Bug anger

Chapter 107 Insect Swarm

Chapter 107 Insect Swarm ([-])

One kind of consciousness, two bodies, and the ability to control two clones at the same time without hindrance, Zhao Xing didn't even know how he did it.Looking at the cave in front of him, Zhao Xing felt like the bug clone was returning with the swarm. Zhao Xing felt like he was dreaming, and it was a dream.

Although Zhao Xing dug a total of two caves, but considering that the nights in Horror Star are very cold, he asked Pang Liankun and the others to live in the inflatable tent.

Of course, it is impossible to squeeze to sleep, you can only take turns to rest.Lan Xin and Yan Qing were together, Zhao Xing and Pang Liankun were together, this arrangement couldn't be more suitable.

Zhao Xing brought a lot of nutritional pills in his backpack, enough for the four of them to survive for half a year, so don't worry about it for now.However, the four of them are squeezed into one tent, which is fine for a short period of time, but after a long time, I am afraid that the four of them will not be able to bear it.

After taking the nutritional pills, after dark, Lan Xin and Yan Qing took off their clothes and went to sleep.Sitting at the corner of the bed, Zhao Xing and Pang Liankun began to talk about how to leave Horror Star.

Pang Liankun said: "Now Wei Tianqing must know that I have...betrayed him. Even if people don't want people to continue searching, they will definitely send warships to monitor this planet..."

Zhao Xing nodded, "My companions already know that I'm trapped on this planet, and they won't come over in a short time. Because they haven't completed the preliminary plan I made, their strength can't compare with Wei Tianqing. "

Pang Liankun frowned and thought for a while, then said, "I don't know if you have a communicator that can send long-distance signals? If you have one, you can send out a distress signal and offer a high reward. Many people will come to save you for money." Ours. With Wei Tianqing's current strength, they cannot be stopped."

Zhao Xing shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Didn't you realize that we only have two wilderness survival backpacks? There are communicators, which are used by my companions when they arrive. If they are used, the rescuers will not arrive. exposed our position."

Pang Liankun spread his hands, "Then I can't think of a better way. On this insect star, insects can devour underground organic matter, but we humans... unless we go to the ruins of the city, where there may be nutritional pills made a hundred years ago , under vacuum packaging, the shelf life should not have expired."

When Pang Liankun said this, it seemed that he was planning for the worst.

Zhao Xing thought for a while, and said what he had thought not long ago, he said: "What if we can find the wormhole and get out of it? The Wormhole Star is so close to the Diyou Star, so the wormhole Most of the places leading to it will be on the Diyou star. As long as we reach the Diyou star, even if Wei Tianqing knows, there is nothing we can do about it."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, Pang Liankun's eyes widened, feeling unbelievable at Zhao Xing's 'novel' idea.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved, Zhao Xing had worms, and let the worms take them away... This idea is really possible to realize.

Now that this has been mentioned, Zhao Xing does not intend to keep it, "If possible, I hope to get migration worms, build secret bases on the planets that need them, and let them grow into wormholes there! Hehe! In this case, You can go to any planet you want at any time!"

Speaking of which, Pang Liankun could not come up with any good suggestions, so he could only shift his thinking to the wormhole. After thinking about it, he asked: "Leaving here through a wormhole, at least I have never heard of it. First, we have to find The location of the wormhole!"

Zhao Xing nodded and pondered for a while, "I heard that every once in a while, there will be a wave of insect swarms on the planet Earth, and the places where they appear are not sure. What I want to know is the interval between each insect swarm. The time, and when was the last bug swarm occurred."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xing was a little annoyed at himself. This kind of information can be known by casually inquiring on Diyouxing, but now when it is necessary to use it, he doesn't know it.

Fortunately, Pang Liankun thought for a while, and said, "I know the insect infestation on Earth Youxing. It's about once a year. The most recent wave of insect infestation was ten months ago."

Zhao Xing finally breathed a sigh of relief, "In other words, within two to three months, there will be another bug swarm, and we can take the opportunity to leave."

Pang Liankun nodded.

At this moment, Wei Tianqing is listening to the search team's report in the secret base on Hell Planet.

"Master, that's how it happened. After you finished searching Area [-], you were ordered to search Area [-]. After we completed the search according to the order again, some teammates sent a message saying that they were just led by Zhao Xing The bugs were captured. We thought it was ridiculous, but rushed over immediately, only to find that they had already fled..."

The subordinates on the monitor reported in great detail, Wei Tianqing listened without any expression on his face.It was not until his subordinates finished reporting that Wei Tianqing said, "There's no need to search, everyone retreats, and just send a warship to monitor."

"Yes! Young master!"

After the communication was shut down, Wei Tianqing's face became gloomy.He really didn't expect that Zhao Xing suddenly had a group of bugs, which made him a little unbelievable.

But he knew that his subordinates would not dare to deceive him.

Wei Tianqing's previous idea was to send a search team to arrest them first, and if he couldn't find anyone, he would send people to monitor and trap them to death on the planet.

But now it seems that Zhao Xing made a bet with him that landing on the Horrible Worm Planet was a long-awaited plan.If it were someone else, they would not be able to survive on the Horrible Bug, but Zhao Xing had a powerful bug, so it was different.

Wei Tianqing has seen Zhao Xing's bugs before.Before this, he hadn't paid attention to this bug, because he thought it was just an ordinary fighting bug, but now, Zhao Xing used the bug to live well on the Horrible Worm Planet.

What does this mean?It means that Wei Tianqing has misjudged him and was tricked by Zhao Xing!

Apart from blowing up the entire planet, Wei Tianqing couldn't think of any other way to kill Zhao Xing.

Unless Wei Tianqing didn't want to live anymore, otherwise, he would never dare to blow up the planet.Because in the universe, due to the mutual gravitational force, a balance is naturally formed between similar planets. If one of the planets is destroyed, it will affect the nearby planets and cause them to change their orbits...

This is a kind of chain reaction, which affects the whole body, and the consequences are very serious.

It is also for this reason that when humans and the Zerg fight, they will not easily destroy the bugs by blowing up the planet.

At this time, Wei Tianqing felt very helpless towards Zhao Xing.

"We must not let him go!" Suddenly, Wei Tianqing gritted his teeth and asked, "Have the thousand mechas I bought arrived yet?"

The female secretary behind him immediately said: "I just got the news that it will take half a month to complete the assembly. After all, these mechas are old-fashioned mechas. Although the price is cheap, the accessories are hard to find."

"Half a month to assemble, ten days to transport, that is to say, another 25 days." Wei Tianqing frowned.

"Yes, young master." The female secretary responded immediately.

Wei Tianqing suddenly laughed, "Are you saying that I am too impatient, but I always feel that if I don't kill him within a month, he will become a stumbling block to my Wei Tianqing's rise in the future."

When Wei Tianqing said that, the female secretary behind him didn't know how to answer, so he could only keep silent.

(End of this chapter)

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