The era of ruthless men

Chapter 596 No one can break through the Emperor Huangtian coming out

Chapter 596 No one can break through the Emperor Huangtian coming out
Sun Shengtian was a little dazed, his eyes blinked, and he still looked half-knowledgeable. He really didn't have a deep understanding of love.

"Hahaha." Seeing the monkey's bewildered face, Zhou Boren was also amused, and then said with emotion: "This is probably because love doesn't know where it started and went deep, little monkey, you missed happiness~"

"A majestic seven-foot man should be self-reliant, strong-blooded, and upright. He should prove the Tao and seek immortality. He should be invincible in the world. In my opinion, personal relationships with children can only be placed second." Sun Shengtian said.

It may be a bit false to say this from someone else, but Zhou Boren and Ye Youwei have no doubts when it comes from his mouth...

After all, this is where the will of the Dou Zhan clan lies, and it is also the fate of their royal family.

To him, getting married was really just passing on the family line.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of the Dou Zhan clan." Ye Youwei shook his head helplessly, then arranged the place for Shen Canzi and stuffed it in, and joked impromptuly: "Okay, there is another eldest son."

"Damn it, at least he went to Tianlu to find a way to save you, yet you treat him as your son! Immoral!" Monkey snarled unhappily upon hearing this.

"Didn't you say that he stayed in Beidou?" Ye Youwei also pretended to be disdainful and rolled his eyes at the monkey.

"It was later, because of various reasons, maybe it wasn't long after he went to the Pilgrim Road, and he was the first one to come back from the Pilgrim Road." Monkey rolled his eyes in disdain: "At that time, he left with us."

"I see." Ye Youwei nodded, touched his chin and muttered: "It seems that this eldest son is quite filial."

"..." The monkey has no love in life.

However, only those who are truly in a brotherly relationship dare to make such jokes directly. After all, there is no need to avoid suspicion, and no one will be really angry.

Don't look at the fact that although the monkey "fights against the injustice" for the god Canzi and pretends to be annoyed, in fact, he still has a brotherly relationship with Ye Youwei in his heart.

"Okay, okay, stop joking, let him lie down quietly for a while, let's go out." Seeing that the monkey was in a hurry, Ye Youwei immediately stopped and smiled.

Zhou Boren nodded, and the monkey followed closely behind.


half a month later.

Duan Shanghong went to the ancient forbidden land and has not come back. Ye Youwei was worried and planned to go to Donghuang to see for himself. As for preaching, he will hand it over to Zhou Boren in the future.

Zhou Boren is also a great emperor. Although many young people admire Ye Youwei, Zhou Boren, who is at the level of a great emperor, is also an existence beyond the reach of those who have not proved the Tao.

And Sun Shengtian, the Holy Emperor of Dou Zhan, after sending Shen Canzi to Qishi's mansion, he went away at ease again, completely missing.

East Wilderness.

Jiang's mansion.

Apart from the two major powers of Tianxuan Holy Land and Yaochi Holy Land in Donghuang, the Jiang family has the most powerful heritage... It's just a pity that Jiang Huaiqiu, the matriarch of the Jiang family 5000 years ago, passed away because of her failure to prove the Tao. So many years.

Ye Youwei went to her tomb, but didn't stay long.

One after another, Ye Youwei visited many places he had been to during his visit to the Eastern Wilderness this time, but times have changed and things have changed.

On a small town street.

"Have you heard that there seems to be something wrong with the Ancient Forbidden Land recently?"

"Half a month ago, someone saw the Empress Duan Shanghong go inside, and she hasn't come out yet."

"Isn't it? Could it be..."

Pedestrians coming and going on the road, in groups of three or five, were thinking about each other, whispering, discussing various things that happened in Donghuang in the past half month.

"What's going on..." Ye Youwei frowned slightly when he heard that Duan Shanghong hadn't left the ancient forbidden land for half a month and was walking alone on the street.

He originally wanted to go to some old places for a walk, but suddenly lost interest, and his whole figure disappeared in place in a blink of an eye.

Surprised, some pedestrians around looked confused.

"Who was that person just now..."

"Damn it, why did it suddenly disappear..."

"White hair, could it be Ye Shengdi Ye Youwei!"

"Thinking too much, he is the Holy Emperor whose heads are so crowded that many people can't see one side. Our shabby town is just a speck of dust in the Eastern Wilderness, let alone a tiny existence in the entire Beidou..."

"I don't have big dreams in this life, I just want to see what this living Holy Emperor looks like with my own eyes! Hahaha."

"This is not your dream alone~"


Forbidden land.

Ye Youwei came to the black abyss, a pair of golden eyes were deep and dignified, looking straight at the bottom of the abyss.

Then suddenly startled.

The barren tower that suppressed the weirdness is gone...

"How could this be?" Ye Youwei murmured inconceivably, at the same time, he released his terrifying soul perception, instantly covering the entire ancient forbidden land, even if a mosquito passed through, it would not be able to escape his perception range!
However, even though it covered the entire barren and ancient forbidden land, he never sensed Duan Shanghong's aura, which made him immediately worried.

With the sound of a breaking wind, Ye Youwei jumped into the black abyss without hesitation.

Too bad it's still a step too late.

There are traces of fighting under the black abyss, but it is sealed by the strange dao patterns around it, and the movement cannot be sensed from the outside world. This method, except for the voice owner who was suppressed by the barren tower, no one in Beidou should be able to hide him Ye Youwei!

"Damn it." Ye Youwei frowned: "I didn't notice anything unusual at all. Could it be that I have lived too comfortably for the past 100 years?"

Just when Ye Youwei was about to go back home, suddenly a black dark pattern glowed, and the black aura covered the sky and blocked the sun, sealing the sky above it!

not good.


Ye Youwei frowned and watched the sky above his head suddenly dim, which was a bad omen.

In fact, it was as he expected.

Here the trap formation is activated, and the Lord of the Voices at the bottom of the abyss can naturally sense it, so he quickly let out a sinister laugh: "Hey jie jie jie..."

The voice was no longer in the abyss of the ancient forbidden land, but went outside. After the formation was activated, it meant that Ye Youwei was trapped, so he dared to show his face.

"Ye Youwei, Ye Shengdi, hey jie jie jie you think that mere barren towers can suppress me?" The voice was soft and manic, rippling through the whole Beidou: "These hundred years are just me recharging my energy and recharging my energy. I blame you for being so arrogant."

"If you have anything to do, you can rush at me. It's your fault to attack my disciple." Although Ye Youwei was in the opponent's trap barrier, his voice could still be heard throughout Beidou.

"Jie Jie Jie, is your disciple?"

On a peak, a figure exactly like Duan Shanghong stood, but the voice was not that of Duan Shanghong herself, as if she had been robbed!
"It's a pity that I'm not a human race, and I don't have any feelings for intelligent creatures like you humans. The weird race has no form and no form." Duan Shanghong: "To us, you are just a skin, and now this skin is poorly qualified. It’s a bit too much, but the Immortal Demon Physique matches me very well, I like it very much.”


Following his words, there was a violent bang under the ancient and forbidden black abyss. Obviously, it was Ye Youwei who did it!
"It's useless, Ye Shengdi, as long as Emperor Huangtian doesn't come out of my formation, no one can break through it." The strange voice was very determined, very indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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