The era of ruthless men

Chapter 600 Only the word love is the most murderous

Chapter 600 Only the word love is the most murderous

Following Ye Youwei's movements, the "following snake" behind them obviously distanced themselves from the two of them, watching quietly from a distance.

She thinks that what she did is very concealed, but in fact, how many people in this world can hide from Ye Youwei?

"found it."

At a certain moment, Ye Youwei opened his eyes, and Jingyan and Gouyu looked in a direction, which was very far away, but in his eyes, it seemed to be close at hand.

Ye Youwei was leading the monkey, and light patterns appeared on the soles of his feet, which turned into light and shadow and disappeared from Snake Ji's sight almost instantly.

"Damn it." Seeing this, Snake Ji frowned slightly, her teeth itching with hatred, she immediately turned into a ray of red light and chased after Ye Youwei in the direction Ye Youwei was looking at.


A clumsy peak.

Next to the broken wall halfway up the mountain, there is a small pavilion.

The place is elegant and unique, and it does look like living a comfortable life in seclusion. There are two circles of vegetable land next to the pavilion.

However, in the field on the left, a sword is inserted obliquely in the middle, as if it has been weathered by wind and rain for years.

Clank clang clank——

But at this moment, the sword suddenly trembled continuously... as if sensing danger!
"It's been 100 years, is it finally time to meet again?"

In the pavilion, a middle-aged man came out, with his hands behind his back and his extraordinary immortal energy, his sword eyebrows and starry eyes, even more domineering.

The two beams of light landed, and Ye Youwei and the monkey flashed together.

At the same time, the Tanaka Rusty Sword also flew out automatically without wind, hovering behind the middle-aged man in the air, and the powerful immortal power gushed out like a torrential river...

This is a fairy king sword.

And this middle-aged man is exactly the Heavenly Dragon Sword Immortal, Wen Hua, who fought Ye Youwei back then!

"It's been 100 years, Brother Wen Hua, you've changed." Ye Youwei saw the man and smiled first and said, "At that time, I thought you had returned to the Tianlong Realm, but I didn't expect you to stay in the human world."

"I said, you cut my partner's account back then, let's settle it together today." Wen Hua's eyes were deep, and Wanhua Pupils had already been opened.

"He is just a partner sent to you by the supreme leader of Tianlong Realm, and he is not worthy of you." Ye Youwei said without any fluctuations: "You will not do this either, so I say, you have changed."

"Are you so confident?" Wen Hua frowned.

"As the saying goes, you have eaten the fireworks in the world, and you are not afraid of the authority of Tianlong." Ye Youwei said: "I guess your Tianlong Realm must be a constitutional monarchy, right? If you don't understand, just keep it simple. Under the guise of freedom, he engages in hegemonism, but my human world is socialism, freedom is freedom, without any restrictions, and without any racial discrimination. These words are engraved on the face."

"No rules and no rules, otherwise my Tianlong Realm would not be the first realm of the Nine Heavens." Wen Hua was still lukewarm, looking at Ye Youwei: "Although the human world is free, it is chaotic and disorderly. It is just a loose sand. Fight on your own."

"I just need to pass on a holy emperor's decree. Do you think the countless scattered sand piled up like a mountain can bury you Tianlong people?" Ye Youwei laughed.

As soon as these words came out, Wen Hua frowned, and was immediately overwhelmed by the momentum. Nowadays, others may not be able to do this, but the name of Ye Shengdi in the human world has been removed from the fairyland in the past 100 years. The central spread of nine heavens and ten earths is not only the supreme existence in the human world, but also a hot topic of discussion in other realms.

So his words may really be able to unite the human world together.

Among the nine realms, although the Heavenly Dragon Realm is recognized as the strongest, the Human Realm is recognized as the largest in terms of area. He has traveled to many places in the past 100 years, and many powerful creatures will appear from time to time.

He already knew very well in his heart that the reason why this human world is the weakest among the Nine Realms is because there is no leader, and because it is too scattered... Those peerless supreme beings who have emerged endlessly in history all left at the end.

For example, Willow God, Huangtian Emperor... and the Dujie Tianzun and Emperor Zun who appeared in modern times for millions of years.

Fortunately, these people like to go alone and play missing, otherwise, once the realms start to fight, it will be an existence that will be turned upside down.

"No matter what, I, Wen Hua, must fight with you today." Wen Hua has made up his mind: "The state owns the national prestige, and the family has family rules. Maybe my Tianlong world is really domineering. Here I personally apologize to you. But I still stand on the side of Tianlong Realm, you don't need to say more."

Ye Youwei was a little troubled, but at the same time respected Wen Hua's choice. Some people were destined to appreciate it, but they would not be friends.

"I'll take this gauntlet." Ye Youwei said.


The figures of the two disappeared quickly, and they went to a huge ruin on Ziwei Star. It was an ancient dojo, and there were several such ancient great sages in Beidou.

The monkey is watching the battle.

And next to the monkey, Snake Ji suddenly appeared, came to his side and asked to herself: "Dead monkey, who was the one who beat him? It's so strong, there are other people in this world besides Ye Youwei." He is not a brother?"

"Fuck, you little snake spirit, can you say hello to my old grandson before you speak?" Monkey was startled by Snake Ji because he looked at the ancient dojo too seriously: "Also, monkeys should be monkeys, don't Is it okay to add the word dead?"

"Okay, dead monkey." She Ji nodded.

"..." Sun Shengtian.

After being speechless for a while, Sun Shengtian finally said: "It's the legendary Tianlong man. Brother Ye seemed to have killed one of his partners in Xianyu back then, and now it's time for liquidation."

"Are the Tianlong people very powerful? He has set up so many barriers in the Big Dipper Starfield, is he trying to avoid the pursuit of the Tianlong Realm?" Snake Ji looked a little disdainful: "Isn't he the number one in the world and invincible in the universe? Fear."

"If he is ruthless, it is true that the universe is invincible, but little girl, haven't you heard a sentence? There are [-] characters in the world, but the word love is the most murderous." The monkey murmured contemptuously: "If it wasn't for protecting the ancestor star He doesn't need to worry about you refugees on the road, he stays in Beidou, and he will keep it for a hundred years."

Snake Princess was slightly silent when she heard the words.

"You know, for more than 100 years, his wife and brother are still missing in these nine days and ten places." Monkey said with a little sympathy, and now he is the only one who knows Ye Youwei best.

Hearing this, Snake Ji's heart was full of ups and downs, but she didn't show it. She followed the feigned icy language, and looked at the white-haired young man with love and hatred in her eyes: "That's why she deserves no sympathy. Since he It has already been proved, so it should be ruthless and righteous.”

"You did it?" Hou Zi suddenly cast his eyes at the Snake Lady who was full of admiration for Ye Youwei.


Snake Ji just wanted to refute, but she was a little speechless, but fortunately, the battle had already started at the ancient dojo, and the rumbling sound of fighting directly diverted the attention of the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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