Bug anger

Chapter 108 Insect Swarm

Chapter 108 Insect Swarm ([-])

Back in the worm's nest, Zhao Xing found that the female worm started feeding an elite worm again.It was a newly hatched larva. When Zhao Xing's worm clone entered the mother wormhole, he saw this larva devouring the milky white juice secreted by the mother worm.

Zhao Xing now finally knows that the elite bugs have been fed since childhood.

There will be two to four elite worms around a female worm. This kind of worm is equivalent to the guard of the mother worm. One died just now, which made the female worm feel the crisis, so it will re-feed the elite worms.

From this point of view, the female worm did not regard Zhao Xing's worm avatar as a guard.

Zhao Xing was a little worried that the female worm would reject his worm clone, but when he entered the hole, the female worm did not make a sound of dissatisfaction.Zhao Xing was relieved and lay there silently.

After the mother worm finished feeding the larvae, Zhao Xing's worm leaned forward, lay down and raised its head.Without any hesitation, the female worm passed the secreted milky white juice into the mouth of the worm clone.

When Zhao Xing's worm avatar devoured this milky white juice, he was already thinking in his heart, how to collect this juice, the price of this thing is many times more expensive than Luerjin!It is estimated that hundreds of millions of federal currency will be swallowed once.

There is no need to eat other organic matter anymore, just swallowing the milky white juice secreted by the female worm every day is enough, except for the energy consumed by daily exercise, the rest of the energy is stored by special organs in the body.

Zhao Xing and the others are now patiently waiting, waiting for another swarm of insects to erupt on the Earth's Youxing.The four of them lived in the cave. The first few days were fine, but the following days were like being in prison.

Half a month has passed in the almost year-long wait.

At this time, Zhao Xing's bug clone was resting on the ground.

For the past half month, the worm clone lived a life of opening its mouth for food, except for eating and excreting, it just lay on the ground, watching the female worm laying eggs boredly.

In half a month, more than 300 larvae have grown into adults, and they are expanding at a rate of [-] per day.The nest has also been greatly expanded by the bugs outside.This is not because the space in the nest is not large enough, but because the bugs are looking for organic food underground.

Zhao Xing discovered through observation during this period that this planet may soon be completely abandoned, because the organic matter on the ground will always be eaten up.

In addition to this, the environmental degradation rate on the Horror Planet is getting faster and faster, the oxygen content is decreasing every day, and the temperature is getting lower and lower.

If there is no human intervention, in at most 50 years, the Horror Star will become a planet where even bugs cannot survive.

Zhao Xing thought a lot when he was bored. He planned to leave the bug nest and go to other places to find bug nests. Maybe there would be greater gains, but considering the current situation, he couldn't stay too far away from the main body, otherwise he would be attacked by other bugs. It's troublesome.

Just thinking that this day would be spent in boredom again, suddenly, Zhao Xing's bug avatar felt a cry from far away.

It is the chirping sound of insects, and the sound contains the idea of ​​letting the insects gather.

In the cave, Zhao Xing was asking Pang Liankun how to command a warship of more than a thousand ships for a small-scale star battle. When the insect clone sensed the sudden sound of insects, it suddenly stood up.

"What's wrong?" Pang Liankun was drawing simple figures on the sand with his fingers, and asked with a frown when he saw Zhao Xing's unusual behavior.He was very dissatisfied with Zhao Xing's 'absence of mind'.

Maybe it was too boring, Zhao Xing said excitedly: "The bug swarm broke out early! Let's pack up our things immediately and prepare to leave."

Pang Liankun let out a long breath, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

Lan Xin and Yan Qing became good sisters during this time, they were sitting outside the cave chatting at the moment, when they heard Zhao Xing's voice, they immediately went back to the cave to pack their things.

In the worm's nest, the mother worm sensed the summoning signal and screamed at Zhao Xing's worm clone.

Zhao Xing understood what it meant, and asked him to lead the worms to gather.

"So this guy treats me like a general!" Zhao Xing thought, and immediately climbed out of the female wormhole.

Then, Zhao Xing's worm avatar issued an order to let the worms gather and follow him to 'go out'.

Zhao Xing didn't intend to take away all the bugs in the nest, at least half of them should be kept.Because, he wanted this brood of worms to grow rapidly.

That call was probably issued by the wise mother insects of the Worm Star. It only asked the insects to go to the designated location to gather, but did not specify the number.

To be honest, most of the larvae and a small number of adult worms will be left behind, and the other worms will be sent out.In this case, the number of insects in most of the nests will be insufficient, which will affect the growth of the insect swarm.

If this happened to human beings, most of them would be obedient and obedient, but bugs would definitely not.

Zhao Xing only took away 700 insects, and more than [-] remained in the nest.

After leaving the worm nest, Zhao Xing's worm avatar led the [-] worms back to the cave where the four lived.Then, Zhao Xing and Lan Xin climbed onto the back of the bug clone.Pang Liankun and Yan Qing got on the back of another ordinary bug.

Before setting off, Zhao Xing warned again: "After meeting with the group of bugs, we have to charge forward as much as possible. Be careful and don't make any noise."

Pang Liankun nodded and said: "I know this. Once the wormhole on Diyouxing is exposed, it will be fatally hit. If you stay behind, the wormhole may be closed before entering the wormhole."

Zhao Xing nodded, and controlled the worm clone to rush to the place designated by the wise mother worm.

The meeting point is actually not far away, at the running speed of ordinary bugs, it takes less than two hours to arrive.

A large number of bugs had gathered at this gathering point. Due to the wind and sand, it was impossible to see the size of the temporary swarm. All that could be seen were densely packed bugs.

In addition to sickle bugs, other types of bugs can also be seen.

Zhao Xing is now eager to know the specific location of the wormhole, he doesn't care about the [-] worms he leads, and only lets the ordinary worm with Pang Liankun and Yan Qing hunchback behind him, and slowly penetrates into the worm swarm.

The distance between the bugs was very close. Zhao Xing walked in front and kept pushing some bugs away. Those bugs sensed some hostility and made a 'squeak' scream, but when Zhao Xing's bug clones also screamed at them At that time, none of them dared to move.

Obviously, the level of bug clones is higher than these ordinary bugs.

Zhao Xing deduced that the bug judged the opponent's level from the sound.It may be that the frequency of sound waves emitted by high-level bugs is different from that of ordinary bugs.

Zhao Xingzheng was a little anxious. When he was scurrying among the swarms, there was a sudden 'peng' sound one kilometer ahead, and the ground trembled for a while.

Immediately afterwards, the swarm began to move in the direction of the sound,
Now, Zhao Xing finally knew the direction of the wormhole.

However, at this time, the insects are so far away from each other, it is almost impossible to squeeze a distance of one kilometer in a short time.And at this time, the moving speed of the swarm can be described as turtle speed.

Forced into desperation, Zhao Xing's bug clone spread its wings.The only way now is to fly over.

The bug's avatar flapped its wings, jumped on its four legs, and immediately ejected into the air.

Zhao Xing didn't forget about Pang Liankun and the others. The worm quickly turned a corner in the air, and the two sickle-shaped front arms stretched out, just hooked on the belts of the two, and quickly flew tens of meters with them. high in the air.

This time, there was no obstacle ahead, and within five seconds, the bug clone leaped a thousand meters away.

The entrance of the wormhole is similar to the shape Zhao Xing saw on the Internet before.It is a large hole with a diameter of about [-] meters. The edge of the big hole is scarlet worm flesh, the surface is covered with liquid, and it is still wriggling. It looks like a huge mouth.

Looking down from the sky, it looks like there is a fluorescent blue mirror inside, constantly flashing blue arcs.The worms fell directly from the hole, and then disappeared from the 'mirror'.

Zhao Xing didn't have time to carefully observe the shape of the wormhole. His body swooped down quickly, fell into the blue 'mirror', and disappeared.

I thought I would see some strange sight, but after rushing into the mirror, Zhao Xing and the others appeared in a huge cave.

The top of this cave is as high as [-] meters from the ground, with a diameter of [-] meters, and the overall shape is oblate.

After the worm clone came out of the wormhole, it was still flying in the air. Zhao Xing's body turned around and saw that the wormhole here opened on the wall of the hole.At this time, a large number of worms are pouring out of the wormhole.

On the opposite side of the wormhole, there is a large hole slanting upwards. There is actually light shining from above. It seems that the hole is not deep from the ground.

The tunnel leading to the ground is also more than 50 meters in diameter. After a large number of worms come out of the wormhole, they climb up this diagonally upward passage.

Zhao Xing estimated the space of the passage, but did not fall, the wings of the insect clone fluttered, and with a 'whoosh', it rushed into the passage rapidly.

Soon, the bug clone rushed out of the hole and flew into the sky.The location of this exit is actually located in a deep mountain. After exiting the cave, all you can see are continuous mountains.

The plants in this mountain range are sparse, and they seem to be transplanted from the earth, and they are trees and grasses with strong adaptability.

Feeling the gravitational force carefully, Zhao Xing was surprised to find that this planet is not Earth's star.

No matter which planet it is, Zhao Xing cannot be allowed to stay, and immediately controls the bug clone to fly away.

After flying thousands of kilometers, Zhao Xing finally landed.

During the flight, Zhao Xing kept looking down, and found that the surface structure of this planet is dominated by mountains, and the continuous mountains seem to be endless.

The place where Zhao Xing and the others landed was on the top of a mountain.The geographical location here is very high, with a panoramic view of the mountains within hundreds of kilometers.

(End of this chapter)

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