The era of ruthless men

Chapter 597 Weird vs Ye Shengdi

Chapter 597 Weird vs Ye Shengdi


But as soon as she finished speaking, a beam of light flew into the sky from under the abyss of the ancient forbidden land!
The terrifying oppressive feeling of the Holy Emperor shocked the whole world!
The world seemed to turn pale in an instant, and everything was absolutely surrendered at this moment!
"How, how is it possible..." The strong coercion directly made the strangeness of Duan Shanghong's body reveal a look of shock, and the pupils enlarged unconsciously and then shrank...

He never thought that there are still people who have reached such heights in this world!This power is definitely above the immortals!Not to mention the Great Emperor, even the Immortal Kings are invincible!

"Don't you think it's because I didn't have the ability to suppress you with the Huangtian Emperor's barren tower 100 years ago instead of beheading you?" A white-haired figure slowly stepped out of the golden beam of light in the void of the ancient forbidden land, questioning, with a pair of Looking at a certain place in the distant sky with pure eyes, there is a calmness in the fierceness.

At this moment, the aura of the Holy Emperor can be said to be unparalleled in all ages, overwhelming the world!
In the entire Beidou, there is not a single creature that is not shocked by it. Even a little mouse, with its front feet closed and its rear legs slightly bent, worships Donghuang!

Standing on a certain peak, the strange creature narrowed its eyes slightly, looked towards the ancient forbidden place, frightened and angry, and unyielding: "It doesn't matter if you have the ability! You lose because you have feelings, I don't! How dare you kill me?" The me right now? As long as I don’t want to, no one can make me leave this body! Hey Jie Jie Jie! You can’t do anything to me!”

However, before he could be played for a while, a red light came out from the barren and forbidden place, and then covered half of the sky!The huge energy in the shape of a half moon cut towards him in an instant!
The weird creature was shocked!


There was a loud noise, the mountain was turned into dust, and a huge chasm appeared. Fortunately, the distance was a bit far, and he managed to hide in time!Otherwise, this fluctuation of power would definitely annihilate him and Duan Shanghong's body in ashes on the spot!

"If sacrificing her can save all sentient beings, as my apprentice, she should have already realized this." Ye Youwei's voice was cold, like the frost in the sky: "You want to use her to scare me? It seems that you are going to miscalculate. .”

"You!" The strange creature turned pale with shock.

"I didn't kill you 100 years ago. I just wanted to find your source by the way after those Tianlong people were solved." Ye Youwei said: "Since you are ahead of schedule now, let's solve your affairs first. You only have two There is no way, either surrender me or die."

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused a huge commotion again. He was probably the first man who dared to let strange creatures come under his command!

"Hey ha ha ha, hey ha ha ha!" The strange creature raised his head and laughed wildly when he heard the words, "Jie Jie" became "ha ha", which shows how unbalanced and ridiculous his heart is!
Then, after the wild laughter, the weird creature instantly became stern, and shouted: "Emperor Huangtian dare not submit to my weird clan so bluntly! Just you? Why are you!"

"Because I am more heartless than him." As Ye Youwei spoke, another red sky lock and waning moon cut across the sky!The horrible scene makes the heart unbearable!

The strange creature passed by the red light, Duan Shanghong's arm was cut off directly!
"If I want you to die on the third watch, the King of Hades would not dare to keep you until the fifth watch." After Ye Youwei said, there was another slash, the red light dazzling!

"The curse of turning monsters into gods." The strange creature drank heavily, caught Duan Shanghong's indestructible demon body, made a jade finger seal with one hand, did not dodge, and wanted to confront Ye Youwei's sword light head-on!

An illusory purple bull demon god image manifested, holding a huge Kaitianshen ax towards the coming half moon, it was suppressed!
The sky and the earth trembled violently, and the void was torn apart!Countless cracks lie horizontally!

After this blow, the strange creature did not die, but spit out a lot of purple blood. Obviously, although he withstood Ye Youwei's blow, he was seriously injured!
Ye Youwei felt that the aura of the strange creature's Bull Demon God Statue just now would never lose to any fairy king!Besides, he is only relying on the body of an enlightened person. If he got the body of an immortal king as a body, I am afraid that the power just now will not be worse than the sky after the awakening of the dragon soul...

It can be seen from this that this weird family is definitely a very terrifying existence, even more terrifying than the people in the Tianlong Realm... This guy has been suppressed by the Huangtian Emperor for millions of years in the ancient forbidden underground, and it is quite It has been purified for millions of years!There is such a strong strength!It can be seen!
"The weird family, Emperor Huangtian has been looking for the source of the weirdness, it should be related to your family, otherwise he wouldn't have suppressed you for millions of years." Ye Youwei murmured.

"Hahaha, hahahaha! Guess!" Although the strange creature vomited blood, it still laughed wildly, its bloodshot eyes looked horribly at the distant blank-haired figure already in sight and shouted: "Kill me one! There are tens of thousands of me behind, hahaha! Your ending is destined to be the same as Huang Tiandi, a lonely life! Continue to look for my weird family! Jie Jie Jie ha ha ha! The people around you will eventually leave you Go... it's a curse... a curse..."

After finishing speaking, the strange creature controlled Duan Shanghong's body, and was about to bite his thumb and start the body explosion mode!If you can't take Ye Youwei away, what he said before will start to come true!Take away Ye Youwei's apprentice!

However, he is still too naive, because with Ye Youwei's second awakening of the demon soul and full celestial art, even Emperor Zun and Hei Longtian can't beat him together. How can the same filthy thing succeed!
Ye Youwei closed his eyes, and the Tai Chi scriptures around his body manifested. A strong purifying power instantly covered the entire Big Dipper, and finally rushed towards the strange creature.

Swish swish!Swish swish!
Palm-sized golden characters flowed into Duan Shanghong's body like a wave, and as the golden characters submerged, the strange and filthy creatures were gradually purified!
"Ye Shengdi, you in the human world..." The strange voice at the end became smaller and smaller, until it was completely purified, and it did not come out.

"Uh hand." At this moment, Duan Shanghong, her lips gradually returned to redness from purple-black, and the pupils of her eyes also murmured back to their former luster, but the whole person looked a little weak, after all, she regained consciousness The pain in her left arm made her heart-piercing...

She originally wanted to use Zerzimi to heal herself, but Ye Youwei stepped forward to stop her. After all, with her current ability and understanding of Zerzimi, she has not yet reached the state of self-replenishment.

After a while.

Ye Youwei restored Duan Shanghong's arm to its original state.

"I'm sorry, Master, I've embarrassed you." Duan Shanghong bowed her head a little ashamedly: "I never thought that this strange creature would be so treacherous, that it would use charm to make me remove the barren tower with my own hands."

"It's okay, eat a crab and gain a wisdom. Now you know that there are heaven and man outside the sky, right?" Ye Youwei touched Duan Shanghong's head with a smile: "There are many such unknown creatures in the sky road, and they have proved the truth." It may not be possible to win, so don’t be careless.”

"Hong'er always remember Master's teaching." Duan Shanghong nodded.

At this moment, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared, it was the red-eyed snake princess, looking at Ye Youwei and Duan Shanghong, her beautiful eyes that were slightly worried turned into jealousy...

"What are you doing here?" Duan Shanghong asked immediately after seeing She Ji.

"It's nothing, I just came here to see if you're dead, and I'm ready to collect your corpses. After all, I have received too much favor from you all these years, and it seems that I am unreasonable for you to let your corpse die in the wilderness." Snake Girl is still stubborn. Said indifferently and disdainfully, followed by lightly waving the jade hand, took out the barren tower, and threw it at Ye Youwei.

(End of this chapter)

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