The era of ruthless men

Chapter 582 The End of the Strongest Onmyoji

Chapter 582 The End of the Strongest Onmyoji

Sword Immortal Wen Hua and Ye Youwei exchanged blows, then pulled away in an instant, and immediately yelled at the short man beside him with a pale face: "Ye Xiao! Do you want to kill me too!"

Ye Xiao, the strongest onmyoji in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, a ruthless man who once fought nine immortal kings alone and won without a single speck of dust.

In terms of overall strength, as far as people in the world rank them, the reputation of this person in the Tianlong world is indeed slightly stronger than Wen Hua, the sword fairy.

Countless purple gas transforming dragons rushed towards Ye Youwei, Wen Huaning was severely injured by the shock, and had to withdraw in time, which shows how terrifying this move is.

"What are you panicking about? You and I both know the tricks, so we avoided it." Ye Xiao gave a thought-provoking faint smile, with a bit of sarcasm in his shadow.

Wen Hua's expression was very ugly. Just now, when he confronted Ye Youwei, he almost died in Ye Youwei's hands because of the sudden withdrawal of strength. You must know that the victory or defeat between strong men like them often only needs a strand of hair. Small mistakes, there is no second chance to come back!
However, although he hated Ye Xiao so much, he managed to save his life. Ye Youwei was the center of Ye Xiao's attack range. Dodge after attacking!

"I wanted to see where the limit of the Eucharist of Absolute Beginning was, but it seems to be over." Wen Hua murmured in disappointment at this moment.

As a native of Tianlong Realm, Wen Hua has no intention of killing Ye Youwei, but is only interested in the Eucharist in the Human World. After all, the legend of the Eucharist in the Human Realm is also widely spread in the Tianlong Realm.

The human world has always been weak, but since the birth of the seven holy bodies one after another, the human world has attracted people's attention, and it can be regarded as the most turbulent realm in the nine realms.

The long years, millions of years, looking at the history of the human world, there are many fierce clans who want to dominate one side in every era, want to take the human world as their own, and have launched dark turmoil for more than several times.

However, they were all killed by the rookie powerhouses who suddenly rose from the human race or the monster race in the human world, Liu Shen, Emperor Huangtian, the seven holy bodies of the human race, the nine heavenly gods of the human race, Xue Yueqing who became the emperor of the rabbit demon... and so on. For the strong, as long as the old fossils are alive, they are basically aware of these terrifying existences that come out of the human world.

Now that the Protoss wants to devour the human world, history has repeated the same mistakes again, killing an eighth holy body, and it is also a monstrous level who used the holy body to prove his way...

"It's a pity that such a good living research body will be buried here." Thinking of this, Wen Hua shook his head with a bit of regret and smiled wryly.

A series of piercing sounds vibrated the sky, and the eye-catching scene brilliance flew into the sky. All of this was no surprise. Wen Hua knew the power of the fleeting tide of thousands of dragons. Once locked by the "dragon breath", the target would not die, and the dragon breath would not stop.

boom boom boom boom-

The sound is like thunder and drums, shocking everyone's hearts and souls!Countless people looked at the void where Ye Youwei had been completely trapped by the purple light!Some can't bear to look straight!The scene was too intense, and every sound was accompanied by the rapid beating of countless people!Worry about it!
"Jie Jie Jie... What a wonderful picture." Ye Xiao's soft winking eyes stood up, his teeth were like saws, and he was very aggressive.

"Crazy." Wen Hua rolled his eyes at Ye Xiao, showing his dislike on his face, but he had no choice but to give up because of the way the organization assigned his partners.

"Hahaha, Wen Hua, rationality is never as good as madness. You should thank me for teaching you a lesson." Ye Xiao enjoyed the sound of bombing at a funeral very much, and laughed heartlessly: "To the enemy To be magnanimous is to be cruel to oneself."


However, at this moment, a voice answered him, instantly freezing his and Wen Hua's expressions!Then they looked in one direction at the same time - Ye Youwei!

what? !

I saw Ye Youwei's golden light body protection, dark red energy condensed into a soul outfit, white hair floating, and a slender red knife dragging behind him, walking towards them step by step in the void like walking on flat ground!

boom boom boom...

The so-called purple dragon's breath beam around it couldn't get close!After approaching, it immediately exploded and dissipated inexplicably!It can be said that within a range of ten meters, the real magic is invincible!

"It's the devil's soul costume! Commonly known as the armor of heaven and earth! It's really invincible!"

"This is not something that can be controlled by proving the Dao and becoming the Great Emperor. Some things are inherent."

"That's right, for example, the awakening of Heilongtian's dragon soul is similar to Ye Youwei's demon soul, but even if he realizes his own soul consciousness, he may not be able to realize the defense that is comparable to a 'gift from heaven'..."

"Ye Shengdi is really terrifying!"

Countless people gasped after seeing it. This kind of defense alone can be said to be invincible in the same class!
"Unless there is really a living immortal emperor in this world..."

"Let's seek truth from facts, don't exaggerate, keep a low profile, Zhun Xiandi may be able to break through Ye Shengdi's soul costume, but... counting nine heavens and ten places in this world, Zhun Xiandi can count them with one slap Hahaha! There are two legends who are deceased, and the living known person who is closest to the quasi-immortal emperor is our Huangtian Emperor in the human world."

"Hahaha! That's right! It's so fucking annoying!"

Many people have already started to drift before Ye Youwei, but it is true, if not now, when will it be!The mysteries of the Heavenly Dragon Realm have been suppressed by the Holy Emperor!Who else in this world?

After so many years of decline in the world of the human world, I can finally raise my chest and stand up again!All living beings in the human world deserve to be ecstatic about it once!
The sky is constantly exploding, and the brilliance is all over the sky...

"How, how is it possible!" Ye Xiao's eyes became shocked and numb, and then turned into unwilling viciousness, furious: "Impossible! Impossible! The tide of thousands of dragons will never die in an instant! Once the target is locked, no one will Can escape! No one can!"

His eyes were bloodshot, but no matter how much he didn't believe it, his breathing was no longer stable, and the beads of sweat on his forehead became more and more dense...

Seeing this, Wen Hua felt a little ominous. Looking at the person who came, his eyes became slightly sharpened, and then he raised his hand and was about to use the supreme swordsmanship to kill Ye Youwei.

If Ye Youwei's demon soul armor is not broken, Ye Xiao will surely die. As his partner, he naturally knows that the reason why the Instant Ten Thousand Dragon Tide is so powerful is because it consumes the blood and energy of the caster at the cost of it!

If Wanlong's breath can't be stopped, but can't kill the enemy, Ye Xiao will be consumed to death... In fact, he never thought that there are people in this world who can understand this world apart from those mysterious adults in the Tianlong Realm. The strongest defense ability!

"Go away." Looking at Wen Hua's shocking sword, Ye Youwei's expression did not change, he said two words flatly, waved his hand lightly, and slapped the phantom sword to pieces with a bang.


Wen Hua's full-strength blow was directly bounced away, and cracks appeared on the natal magic weapon in his hand, which caused him to be injured even more now...

At this moment, Ye Xiao continued to release the essence crazily, and the purple dragon's breath became violent and huge, and the power contained in it was even more terrifying!
Boom boom boom boom!
However, none of this could stop Ye Youwei from walking to the front!
"No wonder you are so short. It seems that you have been bullied a lot in Tianlong Realm, but this should be the last time." Even Ye Youwei, who was in front of him, finally changed his plain expression. He stroked the head of Ye Xiao, whose blood had dried up and turned skinny...


Ye Xiao vomited blood, his sunken eyeballs widened... Judging from the appearance of his death, his last breath was definitely aggrieved by the person in front of him!
The strongest onmyoji of a generation, the Night Immortal King, came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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