Bug anger

Chapter 115 The Poor Woman

Chapter 115 The Poor Woman
The atmosphere in the cockpit was dull, and Pang Liankun was also silent since he knew that Yi Xing's news might have been leaked.

Zhao Xing knew what was going on in Pang Liankun's mind. If he lost Yi Xing, Pang Liankun would definitely leave him, because at that time, Zhao Xing would not be able to give him anything.

The reason why Pang Liankun followed Zhao Xing steadfastly during this time was because Zhao Xing could give him a fleet and let him display his talents.

After several short distance space jumps, the spacecraft came to the periphery of Paradise Star.

"Send her a message and see if I can get in touch." Zhao Xing said to Li Tian lightly.

Li Tian nodded, and then sent a greeting message to Liu Yan's mailbox.After the sending was completed, the three began to wait silently.

"Do you have any cigarettes?" Zhao Xing suddenly wanted to smoke.

Li Tian turned his head and stared at Zhao Xing in a daze, then pointed to the wine cabinet in the cockpit and said, "Then there should be one below, it was included with the purchase of the spaceship."

Zhao Xing nodded, went to the wine cabinet, opened a drawer below, and found an unopened cigarette named 'Jiaolong' inside.

Smoking is not a good habit, Zhao Xing has never been in contact with this thing, but now he needs to relieve boredom, so he thinks of tobacco.

Opening the package and taking a pack from it, Zhao Xing picked up a lighter inside and returned to his seat.

"Would you like it?" Zhao Xing took out a cigarette and asked Pang Liankun and Li Tian.

"Let's have one! This brand of cigarettes is a good thing!" Pang Liankun immediately reached out and took the finger-thick, golden cigarette from Zhao Xing.

"I'll have one too." Li Tian also said at this time.

Zhao Xing took out another one and threw it over.

After lighting the fire for Pang Liankun and his own cigarettes, Zhao Xing threw the lighter to Li Tian.

"Silk~" Zhao Xing took a deep breath.

"Cough cough..."

The first time he smoked, Zhao Xing choked and coughed.

Looking at the way Li Tian and Pang Liankun smoked, they looked like old smokers for many years, looking relaxed and at ease.

"Don't suck too fast, take your time." Pang Liankun said with a smile.

At this time, the nicotine in the smoke had already started to stimulate Zhao Xing's nerves. He felt a slight sense of excitement, but his head was a little dizzy.

However, in this way, the suffocation in his chest before was released, which made him feel a little more relaxed.

Slowly smoked a cigarette, 10 minutes had passed.

"Ding ~"

Suddenly, on the monitor on the bridge, a message popped up from Li Tian's opened mailbox page.

Li Tian looked at it and opened the email casually.

"Captain, it's from Liu Yan." Li Tian said a little excitedly.

Zhao Xing asked lightly: "What did she say?"

"She asked me if I had arrived at Paradise Star, otherwise how could I send her an email, and who came with me. She also said later that she is waiting for me at the agreed place. She also asked...the captain, you and Lan Is Xin back yet?"

Zhao Xing nodded, "You can figure it out! Don't tell her that Lan Xin and I have returned."

Li Tian thought for a while, and immediately replied an email.

In order not to arouse Liu Yan's vigilance, Li Tian said in the letter that he misses her very much now, and that he will arrive at Paradise Star within half an hour, because everyone is very busy, except for him, there is only Xiao Cheng on the spaceship.Within half an hour, he will go to the agreed place to find her.And so far, there is no news about Zhao Xing and Lan Xin.

After Li Tian replied, within a minute, Liu Yan replied again.There is a picture on the letter, which shows Liu Yan holding her head up and asking for a kiss, and there is a sentence under the picture: I will wait for you!
If it was before, Li Tian would feel very warm when he saw such a picture message, but now...

Zhao Xing could see from Li Tian's dejected eyes that Li Tian was very heartbroken at this moment.

"Li Tian, ​​don't be sad, there are many good women. There are also many beauties on Yi Xing..." Now Zhao Xing can only say this to comfort her.

The spacecraft quickly stayed outside the atmosphere of Paradise Star. After setting the spacecraft to automatic flight, the three entered the atmosphere of Paradise Star in a landing ship.

Of course, Zhao Xing didn't forget to bring the bug clone with him.At this moment, his consciousness not only controls the main body, but also controls the bug clone at the same time.

Before the landing ship landed, when it was several thousand meters away from the ground, Zhao Xing controlled the clone to fly away from the landing ship, and flew to a deserted mountain outside Liuli City to hide.In case of an emergency, the bug avatar is ready to support at any time.

The place that Liu Yan and Li Tian agreed upon was a luxury hotel named 'Li Xing' in Liuli City, suite 806.

The landing ship stopped in a small Yugang in Liuli City. After Zhao Xing paid the money, the three of them left Yugang with mixed feelings.

In order to communicate easily, Zhao Xing and the others installed a communicator in the ear holes, and the three of them could hear their own voices and surrounding sounds at any time.

Before getting off the landing ship, Zhao Xing and the others had already discussed it.After leaving Yugang, Pang Liankun hailed a car and asked the driver to take him to Lixing Hotel.

For Liu Yan, Pang Liankun is a stranger, so she can go to find the way first.

Zhao Xing also separated from Li Tian at this time, he also called a car and asked the driver to drive to the Lixing Hotel.

Li Tian stopped at the door for 10 minutes before waving for a taxi.

At this moment, in the luxurious suite of Lixing Hotel, Liu Yan walked out of the bathroom in a sexy translucent pajamas with loose hair.

"Ding ~"

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"So fast!"

Surprise flashed across Liu Yan's face, and she muttered to herself somewhat uneasy, then walked into the living room and turned on the surveillance video outside the house.

Liu Yan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw a strange man with a tool bag, a peaked cap, and blue overalls.

"Who are you?" Liu Yan pressed the button on the intercom and asked.

The strange man outside the door said: "I am the security inspector of the hotel. I come here for a daily security inspection to check whether the bathroom and bedroom in the room have been installed with surveillance cameras by previous guests. This is for your privacy. For the sake of consideration, please cooperate with the inspection, it only takes 3 minutes."

Although Liu Yan was puzzled, she still opened the door.

The man in overalls was Pang Liankun, of course Liu Yan didn't know him.She looked at Pang Liankun carefully, and then said: "Please hurry up, there are still guests coming later."

Pang Liankun smiled and said, "I promise to finish it within 3 minutes."

After finishing speaking, he entered the room, skillfully opened the toolbox, took out a palm-sized scanner, and began to walk around the room.

Liu Yan watched impatiently as Pang Liankun walked into the bathroom from the living room, and then into a bedroom... When he came out, he was about to open the door and walk into another bedroom.Liu Yan immediately stopped her and said: "Forget about that one, I won't live in that one, my friend is coming, you should leave quickly!"

"There are strange things in this room!" Pang Liankun thought to himself.He still had a 'professional smile' on his face at the moment, and flipped a mung bean-sized sound monitor under the door edge without showing a trace.

As soon as the monitor fell to the ground, the surface immediately changed its color, becoming the same color as the carpet. If you didn't lie down on the ground and look carefully, you wouldn't be able to spot it at all.Unless scanned with the most advanced detectors, it will never be found.

After doing all this, Pang Liankun turned around and said helplessly: "At this time, you asked yourself not to check. If there is any problem, we will not be responsible."

"There's no need to waste so much time, get out!" Liu Yan couldn't bear it anymore, she looked at the time on the wall.It is estimated that Li Tian will arrive within 10 minutes.

At this time, Pang Liankun put away the tools very cooperatively, and walked out of the door quickly.

Liu Yan closed the door heavily angrily, and said to herself: "There are people living in this kind of hotel..."

Carrying his bag, Pang Liankun turned a corner in the corridor and pushed away Suite 8017.

After entering the room, Pang Liankun sat down on the sofa, heaved a sigh of relief, then took off his blue overalls, opened a silver-white metal box on the coffee table, and took out a small bug from it.

He turned on the switch, and the sound of the door opening suddenly appeared on the horn.

Pang Liankun smiled at this moment, took out the communicator in his ear, and put it together with the bug.

In room 806.

Liu Yan pushed away the bedroom that Pang Liankun was not allowed to enter, and while closing the door, said hastily: "Li Tian is a fast-tempered guy, when I have sex with him later, you can take the opportunity to inject the medicine into his body. "

It turned out that besides Liu Yan, there was another man with short hair, a dragon tattoo on his chest, and a strong figure in this room.And this man was getting up lazily from the bed and started to put on his clothes.

The quilt and sheets on the bed looked very messy, and the woman's underwear was thrown all over the place, especially the sheets, which were covered with water stains... From these marks, it can be seen that Liu Yan must have been with this girl before. The man was passionate for a while.

After Liu Yan finished speaking, she glared at the man in dissatisfaction, then quickly put away the scattered clothes in the room, and took out perfume and sprayed it around the room to cover up the smell of passion between men and women.

After 3 minutes, the room was cleaned up, and the man reluctantly got under the bed.And Liu Yan sat on the edge of the bed and waited quietly.

The room was silent for a minute, and the man on the bed asked impatiently, "Damn it, how long do we have to wait!"

A hint of impatience flashed across Liu Yan's face, and then she said lightly: "He should be here soon, Li Tian has practiced, you have to be careful later, and finally wait until he is about to finish his work on me before making a move."

"Damn!" The man under the bed cursed rudely, and said angrily: "You want me to watch my woman get fucked by that kid! After that kid recruits the coordinates, he must be skinned!"

"What is your woman?" Liu Yan clasped her hands, dissatisfied: "We are just a cooperative relationship! After I sell the coordinates, we will break up."

"Ah~" The man under the bed sighed, and said with a smile: "I don't understand, he is so rich and has a private spaceship, why do you want to leave him, wouldn't it be better to be his woman? What coordinates will be worth more than 100 billion federal currency, is it a mineral meteorite?"

Liu Yan sneered and said, "It's actually good to be his woman! It's a pity that my background is not good. He knows that I was a prostitute before, so he will definitely dislike me. By then..."

When Liu Yan said this, her expression suddenly darkened, and her eyes were filled with tears. She gritted her teeth and said, "Only money is the most important thing. As long as I have money, I will go for a plastic surgery, change my identity, and then restore the mask." Well, who the hell knows that I was a prostitute before! I can find a good man for the rest of my life."

After Liu Yan finished speaking, the man under the bed said with a strange smile: "That's a pity! I planned to make this vote with you, to live together with you, especially your tongue, I have played with so many women, I have never seen anyone who can surpass you..."

"Shut up!"

Before the man finished speaking, Liu Yan roared angrily.

Seeing that Liu Yan was really angry, the man under the bed tactfully stopped speaking, and the room fell into silence.

The conversation between the two was clearly heard by Zhao Xing and the others.

In room 8017, Pang Liankun turned off the bug, put the cylindrical communicator into his ear, and said: "It seems that Liu Yan didn't tell this man about it. This man still doesn't know the details. The situation is just a guess that it is a mineral meteorite. If this is the case, the matter will be easy to handle, just kill them directly. But what I am worried about is whether Liu Yan has recorded this matter or revealed it to others Pass."

Zhao Xing was sitting in the coffee shop opposite the Lixing Hotel at this time. During the past few minutes, he was drinking coffee while listening to Pang Liankun's voice.

After Pang Liankun finished speaking, Zhao Xing didn't answer, but Li Tian said, "I'd better go there myself! If I expose her and ask her personally, she will tell me."

Zhao Xing persuaded at this time: "Li Tian, ​​do you think such a woman will have feelings for you?"

Li Tian had already walked into the hotel and got into the elevator. Hearing Zhao Xing's words, he sighed and said, "Captain, you know that I am very emotional. Since I caused this incident, I hope Let me finish it."

Zhao Xing could only helplessly say: "Alright then! Be careful, we can appear in front of you at any time."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, he stood up, paid the bill at the counter, and walked out of the coffee shop quickly.

Looking at the extremely ornately decorated gate of Lixing Hotel, Zhao Xing sighed and shook his head, thinking: "What a poor woman! In fact, Li Tian would not care about your past, what he values ​​is feelings, not your body ..."

Zhao Xing walked into the hall, and a waitress greeted him.Before she could speak, Zhao Xing smiled and said, "I'm going to Room 8017, my friend is waiting for me."

"Okay! Your friend has already said hello, let me take you to the elevator." The service lady took Zhao Xing to the elevator door very politely, and pressed the button.

Three minutes later, Zhao Xing walked into room 3.

At this time, Li Tian was standing outside Room 806. He had hesitated for a few minutes, raised his hand several times to press the doorbell, but put it down again.

(End of this chapter)

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