The era of ruthless men

Chapter 591 The old friend Zhang Hanyan

Chapter 591 The old friend Zhang Hanyan

"Excuse me... where is your chef? Can you let him come out and meet?" Ye Youwei asked slightly suspiciously.

"She's in the back kitchen, wait a minute, guest officer." Hearing this, Xiao Er thought something was wrong, but she didn't have any other worries, because even if there was trouble here, the mysterious chef would basically beat her up Flooded.

He has been here for more than ten years, and he has seen many bandits and bandits who want to eat the king's meal, but none of them who want to take advantage of it go out sideways...


The chef was invited out.

When Ye Youwei saw the figure, his eyes suddenly froze. This chef was not another traverser, but Zhang Hanyan!He had searched for it when he woke up, but there was no trace of Nanling other than Zhang Fugui's tomb...

After all, 5000 years is a long time for ordinary people.

Similarly, Zhang Hanyan thought that Ye Youwei was dead in the first battle, and later his father gradually died of old age. He heard that Ji Haoyue and Miaoyi also proclaimed themselves in the Qishi Mansion.

She originally wanted to go back to Qishi Mansion, but it was just a sad place for her. Rather than miss the past, she would rather hide in this bustling market, so she came here after burying her father.

However, what she didn't expect was that this beloved man who regarded herself as her younger sister would appear in front of her again alive one day.

As soon as her nose became sore, her beautiful eyes turned red, and the teardrops rolled up and down stubbornly in her eyes...

"Brother!" Zhang Hanyan is still young, and she was also the one who drank Ye Youwei's holy blood, so many years of loneliness and pain broke out at this moment, and she rushed towards Ye Youwei like a little woman.

After Ye Youwei left, her father also left. The two beloved men were already her closest relatives in this life. The successive losses made her completely lose the meaning of living.

Later, I thought that there was still Sister Xian'er, but Sister Xian'er was nowhere to be found. Haoyue and Miaoyi claimed that she lived alone for more than 5000 years...

Her cultivation base was only a saint at Qishi Mansion at the time, but now she has broken through to the level of the Great Sage, and it is not difficult for a person with the cultivation base of the Great Sage to live for 5000 years.

"I'm sorry for making you suffer." Ye Youwei felt guilty, hugged Zhang Hanyan in his arms, and blamed himself a little. He should have looked for some clues in Beidou when he woke up.

Zhang Hanyan couldn't help crying, and finally her waiting was not in vain. After a while, she calmed down. After all, there was a woman next to Ye Youwei.

"I'll go and prepare some more dishes for you." Zhang Hanyan realized that she had lost her composure, and got up hastily with a blushing face. After living with Yafei and the others in Qishi Mansion for a period of time, her cooking skills are still very good.

After all, if she wants to help her beloved man, if her cultivation is not enough, she can use cooking skills to help her. This was her determination and idea at the time.

After Zhang Hanyan went to the kitchen.

"She is your sister?" Duan Shanghong opened her mouth at this time, curiously questioning Ye Youwei: "Why do you feel a little bit morally depraved, beast."

"Noodles can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately. I have no blood relationship with her." Ye Youwei rolled his eyes depressedly and said, "I also know her thoughts, but my feelings for her are not the same as Xian'er's." Not the same, I really just see her as my sister, that's all."

"Ruthless, such a beautiful woman, and she is still devoted to you. After waiting for you for 5000 years, you have the heart to let her die alone? Master is really not as good as a beast." Duan Shanghong.

"..." Ye Youwei was speechless, either a beast or a beast, a woman really can't reason, she paused: "Then according to what you said, you have waited for Master for 5000 years, so Master will marry you too?" ?”

"If the master is willing to marry, I don't care, anyway, the two are not related by blood, hehe." Duan Shanghong pursed her lips and showed a graceful smile.

"Get out, there are tens of thousands of men in the world, if you can't do it, you have to change. Don't hang yourself on a tree, you girls. You will know when Master takes you to travel in the stars. There are people in this world who are more handsome than Master, and more interesting than Master. There are a lot of people, there are plenty of them." Ye Youwei took a sip of Yang Chunmian and spoke to himself.

"As the saying goes, I only take one ladle out of three thousand, I'm not greedy." Duan Shanghong shook her head and laughed.

"You're still poor, eat noodles." Ye Youwei showed contempt, this girl is really more and more like himself, I thought her cultivation base has improved, but I didn't expect this scoundrel's shameless ability to be improved. what……

"Hmm." Seeing Ye Youwei's helplessness and starving Duan Shanghong, she proudly started to eat noodles, and finally managed to win the round.

Shortly after.

Zhang Hanyan cooked a table of fancy family banquets, all of which Ye Youwei taught Yafei and the others to cook. She learned everything in one go, and her cooking skills are extraordinary... Ye Youwei may not be able to make this kind of taste with his own hands. .

Later, the three chatted while eating, and Ye Youwei knew that Zhang Hanyan had suffered all these years. In fact, she didn't stay in this small inn all the time, but changed places every few decades.

After all, she is a monk at the level of a great sage. If she wants to live in seclusion quietly, she must change her status every few decades, otherwise her identity will be easily exposed.

"When will they come back?" Zhang Hanyan also learned about Xian'er, Miaoyi and others from Ye Youwei's mouth, and immediately frowned slightly, very worried and urgent.

"When I come back, it will come naturally." Ye Youwei was a little helpless, even helpless, because he had no means to find them.

However, as long as Wang Ye is still alive, he can wait with confidence. These people will definitely come back to Beidou one day, and it won't be too long.

Wang also awakened his memory and got the secret of the former word. Emperor Huangtian's traces can be traced. I believe that finding the lost group of people should not be a big problem.

So this is one of the reasons why Ye Youwei is still calm so far, and his most important thing at the moment is to prevent the prying eyes of the Tianlong people and counter-investigate their clues.

Leaving Long Qingshui and others in Xianyu is responsible for this part of the investigation.

"Where are you going now?" Zhang Hanyan asked.

"Go to Yaochi." Duan Shanghong said, and took the initiative to grab Hanyan's hand: "Sister, why don't you go out of the mountain and walk with us."

"Shang Hong is right, I found you, no matter what you are doing, I will take you away." Ye Youwei said: "I promised your father to take care of you."

Zhang Hanyan was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

After the three of them finished eating, they left the inn very quickly, leaving the little boy with a dazed expression on his face, what the hell, our top chef was kidnapped like this?

East Wilderness.

Yaochi Holy Land.

A huge tree covering the sky, surrounded by buildings, flying figures of swords coming and going, messing around everywhere, the younger generation you come and fight, it looks full of vigor and vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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