The era of ruthless men

Chapter 592 Anomalies in the Ancient Forbidden Land

Chapter 592 Anomalies in the Ancient Forbidden Land

Shade trees.

"Brother Monkey, can you tell us the story about Saint Emperor Ye on the road to heaven?"

Some young people gathered together, and on a tree stump in front of them, a man with yellow hair and armor sat curled up.

This person is not Sun Shengtian.

5000 years is a long time for ordinary people, but it is just a snap of the fingers for those arrogances of their generation, so there is a little emotion in the eyes of the monkey, he did not expect that he has become a legend in the eyes of others I'm a senior...

After a pause, he was not stingy, and told all the battles that took place in Tianlu. As for the early days when Ye Youwei was alone like Tianlu, he was not by his side, so he didn't go into details.

What a group of children listened to was their ears pricked up. They were surprised, horrified, and more fascinated, full of passion, as if they could see the future from their eyes.

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking wind.

Ye Youwei and the two women arrived at the Eastern Wilderness Yaochi within three days, and landed not far from the monkey.

The sudden figure caught many young people off guard. They all looked at the person who looked like little milk tigers, and some people said: "Who is it, how can you break into the holy land of Yaochi."

"Hahaha." Ye Youwei suddenly looked up and laughed when he saw the young tiger of this generation: "It's interesting, I seem to have seen the future of Yaochi, and it is indeed the most important existence among the next few great holy places .”

"Brother Ye." The monkey got up immediately when he saw someone.

And following his cry, Brother Ye, many young people's eyes widened, and some of their mouths opened into a "0" shape. He was actually Lord Ye Shengdi!

I actually saw a living person!
Although I heard from those elders that Ye Shengdi had a very close relationship with Yao Chi, but when he actually saw the deity coming, he was so excited that he was completely speechless!

"Master Ye Shengdi!"

"Meet Ye Shengdi!"

Many young people bowed and raised their hands, all flustered with excitement, not daring to show any other disrespect.

"Relax, you all look about my age anyway, in your early twenties, don't be so restrained." Ye Youwei said with a smile.


Duan Shanghong and Zhang Hanyan rolled their eyes, they really pretended to be so tender while being humble!shameless!Shameless!The skin is thicker than the east wall...

Without staying too long, the monkey took Ye Youwei and the other three to the main hall quickly.

In today's Yaochi, the Holy Lord is still the Queen Mother of the West, Miaoyi, who is in power, but after Miaoyi went to Tianlu to look for him, Yaochi was taken care of by a grand elder.

This Supreme Elder existed at the same time as Miaoyi's father. He used to be a sweeping monk of the Qin family. 5000 years have passed in a hurry. Apart from Yi and her elder brother, this Supreme Elder has become Emperor Zhun, and he is the third one who survived.

After seeing the person, Ye Youwei asked the Great Elder about the ancient forbidden land.

Convinced that the sound of the dragon was not made by some desolate beasts in the ancient forbidden land, but the fact that it came from the bottom of the abyss, then he went to pay homage to Gong Shuzheng.

In fact, besides asking about things in the ancient forbidden land when I came to Yao Chi, I mainly wanted to pay homage to this father-in-law, not for any reason, just to take a look.

Miaoyi's father, who lost the government, passed away 1000 years ago, and his bones were buried under the world tree in the center of the fairyland.

The breeze was not dry, the sun was just right, and he stayed quietly in front of his father-in-law's urn for a while, but Ye Youwei didn't have any other thoughts.

No one has died in life since ancient times... He can't do much except remember the impermanence of the world.

After doing all this, Ye Youwei was ready to leave, to go to the ancient and forbidden land to find out, but when he left, he also gave the Supreme Elder some pills and recipes, these things will help the younger generation of Yaochi .


Speaking of which, it was also the first time for this Grand Elder to see this uncle from Yaochi, and he was a little afraid to take his gift, Queen Mother Xi, who was not there.

"Take it, Yaochi is the root of Miaoyi. Although I am not a son-in-law, her root is also my root. I am also obliged to help the rise of Yaochi Holy Land and help it have a bright future." Ye Youwei smiled: "If she comes back and sees that Yaochi is in decline, she probably wants to divorce me! Senior, don't be jealous anymore!"

"Hahaha! Good!" Hearing what Ye Youwei said, he was completely relieved. It's interesting, and the Eucharist is indeed interesting: "Then you go to the ancient forbidden land and be careful all the way."

Ye Youwei nodded, and then stopped procrastinating, and left the Yaochi Holy Land with Hou Zi, Duan Shanghong, and Zhang Hanyan.

"Holy Master Miaoyi really found a good husband..." The old man looked at the leaving figure, his eyes were full of joy and satisfaction.


After leaving Yaochi Holy Land, Ye Youwei and others did not immediately go to Huanggu Forbidden Land, but to the nearby Tianxuan Holy Land. Jun Mowen, the original Tianxuan Holy Son, has undoubtedly been elected as the Holy Master.

But at this moment, he was not in the holy land, but went to heaven and never came back.

The current Acting Lord is an apprentice he took when he left, and his cultivation base is also very strong. Now he has entered the half-step quasi-emperor, and is more tyrannical than most of the veterans of the Big Dipper.

After going to Tianxuan Holy Land, Ye Youwei naturally took care of him, and then he didn't stay any longer, and took the three of them into the depths of the Ancient Forbidden Land.

Among them, Zhang Hanyan had the lowest cultivation level. Originally, Ye Youwei planned to let her stay in Tianxuan Holy Land to wait, but she was firm again and again, and Ye Youwei did not refuse again.

With his current strength, if he wants to protect anyone, no one dares to have an opinion, not even God.

After entering the ancient forbidden land, the power of the Holy Emperor is invisible, and the creatures evade wherever he passes, no matter if it is a powerful wild beast or other monsters, ghosts and snakes, they are madly unable to avoid it.

In the weird place back then, he had an old face at the flick of a finger, but now in front of him, the charm of the Dao pattern is self-proclaimed, without any threat.

A few people walked behind Ye Youwei, and they all gasped when they saw the abnormal scene along the way. Humans and gods respect each other, and all lords surrender. Is this the current strength of Ye Youwei?

Although the monkey went to the fairyland before, he didn't see the scene of him fighting with the sky and the emperor, so he was also very surprised.

And even though he is a half-step Immortal King, the mystery and powerful oppression shown in this barren ancient forbidden land still have some effect on him.

It is said that this barren ancient forbidden area was transformed by Emperor Huang Tian after he slayed the Dao.

Shortly after.

Several people were already at the side of the abyss.

There is endless darkness under the abyss, and it is even so dark that people feel cold behind just looking at it.

And at this moment, Ye Youwei discovered that something was wrong. Theoretically speaking, if someone approached, the former wild slaves should appear, but now there is not even a trace of fluctuation...

(End of this chapter)

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