Bug anger

Chapter 114 Crisis

Chapter 114 Crisis
After Yinfeng finished speaking with profound meaning, everyone understood what he meant and nodded their heads.

It was time to discuss the teachings and canons, Xiao Xuan immediately took out her small notebook computer and started to record...

It took nearly ten hours for everyone to air their opinions, and finally formulated the teachings and rules of Tianyi Sect.The main doctrine is fraternity and mutual assistance, and belief in the existence of gods.The canon has established a relatively strict grade and punishment system.

Zhao Xing, without hesitation, became the "Holy King" of Tianyi Cult. In the doctrine, the Holy King is the messenger sent by the gods to the world, leading the people in the sea of ​​suffering to the light.

In addition to the Holy King, Tianyi Cult also has a number of 'goddesses'.In the doctrine, the goddess is the concubine of the holy king, and their status in the religion is second only to the holy king.

As for the setting of "Goddess", Lan Xin and Xiao Xuan are completely in the lead. Of course, the two of them have become Goddesses without any hesitation.In addition to these two, Fu Yuxue was also pulled into the position of Goddess by the two, and Fu Yuxue finally nodded shyly in agreement.

In this way, Zhao Xing had another woman.But everyone knew that Fu Yuxue would be Zhao Xing's woman sooner or later.

In addition to the goddess, the next is the messengers of the halls.

Qian Song is the envoy of the Law Enforcing Hall, responsible for enforcing the law in the teaching and supervising the congregation.Yinfeng is the envoy of Weiwutang, responsible for eliminating enemies who oppose Tianyijiao.Li Tian is the envoy of Shancaitang and is responsible for managing the property in the church.Xiao Cheng is the messenger of Feixin Church, responsible for contacting the congregation.Pang Liankun is the envoy of Tianyu Hall.

Because Pang Liankun wanted to start building a fleet, he did not participate in the following activities to promote the sect. It was equivalent to claiming the name of an envoy and confirming his honorary status in the sect.

In addition to these positions of real power, there are also grades for the congregation.Divided into purple emblem congregation, gold emblem congregation, silver emblem congregation, general congregation, these four levels.

As soon as these positions and levels are set, the ruling organization of Tianyi Sect is formed, and then there are citizens, civilians, and slaves under the rule of Tianyi Sect.

It can be said that Tianyijiao is a governing institution, ruling in the name of sect.

However, this is different from the governing method of the national governing body. Sectarian rule gives people an extra belief.Only with fanatical faith can the state's psychological shackles on the congregation be broken.

Looking at the canons and teachings that Xiao Xuan had sorted out, Zhao Xing had the urge to laugh, as if he was promoting superstition, but he instantly thought of those ordinary people on the planet Earth and many oppressed humans in the universe, Zhao Xing Xing Xing's heart sank. If Tianyi Cult can be really done well and strengthened, will it be possible to spread mature teachings on those planets in the future and free them from the sea of ​​suffering?

Zhao Xing suddenly felt that his ambition had grown a lot with the establishment of Tianyijiao.Realizing that he was thinking too much, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

"What's wrong!"

Seeing Zhao Xing shaking his head, Lan Xin who was sitting beside him immediately asked.

"It's okay! I thought too much just now." Zhao Xing replied lightly, and then fell silent again.

"Okay, let's stop here today! Tomorrow we will implement the plan according to our plan. Li Tian, ​​come with me." Zhao Xing said after the meeting for the establishment of education.

However, when Zhao Xing got up and was about to leave, Fu Tianlang stood up and said dissatisfiedly: "You all have things to do in the church, what about me?"

Li Tian said with a smile: "You are still a child, and studying is the most important thing now, why not send you to Heaven Star to be with Han Xiaolong as a companion."

One day, Fu Tianlang pouted and said, "I don't want to go to that unfamiliar place, I want to be with my sister."

Zhao Xing thought for a while, and said: "Then you can be the money-scattering boy next to your sister, you are satisfied now!"

"Cut! It's a child's play!" Fu Tianlang finished speaking, pointed to Qiansong and said, "I want to enter the Law Enforcement Hall with Big Brother Qiansong."

"Little wolf, stop making trouble, this is not a game." Fu Yuxue was afraid that Zhao Xing would be unhappy, so she immediately advised her brother.

Zhao Xing smiled slightly, "If the envoy of Law Enforcement Hall wants you, then you can go with him!"

"No problem!" Qian Song said with a smile at this moment.

Zhao Xing knew that Qian Song would agree, but after all, Fu Sirius was once a prince, while Qian Song was a subordinate of their family.This kind of relationship between up and down cannot be erased in their hearts in a short time.

After Fu Sirius' business was over, Zhao Xing walked into the fitness room quickly, and Li Tian followed in afterward.

"Li Tian, ​​where is Liu Yan?" Zhao Xing asked in a serious tone as soon as Li Tian entered the door.

When Zhao Xing got off the spaceship, he didn't find Liu Yan, and when Xiao Xuan talked about Han Xiaolong and his mother's arrangement, he seemed to ignore Liu Yan on purpose.

Li Tian sighed, "Captain, I know you will ask. In fact, if you don't ask, I will tell you right away. Liu Yan went home, and we sent Han Xiaolong to Tiantianxing for resettlement. When returning, she said that she I have been away from home for too long, so I have to go back and take a look. Captain, don’t worry, Liu Yan will never betray us."

"People's hearts are unpredictable!" Zhao Xing stretched out his hand and patted Li Tian's shoulder, and asked again: "How long has she been away? Did she leave any contact information?"

Li Tian nodded, "It's been six days! I can't get in touch with her due to the network failure here. But she made an agreement with me to pick her up from Paradise Star in ten days. Of course, our spaceship will not Landing on Paradise Star, but using a small landing ship."

"You said you met on the boat, did she leave her home address in detail? Also, what did she do?"

Zhao Xing asked in more detail this time, as if conducting an investigation.But Li Tian was not unhappy, because this not only related to Zhao Xing's future, but also to his Li Tian's future.

Li Tian thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "She told me that she majored in medical nursing. As for which planet she came from, I don't know."

"Medical care..."

Zhao Xing sighed, closed his eyes, and repeatedly recalled the previous situation related to Liu Yan.In the end, the scene of rescuing Han Xiaolong's mother Zhou Qing that day clearly appeared in his mind. After Zhou Qing was carried into the boat cabin by Yinfeng, Liu Yan's behavior...

"No! She lied to you! At least she lied to you in terms of his profession. Think about it, has her every move demonstrated her talent in medical care?"

Zhao Xing hammered the metal wall hard, and said to Li Tian, ​​"Come with me!"

Seeing Zhao Xing walking out in a hurry, Li Tian hurriedly followed.As he walked, he recalled the situation with Liu Yan, and thought to himself: "Liu Yan is very good to me, and she is obedient. Even if she knew that I have a wife, she didn't care. How could she lie to me? But the captain also said just now That's right! She doesn't look like a medical student at all, is she just perfunctory me, or does she have another purpose?"

Li Tian was full of thoughts, and without knowing it, he got off the newly bought spaceship with Zhao Xing, boarded the old spaceship, and entered the cockpit.

Zhao Xing still has complete control over this old spaceship.

Zhao Xing pointed to the console and said to Li Tian: "Li Tian, ​​there are surveillance videos of the cockpit and public places of this spacecraft, and no one can see it except the owner of the spacecraft. The activation password is X180... Zhao Xing said a string of passwords."

Li Tian quickly memorized the password, then turned on the monitoring system of the spacecraft, and entered the password Zhao Xing gave him on the projection keyboard.

Without Zhao Xing's reminder, Li Tian sat down and started to search for pictures about Liu Yan in the video records with the intelligent program.

In the picture, seven days ago soon appeared, that is, when Li Tian and the others approached the heavenly star and the spaceship stopped to rest.The above shows that in just 5 minutes after everyone left the cockpit, Liu Yan used the mobile memory to copy the coordinate data and flight records of the spacecraft.

"This...how is this possible! She...how could she betray me!" Li Tian watched the surveillance video, sat down slumped, looked forward with blank eyes, and muttered to himself.

Now, not only Li Tian, ​​but even Zhao Xing are discouraged.

Their previous hopes were in vain. They were still discussing the establishment of Tianyijiao just now and planned to do a lot on Yixing, but now, Zhao Xing thinks it is unnecessary.


After thinking about it, Zhao Xing sighed helplessly.

"No!" Li Tian suddenly yelled when Zhao Xing was looking at the top of the cockpit in a daze.

Zhao Xing turned his head in surprise, only to see Li Tian's eyes were red, and said with a sneer: "It is impossible for her to get the exact coordinates of Yi Xing, because every time we travel to and from Yi Xing, we delete them immediately after use. And it is used Destroyed and deleted, what she copied was only the time of the flight record, and there was no coordinate record at all."

When Li Tian said this, Zhao Xing had hope again in an instant, he stepped forward and grabbed Li Tian's shoulders and asked, "Are you sure?"

Li Tian nodded solemnly and said: "I can guarantee it with my life! Now I finally know why she asked me to pick her up, and also agreed on a time and place. She definitely didn't get any useful information and wanted to catch me... It must be so! Captain, if you didn't find out that something was wrong, or you were a few days late... the consequences would be really unimaginable."

Zhao Xing had completely calmed down at this time, he let go of Li Tian, ​​thought for a while, and said: "Even so, she at least knows that there is a planet rich in Lurkin within ten light-years of Heaven Star. After this news is known by those big financial groups and the federal government, they will search desperately, so that they will find Yi Xing sooner or later."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, he looked into Li Tian's eyes and said, "We have to act immediately to find Liu Yan. I hope she hasn't leaked Yi Xing's news, otherwise, our time will be even shorter."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, Li Tian immediately asked: "Then, shall we set off now?"

Zhao Xing nodded, "Using that new spaceship, I'll go and talk to them, and I'll sell some Lurkin and buy what I need. By the way, Pang Liankun is fine, so bring him along."

When discussing the establishment of Tianyijiao just now, Zhao Xing heard Xiao Xuan mention that lure metal is actually a currency on Yixing, because this kind of metal looks blue after purification, and the output is not much. , Naturally, it becomes the material for minting currency.

During this period, Li Tian and the others exchanged some fabrics purchased from Heavenly Star from civilians, about [-] kilograms, all of which were melted and cast into pieces, waiting for Zhao Xing to come back and deal with them.

Five hundred kilograms is one thousand catties. Calculated at [-] federal currency per gram, it can be exchanged for [-] million federal currency, which can be used to buy a large number of medical supplies and food needed on Yixing.

(End of this chapter)

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