The era of ruthless men

Chapter 603 7 Evil Stars, Naihe Bridge

Chapter 603 Seven Evil Stars, Naihe Bridge

The two didn't stay long and went back to Beidou.

However, after they left, many monks from Ziweixing came to this ancient dojo.

The endless vitality is more abundant than any place they have seen, and it is full of vitality, which is even more beneficial to some monks who are in the bottleneck period!
"This was once a dojo opened by an ancient emperor. It has been washed away by the years, and the vitality is dim, desolate and desolate. I didn't expect it to suddenly become like this! My God!"

"A very strong and strong sense of rejuvenation!"

"Who is doing this! It's simply against the sky!"

"Needless to say, it must be Beidou's Ye Shengdi! There is a remnant of the holy body here! It hasn't completely dissipated!"

"Looks like it really is!"

"Sure enough, he came to the Big Dipper. The huge fluctuation just now was definitely written by him!"

Countless people were excited and all kinds of shocks, all of which were yearning for Ye Youwei. Although Beidou was open to the nearby star fields, Ye Youwei, Ye Shengdi, the ninth generation master of Beidou Zhongzhou Qishi Mansion!Not everyone can see his true face!

So, while they were excited, they were all regretful and annoyed why they didn't come earlier...


After returning to Beidou, Ye Youwei heard a piece of good news on the way to Qishi Mansion, that is, there are people who came back from the sky.

This made him so excited that he teleported immediately.

The monkey is also a little happy and joyful. Could it be that Gongshu Xiuxian and Zhang Jiufeng are all back?

After a few minutes.

Keith House.

Ye Youwei and the monkey saw the person who came back from the sky, it was not Gongshu Xiuxian and Xian'er, the monkey who came back did not know her, she was the first woman Ye Youwei met on the road to heaven, Empress Ziwei Star, Murong Xiaoxiao.

However, even though it was not his wife who came back, Ye Youwei was quite relieved to see that Murong Xiaoxiao was safe and sound.

"Speaking of which, you suddenly disappeared when you entered the Immortal Realm, where have you been in the past 100 years?" Ye Youwei asked.

"Look for Peng Ye, that heartless man. I haven't found him. I heard that he was in the Xuanwu galaxy in the Suzaku galaxy before, but I haven't seen him since I found it." Murong Xiaoxiao said a little depressed: "I heard about the fairy You killed Shenzu Tian, ​​I thought he went back to Beidou with you."

Ye Youwei's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, he hesitated to speak for a while, he didn't know how to say this, Peng Ye had already died in Xianyu...

Seeing Ye Youwei's expression, Murong Xiaoxiao paused for a moment, she is a very smart woman, no matter in terms of emotional intelligence or cultivation.

Her current cultivation base has entered the half-step Immortal King.

And when she left with Ye Youwei before, she was only a quasi-emperor.

"I'm sorry." Ye Youwei frowned slightly guilty, and finally said: "I failed to bring him back."

Murong Xiaoxiao's expression was unwavering, she shook her head and smiled with a bit of relieved bitterness: "You don't need to apologize, maybe this is the fate between me and him, there is a definite karma in the world, some people just meet by fate but are not married."

"Murong Xiaoxiao..." Ye Youwei was speechless.

"You laymen, the so-called world is like tides and people are like water. I only lament that there are a few people in the world. Everyone is a Taoist. We should see through life and death. Please mourn." The monkey next to him looked at the distant sky at this moment, with a "master" level He's old-fashioned, and even wiped off his yellow hair that swayed slightly in the wind!

The atmosphere was quite sad at first, but Ye Youwei smiled wryly in an instant, feeling really weird that this monkey head was accepted as an apprentice by a certain Buddhist "supreme" in the universe?

"Who is this monkey? There is some truth to what you said." Murong Xiaoxiao also calmed down a little, glanced at the monkey, and then once again focused on Ye Youwei: "I didn't go to Ziwei Star when I came back. When you come to Beidou, apart from looking for Peng Ye, there is also a message for you."

"Me? What news?" Ye Youwei was taken aback for a moment, and then he frowned a little seriously: "Have you met my brothers and women?"

"Tang Lin, Xia Yuhe and the others haven't seen each other for the time being, and I don't know the others." Murong Xiaoxiao said: "But there is one more, maybe it can be called your confidante, Meng Youyou, the saint of the demon clan Remember?"

"Of course, what happened to her?" Ye Youwei nodded.

"I also heard it from others, and I don't know if it is true." Murong Xiaoxiao said: "After the fairyland was broken into by you, the gods declared peace and lifted the enchantment separated by the moat. clan has been released."

"This is a good thing." Ye Youwei said.

"Later, in the following 100 years, demons and monsters lived together, humans and gods shared cups, and the fairyland and the surrounding human world ushered in unprecedented prosperity and peace." Murong Xiaoxiao said.

"Get to the point." Ye Youwei raised his eyebrows.

"The demon clan was completely wiped out three years ago. The new patriarch was beheaded directly, and the old patriarch Pluto is also missing. It is reported that all of this happened overnight." Murong Xiaoxiao also gradually changed as she spoke. Seriously: "In the past, a large group of coalition forces from the Protoss and the Demon Clan couldn't be determined, but now someone can destroy them overnight..."

"Where's Meng Youyou?" Ye Youwei asked anxiously, frowning.

"On the way here, I heard that she was the only one who survived, but it happened in vain. Even if she survived, it seems that she was able to survive at the cost of consuming a lot of life." Murong Xiaoxiao said: "After that, Some people say that she went to a restricted area recognized by the Nine Realms, which seems to be called the Seven Fiends, and there is a reincarnation road in that star field, and there is a bridge on the road, named Naihe."

"Seven Evil Stars, Naihe Bridge, one of the restricted areas in the universe..." Ye Youwei clenched his fists. As the fifth generation Demon King of the Demon Race, he promised them to make them brilliant again, but he didn't know about it until three years later. The tragedy of being wiped out!

The monkey and Murong Xiaoxiao beside him all trembled at the moment, swallowed their saliva, and obviously felt Ye Youwei's grief and anger, and unconsciously felt chills behind them...

"Calm down." Murong Xiaoxiao said at the moment: "The extermination of the Demon Race has attracted the attention of all walks of life. Many forces are investigating this matter, including the Protoss."

After a pause, Murong Xiaoxiao continued: "And Meng Youyou is the only survivor, so she is naturally the key to the major forces to solve the case. Many powerful forces have sent people to the Seven Evil Stars for three years without interruption, but The weirdness is here, no matter how many people go there, no one comes back, including the three quasi-immortal king-level elders of the Protoss."

"It is precisely because these things are unusual that I want to go to the Seven Evil Stars even more. I have no impulse." Ye Youwei brows furiously, and he is about to leave. Now Meng Youyou is the only one left in the demon clan, he can't feel it Allow her to do anything else!
With a sound of golden light, Ye Youwei disappeared instantly.

"Sun Shengtian, don't follow, guard Beidou well, and wait for me to come back." Ye Youwei was gone, but his voice rippling from the sky, shaking the world.

(End of this chapter)

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