The era of ruthless men

Chapter 581 Tianlong Sword Immortal, Wenhua

Chapter 581 Tianlong Sword Immortal, Wenhua

The voice was turbulent, and it seemed to have an inexplicable deterrent force. Even immortal kings like the Lord of the Holy Ruins felt extremely oppressed.

"The shitty Dragon Realm, it's just playing tricks. If you're not afraid of me, why don't you dare to show up? How can you sneak up on me? Is this the means of your so-called noble status in the Dragon Realm?" Ye Youwei sneered at the moment, concentrating Eyebrows are not afraid, even though he coughed up blood just now, it is not a serious problem under the operation of Zhe Zi Mi.

The only thing that makes him regret is that although the attack was not fatal, it still created a chance for Emperor Zun to escape. It worried him even more.

And obviously, most of the purpose of the sneak attack by the mysterious people in the Tianlong Realm this time is to use the hand of Emperor Zun to restrain Yu Youwei and become a fisherman watching the fire from the other side.

Ye Youwei's roar also made many people change their colors in shock. They didn't expect Ye Youwei to be so calm and even a little aggressive when facing Tianlong people!It's completely disdainful of the deterrence of the Tianlong people...

This made these enlightened people who are in a state of self-confidence feel a little ashamed, and although they come from different realms, most of them are human races, born as human beings, and Ye Shengdi is proud!
It was silent for a long time.

Tianlongjie did not respond to Ye Youwei again, which relieved many enlightened people who were still worried and timid, and began to believe Ye Shengdi's words.

If the mystery of the Tianlong Realm is so powerful that it cannot be reversed, Ye Youwei's anger at Tianlong at this moment is enough to make him die ten thousand times!Moreover, the Tianlong Realm has always attached great importance to its superior status, and does not allow any living beings to infringe and desecrate it.

But right now, nothing happened. Above the void of the dilapidated temple, Ye Shengdi's white hair surged wildly, and the restrained red light around his body glared outward. The moat exists!

"Do you think that helping Emperor Zun escape will allow him to contain me?" Ye Youwei's eyes were deep and plain, but this kind of plainness in the eyes of some people made his heart numb and shuddering.


The sharp and slightly angry Ye Youwei suddenly twitched his mouth, and laughed: "No one in this world can oppress me unless I want to. The gift of attacking and hurting me today will be returned ten times in the future, you wait!" Dragon bastards, just wait for death to come, this may be more interesting than me taking your life right now, I believe you have not gone far and can hear you."

Say it.

Sure enough, there was a slight fluctuation somewhere in the sky, a figure surrounded by black energy, standing in the mysterious void at the moment, he actually had a pair of lotus-shaped eyes, because of the entanglement of black energy, he could not see his appearance clearly. But I can feel the shock in his heart at this moment...

Looking at the picture reflected in the void, the black shadow murmured: "Ye Youwei, the eighth holy body in the human world... no, to be precise, it should be the second holy body in the early days of the human world, which is really difficult. "

"Why didn't you take his life right then? No one in the Heavenly Dragon Realm doesn't know the sword spirit of Wen Hua, the sword fairy. Few people in the world can catch it head-on, and he has no defenses." Walking beside Hei Ying A short man was also wearing a high-necked black shirt, which blocked his face. There was a red auspicious cloud printed on the back of the black shirt, and the word "Tianlong" was embedded in the cloud...

Although the short man looked like a child, his uncovered eyes were unfathomable. In terms of danger, he was probably only higher than this sword fairy named Wen Hua.

"Hide in the void of my myriad pupils, so don't prevaricate me." The man named Wen Hua glanced at the short man at this moment, and said without emotion: "Do you think I didn't do my best?"

"Could it be that you, with all your strength, can't kill a humble monkey in this world?" The short man showed a meaningful and faint smile.

"You can try..." Wen Hua said, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a sudden change.

"Found you."

A voice with killing intent revealed some excitement...

Ye Youwei had a smile on his face. How could he miss it with his strong sense of space fluctuations just now?But it took a while to find the two from the Tianlong Realm!
And in a very savage way, it directly broke through the void space of the myriad pupils!Ordinary people may not be able to do it, but don't forget that Ye Youwei also has myriad pupils!
what? !

The sudden figure made both Wen Hua and the short man look shocked!You know, in this void technique, only the operator himself can break it!
But the man in front of him, covered in golden and red rays of light, actually tore it open and went straight into it!Totally incredible!


As soon as he entered this space, Ye Youwei hit the two of them directly with a red moon knife, and the space collapsed in an instant!

In the eyes of everyone outside, a red crack appeared inexplicably in the sky!Either the enchantment of the fairyland, or the void visible to the naked eye!Cracks like spider webs appeared in the void!And it stretches infinitely, and finally explodes!
Swish swish!
Three figures appeared one after another!

Ye Shengdi, who disappeared from their eyes in an instant, also appeared in their sight again!The same goes for the other two figures!
"Tianlong...they are from the Tianlong Realm!"

"My God! Ye Shengdi actually caught them?"

"I'm going! I was forced out!"

Countless people lost their jaws in shock, and some even opened their mouths wide and petrified...

In this world, there are not many people who dare to look at Tianlong people!This Ye Shengdi actually forced out two of them with his bare hands!And it's a big fight!

"The pressure between these two people's breath is not under the black dragon sky at all." Somewhere, the Taoist Qiongcang squinted his eyes and murmured in horror.

"Don't give way to the previous Emperor." The Lord of the Holy Ruins frowned and said, "Are all the people in the Tianlong Realm so powerful? The two people who appear at random are so powerful."

These words startled everyone, these two people are no different from Emperor Cai just now, but in any realm among them, they are absolute overlords...Thinking carefully, I am terrified.

"As far as I know, although the Tianlong Realm is mysterious, and the creatures in it claim to be high and have noble status, there are also ordinary civilians there." The Lord Yu Tuo said calmly, "Judging from the two costumes, it should belong to the It is only natural that he has a high-level position in the Tianlong Realm, and his strength is terrifying."

When little monk Yu Tuo said this, many people let out a sigh of relief.

But even so, the overall strength of the Tianlong Realm is obviously stronger than that of other realms. This is an indisputable fact.

in the void.

Ye Youwei was a pair of two, his divine light spewed out, and killed the two of them again, the sky was pierced with a bloody mouth just by the tip of his knife, it was very terrifying!
Sword Immortal Wen Hua frowned, a black sword with no front, the ink energy soared into the night, it was also so powerful that the world shook, and Ye Youwei confronted and killed it!
The two of them had no extra nonsense, they fought hard in silence, and the sky was dark!The void is shattered!

"Is this the power of this monkey in the human world..." The short man's eyes showed a little strangeness, and the strangeness was more shocking.

Feeling Ye Youwei's coercion in person is much clearer and more real than hiding in that space. As expected, Wen Hua did not lie to him. This person really cannot be kept.

Thinking to give up in his heart, the short man made a move, his small hand seemed to be raised lightly, but a streak of purple light appeared in the void of the palm, and then, swish, swish, swish!Countless streaks of purple light rushed out, like a dragon going out to sea, and thousands of beasts resurging!

The roar of the dragon continued, shocking the sky!
"The purple air is coming from the east, and there is a wave of thousands of dragons in an instant." The short man's mouth revealed confidence: "You should be honored to die under this trick, Jie Jie... because there are very few people in this world who can let me come up I decided to use the strongest killing technique..."

(End of this chapter)

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