The era of ruthless men

Chapter 593 Shi Hao is not here, so I will come!

Chapter 593 Shi Hao is not here, so I will come!

At this moment, a dragon cry suddenly came from somewhere under the abyss.

Strictly speaking, this is not a dragon's cry, but more like a roar of a creature that has never been seen before. The sound waves sway like water waves.

At this moment, apart from Ye Youwei, Monkey and Duan Shanghong all had a layer of light protection with Dao Yun on their bodies, otherwise they really couldn't bear it!
On the other hand, Zhang Hanyan, the great sage, was brought to his side by Ye Youwei, who protected her with golden light, and she didn't feel any oppression from the beginning to the end.

"What's that sound?" Sun Shengtian, the monkey, frowned. His Dou Zhan clan can be regarded as a relic of the ancient times. He has traveled to the stars in these years and has seen many other ancient creatures. He has the right to speak about Long Ming. .

This voice is definitely not that of a dragon, not even that of Jiao, which is the closest to a dragon in ancient times, does not have this voice!The voice sounded very deep. Although it had the power of the dragon's cry in the rumors, it was a little less domineering and a little more sinister!
"Something might be suppressed at the bottom of this abyss. The Nine Dragons Bronze Coffin has been dormant here before." Ye Youwei suddenly understood something.

What if the barren slaves are not only confined to outsiders, but also supervise the weirdness in the bottom of the abyss?Combining with the ancient forbidden land may be the rumors left by Emperor Huang Tian himself who killed Ming Dao... All of these can be matched!

Emperor Huangtian has been fighting against the source of darkness all his life, and the forbidden area left by self-destruction here is just a cover, and the unknown strangeness in the legend that the bottom of the abyss is likely to suppress!
As Jiulong pulled the coffin and disappeared without a trace, the seal in the ancient forbidden land naturally loosened, and only then did the strange roar sound, all of which can be explained.

It's just that Ye Youwei still can't figure out Huang Tiandi's thoughts, what exactly does he want to do, and where does Jiulong pull the coffin?


The nine sacred mountains suddenly shook at this moment, and a huge and suffocating coercion rose from the bottom of the abyss!The picture was extremely depressing for a while!The void seems to be sinking!It's like being grabbed by something!
"It's such a strong sense of oppression..." The monkey's eyes were burning, and his whole body was shining with gold. He stared directly at the things in the abyss, and his invisible fighting spirit became stronger and stronger.

On the other hand, Duan Shanghong, who is protected by the purple light of the indestructible demon body, is still a little slow, obviously suppressed by this power!Although she was not completely suppressed, this already made her extremely surprised and unbelievable for a great emperor!

"Hahaha! Hahahaha! Shi Hao! You can't trap me! You can't trap me!"

Under the abyss, there suddenly appeared a dark, domineering, weird, and evil laughter at the same moment, it was very terrifying!
A strong sense of deterrence also directly covers the entire Beidou star field at this moment!Countless monks looked at Donghuang, at the ancient forbidden land!Everyone is terrified!
What a power this is...

The Big Dipper has produced two great emperors, Duan Shanghong and Zhou Boren. Although their deterrence is also very powerful, compared with this, it makes people feel that they are nothing!
It can be seen how terrifying this sudden terrifying coercion is!
"What's going on here……"

"Compared to the oppression when the dragon screamed and the strange sound before, it is more than several times stronger!"

"Duan Shanghong is no match for Zhou Boren, the two emperors who recently proved the Dao!"

"What happened in the ancient forbidden land..."

All of a sudden, the whole Beidou was in a turmoil, and all the peoples were shocked by it. What's more, those who were not afraid of death had already gone to Donghuang to find out!
"5000 years have passed, the great emperors of the human race have proved the Tao one after another, the world is harmonious, and all races live together in the Big Dipper. There should be no darkness and turmoil."

"How do you feel that the real dark turmoil has just begun! Those 5000 years are just the beginning..."

"I have the same delusion."

"It's unreasonable for the great emperor to live together for a lifetime. If something is unusual, there must be a big melon. It seems that this invisible undercurrent has just emerged."

Some people muttered with advanced consciousness, and they began to fidget when they thought of this.

Forbidden land.

Ye Youwei's eyes were deep, staring at the abyss, and then he didn't see him speak, but he said: "Although Shi Hao is not in Beidou, you can't help being presumptuous."

The sound was not loud but reverberated across the sky and earth, shaking the entire star field.

The mighty power of the Holy Emperor swept across the universe in an instant, covering the former's dark and terrifying coercion in an instant!Suppress with the most brutal means!

"Who are you!" A voice came from the bottom of the abyss, the voice seemed surprised and somewhat angry: "I didn't expect that in this world, besides Shi Hao, there is actually someone who can hold this seat! Report your name!"

"In the heavens and worlds, there are many people who can suppress you." Ye Youwei ignored it, raised his hand and sacrificed the barren tower, and the terrifying power surged again!

Among them is the majestic power of Emperor Huangtian!
The barren pagoda hovered in the void, shining brightly, and then directly entered the bottom of the dark abyss. In the end, only a "no" came from the bottom of the abyss, and finally the sound became smaller and smaller until there was nothing left.

"The desolate pagoda of the desolate desolate emperor?" Duan Shanghong's beautiful eyes widened her mouth in surprise at the moment. Although she didn't know much about the desolate emperor, she was familiar with the treasure of the desolate pagoda. Basically, any monk knew about it. something!
The Barren Pagoda, the Great Luo Immortal Bell, and the Immortal Cauldron, these three treasures occupy an absolute position in Beidou, as long as the monks, everyone will know it!
Both Chengxian Ding and Daluo Xianzhong were born within 5000 years. Duan Shanghong learned from Zhou Boren that Chengxian Ding was smashed by Mrs. Xianer, and the Kunlun Mountain Daluo Xianzhong was borrowed by Uncle Zhang Jiufeng, and it is still with him In his hand, only this barren tower is still missing, the most mysterious!I didn't expect it to be in the hands of Master!This is the first time she has seen it!

"This is Huangtian Emperor's Huangta." Ye Youwei looked at Duan Shanghong who was stunned and speechless, smiled slightly, and said, "I have met him before, but I don't think it should be him. body."

"Even if it's not the main body, I can still give you the barren pagoda after seeing the previous one, which is enough for you, Master, to blow you away for the rest of your life!" Duan Shanghong's beautiful eyes were filled with disbelief and excitement: "The strongest barbarian emperor in the legend..."

Seeing this, Ye Youwei smiled helplessly. It seems that in any era and any time and space, there are some existences who play the role of little fans.

"My dear student, you are also a great emperor after all, can you have a little bit of your own backbone, but there are people in Beidou's world who regard you as you regard Huangtian Emperor." Ye Youwei said.

"They are them, I am me, who said that one can't have someone to worship after preaching? Master, did you stipulate it?" Duan Shanghong curled her lips and stuck out her tongue.

"Evidently we haven't met each other before, but why does it feel like you got the true biography of your wife Xian'er..." Seeing Duan Shanghong's playful appearance, Ye Youwei shook his head helplessly, at this moment he really began to miss Xian'er a little.

"Hehe." Duan Shanghong smiled lightly, and then became serious: "But having said that, Master, are you going to just throw this barren tower here?"

"Before, there was a dragon coffin to suppress this weirdness. Now that the dragon coffin is gone, there must be a substitute. I think this should be the reason why Emperor Huangtian suddenly saw me and gave me back the barren tower. It seems that he has already foreseen some future .” Ye Youwei opened his eyes slightly.

Hearing the words, the monkey seemed to have a sudden realization, not only was he in awe of Emperor Huangtian again...

"Master's natal magic weapon, can't it be suppressed?" Duan Shanghong suddenly said, "I'm curious, what exactly is master's natal magic weapon?"

Ye Youwei casually summoned a blood-red thin knife, the body of the knife is black and reddish after materialization, but with the light, it can transform into countless forms such as swords, shields, bells, towers, etc.

It is incredible to see Duan Shanghong.

"Brother Ye's natal magic weapon is a bit special. The blood-red energy can gather and disperse, so it is said that it is a natural horcrux. , this Horcrux will also disappear, so it is obviously not the best choice to take it out to suppress this weirdness, if someone wants to destroy it, your master will be miserable."

"Oh." Duan Shanghong seemed to understand and nodded.

"The strange noise in the forbidden area has been resolved, let's go back to Qishi Mansion first." Ye Youwei said at this moment.

"Don't you want to go down and have a look?" the monkey said, "I don't think it's a long-term solution for the barren tower to suppress it, why don't you let me give it a pot."

"If you can handle it, you can go." Ye Youwei rolled his eyes and said, "But don't ask me to save you when the time comes."

"Uh... alright." Sun Shengtian compromised.

He's not stupid, Brother Ye has said so, it's obvious that the things under the abyss are indeed not ordinary, and now that he just returned to Beidou, the most important thing is to deal with the Tianlong people first, so it's not easy to make a big move to attract attention.

(End of this chapter)

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