The era of ruthless men

Chapter 561 Wu Crazy, Tianlongren

Chapter 561 Wu Crazy, Tianlongren


"Entrance Protoss Tianzun has fallen! I can't feel the coercion anymore!"

"Brother Ye and the others have entered the Immortal Realm!"

As the star field connecting the entrance was occupied, Zhou Chao and the brothers of the Tutian Alliance cheered up, and the killing God Clan alliance retreated steadily!

Hundreds of thousands of battles retreated tens of millions of protoss!
In the end, all the God-slaying brothers gathered at the entrance of the Immortal Realm, and counting them in detail, there were only a few thousand people left in the hundreds of thousands...

Although it is more with less, this ten-fold reduction still hurts the hearts of many people. They are different from the Protoss, they come from all over the world, they gather in Tutian, and they are all brothers!
Beacon smoke rises, and yellow sand flies.

Among the thousands of people, the wounded and disabled, it was not easy to win, and they were all sinking at this moment, with serious expressions on their faces.

Because in front of them, there is another hurdle!

That is the Nine Suns True Monarch who was defeated by Wang Ye!Although he is already in a state of residual blood, he is a veteran Tianzun who can be compared to the level of an immortal king after all!

His prestige is also widely spread in the human world!
"True Monarch Nine Suns, I'm not afraid of you!" A group of enlightened people including Big Snake Man, Yu Jian Chenfeng, Hong Zhentian and others took the lead.

However, the previous [-] or so enlightened people sacrificed a lot this time. Only six of them came here, especially Daoist Crow, half-monster Daoist Nangong Wentian, Jun Malu, etc., all died in battle...

At this moment, the big snake man turns into a big snake twisting the sky, and is about to launch an offensive.

However, at this moment, it was unexpected.

"There are so many things in the world of mortals, and they are all at ease, hahaha! Hahahaha!" I saw Zhenjun Jiuyang dancing wildly with white hair, laughing like crazy, the laughter was desolate, sad, lamentable!
He, who was on the verge of death, unexpectedly experienced terrifying oppression again!

"what happened?"

"He is already bloodless, why would he..."

"Could it be Nirvana! Entering the Immortal King Way?!"

"Impossible, the coercion of the Immortal King is not like this. The oppression of the Dragon Emperor when he entered the Immortal King can be felt by the entire Xia Chanxing."

"The eighth floor is possessed by a demon, but this kind of demon is not as pure as Brother Ye. Now there are only two words that can describe True Monarch Nine Suns, and that is madness..."

"A half-fallen half-mad state?"

All those who witnessed the scene at this moment, whether they were present or watching it on the screen in other places, were all shocked by it.

The strength of the half-mad demon state has made the strength of the imperiled Jiuyang Zhenjun soar, which is tantamount to the last struggle.

"Big snake, slow down."

At this time, at the moment when the big snake man was about to attack, Yu Jianchenfeng opened his mouth to stop him, and looked at the Nine Suns True Monarch, whose clothes were surging and full of divine light, in front of him: "This old man of the protoss, he is already crazy. Anyone who takes action against him will surely die."

There was a sound of breaking wind, and it was a great god of the protoss, who came to the side of Zhenjun Jiuyang at this time: "Zhenjun..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was burned to ashes by the red eyes of True Monarch Nine Suns!Horror creepy!

The people who saw this scene were sweating profusely: This is not just that you can't shoot him?It's a sin to get close to this motherfucker!It's like a god of death!
"Hahaha! Hahaha! If you are not crazy, you will not become a Buddha! Go to the world of mortals and many things, and you will be at ease!" Nine Yang Zhenjun turned his head and glanced at the big snake man and other people who slaughtered the sky. Instead of making a move, he said very plainly: "You are all too weak...I want to find someone stronger!"

Everyone was swept away by Jiuyang Zhenjun, and their scalps were numb!This is real spiritual oppression!Can't look directly at it at all!
Then, Nine Suns True Monarch looked up at the sky, and uttered a sentence that shocked nine heavens and ten earths, with a crazy roar: "Who is it! Who is it! Who is calling invincible! Who dares to say that he is invincible! In the age of Wuxian, everyone is invincible!" Not here! The ants who are watching me... Come to the Immortal Realm if you want to kill me!"

After speaking, countless projection stones exploded!So scary!
One sentence of ants directly ignited the rage of all the bosses in the nine heavens and ten places!
"Go to Xianyu!"

"Be sure to get rid of this old man!"

"The gods don't even dare to call us ants, a True Monarch of Nine Suns is so arrogant!"

"Kill! Kill into the fairyland!"

"Immortal Realm Protoss Territory, we and other neutral forces, don't cross the border!"

"Entering the Immortal Realm only kills this lunatic Wu!"

"If anyone from the Protoss dares to stop them, they will no longer be neutral!"

"Even if I go to the Bone Burial Immortal Realm, I will swear to kill this person, and I will never give up!"

All of a sudden, the clouds moved in all directions, and all kinds of bosses appeared quickly. The entrances to the three series of fairylands, Qinglong, Baihu, and Xuanwu, were originally a bit far-fetched to rely on these forces of the Tutian Alliance. It was directly broken by a strong attack!

The other three God Race Heavenly Venerates even yelled loudly, and some of the situation got out of control. Although I don't know why even the neutral forces stepped in all of a sudden, they were still very depressed!
The three Heavenly Venerates guarding the three major galaxies retreated directly into the Immortal Realm with their remnants, and they couldn't stop them!Stop it again, and the loss will only be even greater!

Now only by going back to the Immortal Realm, reuniting with the God, and concentrating the strength of the God Clan coalition forces, can we have the power to fight against this sudden group of major forces in the human world.


In the fairyland.

"This old man..."

In the palace of the gods, Hei Longtian's head was covered with black lines, and the immortal wine in his hand suddenly became stale.

The goddess Feng Huaxueyue, who was hugging the rabbit, showed a little smile: "Isn't this what you are looking forward to? I think the fairyland will be very lively next time, huh."

"You can still laugh?" Hei Longtian pouted and looked at Moon God, a little depressed: "I intend to take all the anti-god forces in the human world in one pot, but I never said that I would take all the nine heavens and ten earths together... ..."

Fenghuaxueyue did not answer, stroked the rabbit in her arms, paused with a gentle smile and said: "Those old guys in the Holy Void Realm and Yutuo Realm are nothing to be afraid of, as long as...not the legendary Tianlong...under the nine heavens, you don't have to worry about it." Also invincible?"

When it comes to the word "Tianlong", even the romantic couple who is one of the best in the Protoss pause without taboo.

"When I get enough power of faith, I will be comparable to that Da Luo Jinxian. I don't care what realm is the strongest. The Tianlong Realm, the first realm of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, is just a fart!" Hei Longtian's eyes With a flash of murderous aura, the heaven and earth in the fairyland were shaken, and he stood up slowly: "At this moment, as long as you take down Ye Youwei in the human world, stabilize the belief in the human world, and then get rid of the old thief Pluto in the demon world, and the other world masters." Naturally, I will follow me into the Heavenly Dragon Realm, hahaha! In the nine heavens and ten earths, I am not willing to be the lord of the Immortal Realm."

"God's ambition is really big." Fenghua Xueyue murmured with a faint smile.

"You are courageous enough." Hei Longtian rolled his eyes at Luna, and his words were sharp, without the previous cynicism, instead there was an inexplicable terror.

Fenghuaxueyue didn't speak any more.

Immediately, Hei Longtian stretched his waist and resumed his laziness, and said with a smile: "If you don't have ambition, what's the point of living? You have to have some fun after all."

After finishing speaking, Hei Longtian walked towards the entrance of the main hall. Wherever he took every step, black and white qi intersected, and the avenues embraced each other. The surrounding magnificent hall instantly dimmed, as if everything had become lifeless in front of him. This is... ...The strongest colorless Thanos domain!
(End of this chapter)

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