The era of ruthless men

Chapter 601 There are always bad people who will kill me

Chapter 601 There are always bad people who will kill me

In the ancient dojo protected by the barrier.

The two figures collided like light, and even the two of them couldn't see the figure clearly.

Powerful shock waves shook the heaven and earth, booming, tearing apart the void with every sound, even through the barrier, Snake Girl felt extremely shocked and oppressed.

"Is this the battle of immortal kings above the Great Emperor?" Snake Ji Chitong was in a daze. She thought she was not much worse than Ye Youwei after she got the Tao before, but now it seems that this is definitely not on the same level.

The emperor is still like an ant in front of him!
"Watch the battle well, it will be very inspiring to you juniors in the future." Seeing Snake Ji's surprised look, the monkey chuckled lightly and old-fashioned.

But now he does have the qualifications to speak the truth to a rising star like She Ji...

She Ji remained silent and continued to watch the battle. She even opened her red pupils, and only then managed to catch some silhouettes of the two of them.

Ye Youwei's hair was as white as snow, his body was surrounded by roads, and there were five immortal jades surrounding his back. He held a bloody long knife in his hand, and confronted Wen Hua head-on.

Both of them fought very fiercely, even if they were equal.

Wen Hua is worthy of being the No. [-] Sword Immortal in the Tianlong Realm. He has the supreme sword sense in every gesture, and with the Immortal King Sword in his hand, he is unrivaled!The strength will never be inferior to the Heilongtian of the protoss in the past!
"Brother Ye doesn't want to kill Wen Hua." Monkey frowned a little at this moment.

"What do you mean by that? In this kind of battle, I can see that he didn't hold back his offensive at all." Snake Ji rolled her eyes and said.

"His hair is white, it's not normal." The monkey murmured: "Brother Ye's hair will turn red after the second awakening, the same color as your eyes, and it's very long, and three lines will appear on the side of his face." The red streaks are similar to scratches, which are also commonly known as magic seals, but there are none of these."

Snake Ji was shocked again when she heard the words, so Ye Youwei hasn't done his best yet?This is impossible!In a battle of this level right now, the Emperor is not allowed to get close!If it is stronger, isn't it really a fairy?
Seeing Snake Ji's puzzled and shocked look, Hou Zi shook his head with a smile, and immediately said: "He did try his best, but he did his best without demonization, and now he only has the bonus of immortality."

"Immortal method? Is it like the strange heretical power of Duan Shanghong?" Snake Ji frowned slightly. After fighting Duan Shanghong for more than ten years, she still knew something about it.

"That's right, this fairy method can be regarded as a different kind of super secret method. It was created by Ye Ge's former wife named Yafei." The monkey murmured: "It's a pity that the fragrance disappeared early, if I can live until now In this great world, she is definitely another ruthless empress."

After hearing the words, Snake Lady disappeared, she looked in Ye Youwei's direction and did not speak again.

"Brother Ye's holy body has been proved. In terms of strength estimation alone, he can indeed be comparable to an ordinary immortal king without using the immortal method, but this Wenhua in front of him is not an ordinary immortal king." The monkey smiled wryly. Said to himself: "Brother Ye under the Immortal Law must do his best. He really deserves to be a character who can draw with me, the Immortal King."

"It seems that you are also very powerful." Snake Ji rolled her eyes at the monkey at the moment: "With the strength of the quasi-immortal king, you can draw with this extraordinary immortal king. If you really enter the realm of the immortal king, you should be able to compete with Ye Youwei Are you superior or inferior?"

"Thinking too much, as long as he activates the first awakening of the demon soul, even the divine dragon soul awakening can't beat him, and after the second awakening, he will directly drive the gods into madness... still can't hold ten moves in Ye Ge's hands." Monkey spread his hands: "If you don't know how powerful Shenzutian is, you should have heard of Emperor Zun, right?"

"The founder of Tianting more than 100 million years ago." Snake Ji nodded and said, "Throughout the Beidou Shiji, he is the one who is closest to the Huangtian Emperor."

"He didn't die. Although my old grandson didn't witness Ye Ge fighting him with his own eyes, I heard that he was beaten away by Ye Ge in the end." Monkey added, looking at the ancient dojo: "It was the appearance of this Tianlong man that made Emperor Zun Those who escaped, otherwise, Emperor Zun would have to be beheaded by Brother Ye."

As soon as these words came out, Snake Ji was a little stunned. She knew the legend of Emperor Zun, but such a powerful Lord of the Heavenly Court was almost beheaded by Ye Youwei?How strong is Ye Youwei!

"Since he is already so invincible, why is he still afraid of the so-called Tianlong people?" Snake Ji was a little puzzled, isn't this contradictory.

"Naturally, he won't be afraid when he is single-handed. I told you just now that a person who has not exhausted his six senses and has not cut off the world of mortals is prone to weakness. This is also a major weakness of his." The monkey murmured: "It's not a good thing to say. , if everyone around Huang Tiandi is killed like Huang Tiandi, I guess this guy will do more ruthless things than Huang Tiandi..."

When Snake heard this, just imagining it at this moment felt a little creepy.

In the ancient temple.

Ye Youwei's saber light was so huge that it pushed across the entire ancient dojo!
The Immortal King Sword held by Wen Hua was equally radiant, and a sword aura shot through the night, magnified infinitely, and finally collided with Ye Youwei's Tiansuo Wanyue!

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the ancient barriers around the ancient dojo were shaken out of cracks!The power is extraordinary!



Both sides vomited blood one after another, Ye Youwei took a small step back, and Wen Hua retreated a hundred meters before stabilizing his figure, his eyes were shocked besides shock.

Although he knew it in his heart, he was also very sad, because he couldn't force Ye Youwei's full strength!On the contrary, Ye Youwei, who didn't activate the awakening of the demon soul, won!Is this the current invincibility in the human world!It's really strong and scary!
Ye Youwei wiped away the blood, but his eyes still had no killing intent. He really didn't want to kill Wen Hua, no matter friend or foe, he just admired this person.

To avenge the death of an unfamiliar partner is a kindness, to be willing to wander the world for a hundred years in order to preserve the news of the Tianlong Realm, which is known to be wrong, and even to die. , whether it is good or bad, it is equally admirable.

Moreover, with his strength, there are few opponents in the human world, so he can kill a lot, but he didn't do so, which shows that he is not a bad person.

"I lost." Wen Hua murmured, his eyes full of vicissitudes and helplessness, even desolate: "I miss Wen Hua, a generation of swordsmen, invincible in the world, but I did not expect to lose to a rising star in the world, hahahaha."

With the last smile, the Immortal King raised his sword, shining like a pillar of heaven, and directly let it penetrate his body...

"Wen Hua!" Ye Youwei frowned, he didn't expect Wen Hua to be so stubborn, and it was already too late to stop him.

"Although I know you are not a wicked person, forgive me for not wanting to sue..." Wen Hua kept his mouth shut until his death, with a somewhat unwilling and sad tone: "I have never begged anyone in my life. One went to the Tianlong Realm...begging not to hurt innocent civilians...maybe they seem to have some inherent arrogance...Under Datong, the environment is like this, which is not what he wants."

Ye Youwei's eyes became serious, and he nodded: "I promise you."

After Ye Youwei finished speaking, Wen Hua opened his heart and showed a smile. The last smile was very comfortable. After a moment of brilliance, he turned into a stone giant as tall as a mountain, and a huge stone sword pierced through his body , Kneeling there, as if to atone for the sin of the Tianlong people...

Ye Youwei stood in the ancient dojo, staring at the stone statue for a long time, unable to calm down.

A generation of sword immortals fell away.

"Actually, I just want to live an ordinary life for the rest of my life, but everyone is innocent and guilty." Ye Youwei said helplessly: "There are always some unscrupulous people who want to kill me and stir up disputes. , I can only choose to respond."

(End of this chapter)

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