The era of ruthless men

Chapter 602 Apart from Emperor Huangtian, the second person who killed himself

Chapter 602 Apart from Emperor Huangtian, the second person who killed himself

It began to rain heavily.

Ye Youwei did not leave in front of the stone statue, and stayed there for a long time until it was getting dark.

"Why hasn't he come over yet?" She Ji asked.

"I don't know." The monkey shook his head, feeling a little sad and helpless: "Seeing Brother Ye standing alone in the rain, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. As a brother, I can't help you much."

"It's quite inexplicable to make people feel that everything around him is incompatible with him, and a sense of sadness arises spontaneously. Why is this? He is obviously not alone, and there are many people supporting him. Why is he still so bitter." She Ji's eyes There are some puzzles and doubts.

"My old grandson has traveled all over the world, and once met a living Bodhisattva. He said that there are only two kinds of people who suffer in life in this world. One is like but can't have it, and the other is having it but lost it. " Monkey scratched his head: "I still don't understand what it means, but I think Brother Ye is one of them."

Just when the sunset and the solitary bird were flying together, and the autumn water was in the same color as the sky, suddenly a pure white light burst out in the ancient dojo, like a small sun in the early morning, which is gentle and not dazzling.

An extremely strange stalwart force slowly pushed in all directions, shocking the world!
"what happened?"

"It's getting dark now, how could it suddenly look like daytime!"

"Has a great god come to Ziwei star?"

"Could it be that Ye Shengdi from Beidou came here? It seems that I heard that the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan had been here a few days ago."

"I don't know. I heard that Beidou has been protected by Ye Shengdi, who has returned for nearly 100 years, with a formation barrier. It seems to be avoiding some people from the Tianlong world? Now it is unblocked?"

"Ye Shengdi is back again, who will compete in the nine heavens and ten places, I am afraid that how many Tianjiao will be suppressed by his way."

"Nonsense, although Big Dipper is self-styled, it has always been open to our Zhou Chao star field, and with Ye Shengdi's terror, is it a shrinking generation? It is a bit inappropriate to use the word avoidance."

"Hahaha, that's true. It's my fault. The legend of the Tianlong people has been spread. After 100 years, nothing happened."

"An insider analyzed that the reason why the Tianlong Realm has not made any major moves against Ye Shengdi is that they are also afraid of Ye Shengdi. Before they can completely check and balance Ye Shengdi's strength, they may not show up easily."

"It makes sense, but what weakness can Saint Emperor Ye have? Stepping on the eternal road of the heavens, holding the sun and the moon to pick up the stars! Not to mention looking at the present world, even if you look at the entire history of immortal cultivation in the universe, who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him! "

Ye Youwei's deeds are discussed everywhere. Even after 100 years, his enthusiasm has not subsided, but has become more and more boiling. It is not only the pride of the human race, but also the yearning of all immortals and Taoists.

Unknowingly, the three characters of Ye Shengdi have not lost the faith of the "Da Luo Jinxian" who only lives in legends.

"Cut my body, seal my reincarnation, flesh and law complement each other, ask the mirror to clarify my Taoism." Ye Youwei slowly opened his hands and looked up at the sky. At this moment, his white hair was fluttering and his clothes were flowing.

The pure white light with gentle power ripples in all directions, while the darkness recedes, and the filth of the entire Ziwei star is purified at this moment...

this moment.

Several people get excited!
Anyone who is a quasi-emperor will understand what this is, Ye Shengdi is going to kill himself!Self-cutting means another great breakthrough!Like the phoenix after Nirvana, once again ushered in the catastrophe!If successful, Ye Shengdi will become even more unimaginably strong!
The ruthless people known in history to kill themselves, except Emperor Huang Tian, ​​seem to have no one else, and he is the second emperor who is ready to kill himself after becoming enlightened... No, he has already begun to kill himself!

Emperor Huangtian beheaded himself, dissipating all the Taoism in his body, the traces of which are well known to the world, is Beidou's first restricted area: the ancient forbidden area.

The "barren" in the barren ancient forbidden land is actually not barren ancient!It is to pay homage to the name of the Emperor of Heaven, the correct implication: it is actually the ancient forbidden land transformed by Emperor Huangtian's self-beheading!Therefore, it is called the ancient forbidden land!

At this moment, Ye Youwei beheaded himself on the Ziwei star, this action will be recorded in the annals of history, and will be remembered forever!

The light is dazzling, people and birds close their eyes!
Hou Zi and Snake Princess are no exception. With their golden eyes and red pupils, they can't see Ye Youwei's current "Dao Ying" clearly...

It lasted a full ten minutes.

When they opened their eyes again, it was already a barren ancient dojo, with thousands of flowers in full bloom and towering ancient trees!Everywhere is full of vitality!

"Where are people?" Snake Ji raised her eyebrows in vigilance, and flew out when she got excited, standing in the void, looking down at the entire ancient Taoist temple, which was extremely shocking.

Immortals coexist here, birds and beasts from all directions have rushed here at the craziest speed, and even monks from many sects flew here one after another!

"Brother Ye?"

The monkey also flew into the sky at this moment, patrolling around Ye Youwei, his eyes were full of worry like Snake Girl, and the eighth floor felt that he had failed to kill himself.

"I am here."

At a certain moment, Ye Youwei walked out from behind a towering ancient tree on the ground, and his hair turned black!The whole person seems to have become clearer!
But only after earnest insight, can you feel the horror of Ye Youwei at this moment. The monkey is already quasi-immortal king, with piercing eyes that can see through everything, even the sword fairy Wen Hua before, he can see clearly.

But in front of Ye Youwei, he couldn't penetrate Ye Youwei's body at all. After his golden eyes were concentrated on Ye Youwei's body, his vision became chaotic and blurred, and his cultivation was impossible to guess!

"Before, Great Emperor, I was able to spy a little bit, but now I can't even see the fine hairs on your body... The more I look at you, the more blurred your outline becomes." The monkey was surprised.

"Me too." She Ji's red pupil is also very powerful, but using it to see through Ye Youwei makes it even more unclear!It's not even real with the naked eye!

"The more I want to see clearly, the more I can't see clearly. What's going on?" The monkey didn't understand, and returned to Ye Youwei with a whoosh.

She Ji also landed on the ground, looking at Ye Youwei suspiciously.

"It's just a skin, look at it with your heart." Ye Youwei smiled and said: "The so-called appearance is born from the heart, and the direction of the heart is clear and self-cleaning, and the chaos will become more chaotic."

"You mean our Dao heart is not stable?" She Ji said coldly.

"It has nothing to do with Dao Xin, it's what comes from your heart." Ye Youwei looked at She Ji, and said, "Turning back may not be the end, but as long as you are willing to turn around, She Ji, I will protect you from worry in this life."

"I am not wrong, I have nothing to turn back." She Ji snorted coldly: "Since you have Duan Shanghong, the closed disciple, then I will definitely let you marry me!"

"Emotions are not child's play, nor are they used to show off or suppress someone, Miss Snake, you should live for yourself." Ye Youwei enlightened earnestly.

"I know, people don't kill themselves. In your eyes, I will always be a monster, and I will always be a different kind. You are the same as them!" Snake Ji roared at this moment, and the tears in her red pupils were very stubborn, and then disappeared with a swish. .

"Red Snake Eyes, heart-wrenching tears. From then on, mountain birds and fish will go on different paths, and mountains and rivers will never meet again." The monkey suddenly looked in the direction where Snake Girl left, and muttered to himself: "Brother Ye, don't you plan to chase after me? This time If you don’t chase, I’m afraid something bad will happen.”

"The one who can save her is not me." Ye Youwei looked at She Ji who left, "It may be a good thing for her to leave this time." After a pause, he rolled his eyes at the monkey: "And Ah, haven't you read a lot of books in the past 100 years? You are a martial arts fanatic, and you have more and more words! It's too much to steal my show."

"Hey hey hey! I've read a lot!" Monkey scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly: "The times have changed, so you can't keep pace with the times, learn more words, so that you can find a good mother for me! "

"It's interesting." Ye Youwei raised his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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