." Wang Ye murmured, looking at the radiant figure: "Then you go find him, I'm not the funeral king."

"What do you mean? This old man has spent his life trying to fight you fairly! Are you trying to escape!" Nine Yang Zhenjun glared at the words.

Wang Ye raised his peach eyebrows at this moment, muttering in his heart, and was speechless for a while, if he knew that your mother could still open the divine seal and soar from a half-step fairy king to such a strong realm, I should have changed with that Tang Lin just now!

I really dug my own hole and jumped!His uncle!
"The King of Burial! Today you have to fight if you fight, and you have to fight if you don't fight!" Jiuyang Zhenjun shouted: "The sword will return with blood after it is unsheathed! Take the move!"

"Master Dao, I am the king in this life, and the king who buried the king in the previous life was the previous life. If you want to fight, please remember the name clearly. It is my king who will fight with you!" A giant sword of Xuanguang descended from the sky, and fell straight to the figure of True Monarch Nine Suns rushing towards him!
The giant sword was radiant, and Nine Suns True Monarch lowered his face, raised his hand and turned the nine suns into a shield above his head, blocking the impact of the giant sword's fall, and the sound was booming, terrifying!
The powerful oppression is like layers of ocean waves, running through the entire star field!Leading many enlightened people elsewhere are terrified!What level of battle is this!
Even Long Qingshui, who was promoted to Immortal King not long ago, felt a little pressure. Long Qingshui was very aware of this power fluctuation, and he was definitely not weaker than himself now.


Nine Suns True Monarch blocked the attack without neglecting, waved the Lieyang Divine Sword, blazing divine flames, evolved the Heavenly Fire Dao, and countless stars turned with force!It's really the point of holding the stars and picking the sun and the moon!
The fire sword was rampaging, and the raging flames around it were like a tornado, piercing the sky!Hit the king directly!

Every move and style of his is a must kill, and he doesn't mean to underestimate the king. After all, he is facing the invincible Burial King who has the blood of a real fairy king on his hands!
Wang Yening's brows were serious, and he didn't dare to be negligent. He didn't expect that the Nine Suns True Monarch was a martial lunatic. For one purpose, he could really live for millions of years!Absolutely!Awesome!
"The true method of Taoism, the one-color-autumn formula."

While drinking heavily, Wang Ye formed seals with his hands, and with a buzzing sound, the terrifying brilliance skyrocketed, the mysterious light formation appeared, and a beam of laser light rushed out from the formation!Fight against the rushing fire sword!
Boom--! ! !
Both of them tried their best, and this blow directly moved the entire star field by half a point!It's terrifying!

Wang also vomited blood directly, and retreated a few meters in the void, but he simply stabilized his figure, his eyes were startled and sharp at the same time.

I didn't expect that my chaotic Taoist body, coupled with the solidity of Taoism's supreme scriptures, would already vomit blood...

On the other hand, Nine Suns True Monarch looked even more horrified and shocked than Wang. He also coughed up blood, and even broke his arm!The natal magic weapon, the Huoyan Sword, was even broken by Wang Ye's attack!

As a result, there is no doubt that the king also won.

"As expected of the king of burial..." Jiuyang Zhenjun murmured, and then he laughed with coughing blood, a bit sad, but also a bit lucky: "Although I can't win you, but it can make you hurt the enemy One thousand self-defeating eight hundred records, the old man has no regrets!"

Wang also wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were deep and deep, and he said indifferently without any emotion: "Thinking of the old man, this injury was not caused by you, but the backlash of my incomplete new technique Yise Qiu Dao Jue."

what? !

As soon as these words came out, True Monarch Nine Suns was stunned for a moment, and gradually petrified...

But Wang Ye, who had finished speaking, did not kill him completely, turned around and disappeared.

Some people may think that the king is a bit indecisive and benevolent at this moment, but this is not the case. He does not kill Vulcan Ji nor Jiuyang Zhenjun, this does not mean that he does not kill, he just simply thinks that this Jiuyang is true Jun is not bad enough to die, it's that simple.

After all, for a single obsession, to be able to wait until today's battle with him, this willpower alone is already somewhat admirable.

(End of this chapter)

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