Chapter 594
As time passed, after patrolling the forbidden area, Ye Youwei took a few people to get a few elixir seedlings, and finally left.

Beidou also returned to normal as Weird was suppressed, and Wanzu was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"The coercion is gone?"

"The holy prestige just for a moment seems to be Ye Youwei, the holy body who came back to fight the empress Duan Shanghong a few days ago!"

"It is indeed him!"

"What a terrifying power..."

"Suppress that terrifying power almost instantly!"

"You haven't seen him fighting the Empress. If he hadn't released the water, Duan Shanghong wouldn't even be able to withstand his aura."

"No way, Duan Shanghong is the Great Emperor!"

"I also read it. At that time, the empress was indeed powerless to fight back, and Ye Youwei was her master, so how could the master have the heart to hit his disciples hard... But even though she has restrained herself, the empress still vomited blood from the shock."

All over the Beidou, people echoed what they said, and Ye Youwei, the holy body, was praised as miraculous after this. In the past, it was only enough to shock the legend, but now it is more supreme than the legend to experience it with your own eyes!
Just a few days later.

After the matter of the ancient forbidden land was settled, Ye Youwei wandered around the other six forbidden areas by himself, directly suppressing many darkness that was about to move. His reputation in Beidou also rose to the top as he pacified the seven forbidden areas, and once reached its peak.

The Taikoo tribe in the ancient mine in the early days also showed great compromise. The human race produced great emperors one after another, and the rumor that the holy body that suppressed them 5000 years ago had not died yet returned to the Big Dipper alive, caught them by surprise.

Fortunately, the lineage of Dou Zhan Shenghuang is also the ancient royal family, and many ancient ethnic groups offered to pay tribute to him, and finally found a harmonious level with the human race.

As the trend of the times, Beidou became more and more peaceful.

And in the days that followed, the Qishi mansion also became very lively, and many wealthy families and great demon families from the four major territories of the Eastern Wasteland, Nanling, Beiyuan, and Xihai came here to seek Taoism.

Needless to say, Qishi Mansion's status in Beidou, it is no surprise that it is the number one, compared to the Heavenly Court established by Emperor Zun in the past, it is also at the height of the sky.

The so-called ten thousand races come to court, that's it.


Time flies.

This is a hundred years in the blink of an eye.

A hundred years is indeed a long time for ordinary people, but for Ye Youwei, it is just a passing cloud.

In the past 100 years, under his "preaching", Beidou's Tianjiao have emerged in large numbers, and several big monsters and juniors of the Taikoo tribe have already proved the Tao... There are three from the Yaozu, two from the Taikoo, and two from the human race. There are seven newly promoted emperors.

In terms of physique, the aptitude of these young great emperors is very good. Compared with those enlightened ones in the fairyland, their explosive power can definitely resist the half-step fairy king.

Among them is a member of the Yamata no Orochi clan, who is the most outstanding among the seven great emperors. He not only has the Immortal Physique of Myriad Demons, but also inherited the red pupils of the first generation of snake ancestors from his ancestors. In this life, he is honored as the red pupil demon by the world. emperor.

She didn't have a name, she was born with the name of She Ji, and she was also Ye Youwei's most promising junior who was educated, but Ye Youwei did not admit her identity as an apprentice.

It is enough to have one apprentice in this life. Duan Shanghong of the Immortal Demon Physique is his direct disciple, and he has taught everything. Ye Youwei does not want to pass on the Nine Secrets to other people, so as not to cause trouble in the future.

Moreover, although Snake Ji and Duan Shanghong had similar childhood experience, and were excluded by the public because of their specialness, their personality was completely opposite to Duan Shanghong's.

Duan Shanghong was ridiculed because of the demon body since she was a child, but her Dao heart is very stable, without any wavering, she looks cold on the outside, but in fact, she is still very warm-blooded and bright in her heart after being in contact for a long time, and it can be said to be very cheerful.

But She Ji is different, because her red pupils were isolated by her family peers when she was a child, her personality became very dark...

Now that she has grown up, in terms of her beauty, she is much more unobtrusive than Duan Shanghong, and can even match Xian'er. She is so beautiful, but because of the darkness in her heart, she has an extra layer of fierceness and coldness, which makes people dare not look directly at her. After becoming an emperor, she was "frozen three feet"...

Many people are even spreading rumors: Fortunately, there is Ye Shengdi in charge of the world, otherwise they are really afraid that the Snake Queen will kill the world and bring disaster to the world!
In Qishi's mansion.

Day after day, as usual, Ye Youwei was preaching in a certain mountaintop and flat land, with white hair draped over his shoulders, although his figure looked no different from ordinary young people, but invisibly he was incomparably stalwart.

There are a hundred disciples here, including human race, monster race, and ancient race. At this moment, they are all focused and focused, fearing that they will miss a single word of Ye Shengdi in front of them.

You know, it is not easy for the more than 100 young people who can come here, so they cherish it very much.

Waiting for the preaching to come to an end.

The Empress She Ji suddenly appeared and came here where Ye Youwei preached.

Her beauty horrified the young people here. As a man, this demon girl who had been enlightened more than ten years ago was a temptation that no one could resist.

But Ye Youwei, an old thief, naturally doesn't have any thoughts about her, even though he looks like a young man in his twenties...

"What are you doing here?" Not only was Ye Youwei not moved by his beauty, but he was a little bit disgusted, and he said bitterly and depressedly: "I'm not telling you that there are stronger people above the Great Emperor, and you must not just because of your own proof." Once you have learned the Tao, you will become arrogant and mess up your mind."

"My Dao heart is very stable, so I don't need you to teach me." She Ji looked indifferently, staring at Ye Youwei with a pair of captivating snake eyes, as if she wanted to see through him: "I ask you, will you accept me or not?" As a disciple?"

"You have been going back and forth for more than ten years, besides asking me to accept you as an apprentice, is there anything else?" Ye Youwei couldn't laugh or cry.

Because of this matter, Duan Shanghong often fought with She Ji, and the fights were often turned upside down. Fortunately, he was a master who was against the sky, and he sent the two of them into the small world before each fight, until the small world fought. collapse, they are willing to give up...

"If you want, I can even be your concubine." Snake Ji said this without blushing and without heartbeat, and her tone was still very cold, it was extremely strong.

"You stinky woman, come to harm my master again!" Duan Shanghong came after hearing the news, her figure flashed, purple light shot into the sky, and her pair of purple-gold magic pupils were terrifying.

"Hmph, are you willing to be his apprentice? Aren't you being his apprentice just to get close to him?" Snake Ji coldly glanced at Duan Shanghong: "As long as you have a relationship with him, you can be inferior to thousands of people, proud of the world." No one dares to look down on you in the entire human world." Mei Mou moved to Ye Youwei again: "So, I must have an affair with you, and I want everyone who looks down on me to be afraid of me!"

"It's a bit extreme, Miss She Ji." Ye Youwei frowned slightly when he heard the words, looked at She Ji seriously, and said, "You have proved to be a generation of demon emperors, and there are not many people in the whole Big Dipper who can beat you. Isn't that enough to eliminate the hatred in your heart?"

"Isn't there still Ye Youwei for you?" She Ji said.

"I teach you the way and help you prove it. I don't want you to become what you are now." Ye Youwei said: "I don't want the students I preached by myself to be killed by myself in the future."

As soon as these words came out, the holy power was so powerful that the air froze in an instant, and the hundreds of Tianjiao on the side couldn't help but gasp when they saw this scene...

"I don't like to live the way others want me to." She Ji was still indifferent, with an extremely subtle stubbornness in her bones: "Even if this person is you."

After saying that, She Ji turned and left.

At this moment, Duan Shanghong didn't have the intention of fighting anymore, her beautiful eyes were a little weird, she cast aside Ye Youwei, and then she cast away the back of Snake Ji, and said abruptly: "This little girl is the one we saw in the snake clan of Baqi Mountain. To be honest, although I have been fighting with her for more than ten years, I still like her very much, Master."

"Hehe, if it weren't for you, I would have been taken advantage of by this? If you like it, you can accept her as a disciple." Ye Youwei said.

"I've tried it, but it doesn't work." Duan Shanghong spread her hands helplessly: "What a wonderful girl, but it's a pity that she can't be broken. It's going to be terrible if this goes on. I advise Master to save her as soon as possible."

"Speed? How? Take her as an apprentice? Or take her as a concubine? Your mistresses who are in Tianwaitian will kill me when they come back." Ye Youwei wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Anyway, if you don't save her, sooner or later you will lose your Dao heart and fall into the devil's way, and fall into the darkness completely. At that time, it will be difficult for you to save her." Duan Shanghong murmured disdainfully: "I'm leaving, there is movement in Donghuang , I have to go and have a look."

"En." Ye Youwei nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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