Bug anger

Chapter 118 Going to the Bug Star Field

Chapter 118 Going to the Bug Star Field

After the cargo ship's warehouse door was closed, Zhao Xing and Li Tian put on the confidential clothing they got from the Heavenly Star black market to cover up their appearance before disembarking from the landing ship.

Like Zhao Xing's spaceship, this is the landing pod for the landing ship to enter and exit. When the pod door was closed, the door opened, and several men in black walked in.

One of them was the long-haired young man Zhao Xing had seen on the black market that day.

"Hello, you can call me Xiao Zheng, we should have met." The long-haired young man looked at Zhao Xing and Li Tian, ​​through his figure, he finally locked his eyes on Zhao Xing, and said to Zhao Xing with a smile .

Zhao Xing nodded and said: "Xiao Zheng, I have already brought the things, and they are on the landing ship. You can go and move them."

Xiao Zheng nodded to Zhao Xing, then waved his hand, and the two men in black behind him entered Zhao Xing's landing boat.

Li Tian followed in like a shadow to prevent them from doing anything.This is necessary, Pang Liankun can put monitoring equipment in that hotel without anyone noticing, there is no guarantee that these people will not do this, and when they return to the mother ship, Zhao De and the others will have to conduct a thorough inspection of the landing ship, and even seal it off. .

After the two men in black entered the boat, under Li Tian's guidance, they began to carry the Luhr gold nuggets.

Although each Luhr gold nugget is less than a foot long and less than five centimeters thick, each piece weighs 20 catties. The two men can only carry four pieces at a time, making a total of three trips back and forth, and only [-] yuan Lure The gold nuggets have been moved.

After analyzing Lurkin with a scanner, Xiao Zheng nodded in satisfaction, "The purity is very high, a total of [-] kilograms, ten grams more."

Zhao Xing said very straightforwardly: "Ten grams is fine, you just pay me [-] million federal currency."

"Okay!" Xiao Zheng said, and immediately said to the communicator in the warehouse: "There is no problem with the goods, and the payment can be made."

After Xiao Zheng finished speaking, five seconds later, Pang Liankun said to Zhao Xing through the communicator: "The money has arrived, a total of [-] million federal currency."

Zhao Xing nodded in satisfaction.

Xiao Zheng said with a smile at this time: "If you have any more goods, please contact me."

Zhao Xing smiled and said: "No problem! Now that the transaction is completed, we should leave."

Xiao Zheng nodded slightly, smiled and stretched out his hand, making a gesture of invitation.

After returning to the ship, Zhao Xing and the others didn't want to bother, and directly sealed the landing ship used for trading just now with anti-signal coating, and wrapped it several layers in a row.

Except for another transaction, Zhao Xing does not plan to use this landing ship again.

At this time, in the cockpit of the cargo ship, Xiao Zheng respectfully said to a middle-aged man displayed on the display screen: "Boss, why don't you let us use the most advanced virus-based monitoring equipment, this is the most advanced Instruments, they won't find out."

The middle-aged man on the display screen smiled and said: "Do you think they are unprepared? How much is a landing ship? They trade once, and they can discard one. Or seal it with anti-signal things... like this Do it, if they find out, it will not be worth the loss.”

"Yes! Boss!" Xiao Zheng nodded.

After the communication was turned off, an operator on the bridge turned his head and said to Xiao Zheng: "Head, it is just as the boss said, when the landing ship returned to their mother ship, the communication disappeared. What a pity! That is 100 million federal currency A single monitor is gone.”

Xiao Zheng also sighed, "It seems that they are not easy! In the future, don't do this kind of thing again. If I am found out, the boss will not let me go."

After leaving the landing pod, Zhao Xing and Li Tian took off their security suits and returned to the cockpit of the spacecraft.

Pang Liankun said at this time: "Just received the news that the medical supplies are ready and you can board the ship at any time."

Zhao Xing immediately said to Li Tian: "Li Tian, ​​please make another trip, those things can be transported up with a landing ship once, bring a security scanner, be careful."

Li Tian nodded immediately, turned and left the cockpit.

At this time, Pang Liankun said to Zhao Xing again: "I will call you Captain from now on!" Seeing Zhao Xing nod with a smile, he said again: "Captain, I don't think you should buy goods from Paradise Star after the transaction is over. If you work hard, you will always be noticed.”

Zhao Xing frowned and took out a cigarette, took out one and threw it to Pang Liankun, then lit his own cigarette, took a puff, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said: "Don't worry, I understand this. Trading, I will look for more Lurkin buyers, I am afraid that the increasing volume will attract their attention and think about us."

At this moment, Pang Liankun lit the cigarette in his mouth, thought for a while, and said: "There are many things that will be needed later, such as automatic equipment for mining and smelting Lurjin, and various other types of machinery. In order to protect Yi Xing, We still need to form a fleet, in addition to directly purchasing warships and weapons, we also need corresponding logistics facilities and so on! When I think about it now, I don’t know how to transport them to Yixing without anyone noticing.”

What Pang Liankun said made Zhao Xing feel as if a big stone had been crushed in his heart.

According to Pang Liankun, if a large-scale transportation is carried out in a short period of time, it is really possible to be noticed, so that they will try their best to find out their details.

This is unavoidable. Although commercial activities within the jurisdiction of the federal government are very free, they are always monitored, lest a sudden force that they cannot control suddenly appear within the jurisdiction or in the surrounding areas.

What Zhao Xing and the others are doing now is actually digging into the walls of the federal government. Once they are discovered, they will definitely be severely punished.

Zhao Xing understands very well that what they have to do now is very difficult. They just figured out how to develop power in heaven, gain the support of the aborigines, and cultivate the talents they need.But suddenly, Pang Liankun raised another problem that they needed to solve.

In fact, Zhao Xing also faintly felt it before, but he has been reluctant to say it out, but this problem must be resolved as soon as possible.

Zhao Xing began to meditate, thinking about how to transport the needed things to Yi Xing without anyone noticing.

A few minutes later, suddenly, a flash of light came to his mind.

"What if we use wormholes?" Zhao Xing suddenly smiled evilly.

Pang Liankun thought for a while, "A small wormhole, like the one we saw the other day, has a diameter of tens of meters and can transport general goods. To transport warships to Yi Xing, a large wormhole is necessary. According to the volume calculation of the latest large warship, the diameter of the wormhole... needs to be at least a thousand meters. This kind of wormhole is extremely rare. According to the records of the Military Academy, this kind of wormhole has only been seen once in the past hundred years. hole, but was quickly destroyed."

Regarding the wormhole, Zhao Xing had no idea at all, but he believed in his worm clone.

"I still have to go to a planet with worms, and it's in the depths of the star field occupied by worms." Zhao Xing thought for a while and gritted his teeth.

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, Pang Liankun didn't speak anymore, and he didn't know what to say at this moment.

A few minutes later, Li Tian's landing ship returned.

After testing and found that there was no problem, Li Tiancai came out of the landing compartment and came to the driving compartment.

Zhao Xing told Li Tian again what he had just said to Pang Liankun about going to the insect star, and Li Tian was shocked: "How can this be possible! Captain, that is too dangerous. You must know that in the depths of the star field occupied by insects , in addition to common bugs, there are many special bugs, they can even attack spaceships in the universe. Also, it’s the end of the year, and the end of May next year will be the mecha competition in the universe. You promised Lan Xin’s father, didn’t you? Are you going to break the contract?"

In fact, Zhao Xing always remembered what Lan Tianhong said to him in the car that day. Zhao Xing believed that Lan Tianhong now supported him and Lan Xin together, which might have something to do with it.

Zhao Xing said with a smile: "Actually, I can't do much on Yi Xing, so I might as well go outside. I have bugs, so you don't have to worry. There is also the mecha competition at the end of May next year, and I must participate. "

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, Li Tian didn't persuade him anymore, he knew that what Zhao Xing had decided would not be changed now.

Thinking of the worm, another thought suddenly appeared in Zhao Xing's mind. He immediately sat on the bridge, opened his mailbox, and sent an email to Mr. Zhou.

Zhao Xing said above that if there is a large amount of milky white juice excreted by female worms, ask Mr. Zhou if he needs it, and he can provide it at the market price.And asked Mr. Zhou to keep it a secret for himself.

Zhao Xing believed in Mr. Zhou's character, and besides his bug avatar, no one else could get this high-quality thing. Even if the secret was leaked, it would be fine if others knew about it.

After doing these things, Zhao Xing thought about nothing else, and ordered to go back.Under Pang Liankun's skillful operation, the spaceship quickly accelerated, and disappeared in the periphery of Paradise Star after more than ten seconds.

After more than 40 minutes, Zhao Xing and the others returned to Yi Xing's atmosphere.

Zhao Xing returned to Yi Xing this time, and ran to Paradise Star without a break. In addition to the previous nervousness, when he saw Yi Xing appearing in front of the spaceship, he finally felt a little tired.

He looked at the expressions of Pang Liankun and Li Tian. Li Tian was in good spirits, and Pang Liankun was like him, with a tired look on his face.

The place where the spaceship was staying was already shrouded in darkness. After Zhao Xing waited for the spaceship to land, he randomly found a room on the spaceship and went into the bathroom...

More than ten minutes later, when Zhao Xing came out of the bathroom, he was surprised to find that Xiao Xuan was sitting on the edge of the bed in loose pajamas, waiting for him!

Zhao Xing suddenly felt a burst of warmth and happiness!

"It's good to have someone waiting!" Zhao Xing thought with a smile.Then he walked forward quickly, sat beside Xiao Xuan, and gently embraced her fragrant shoulders...

Early the next morning, when Zhao Xing woke up, he found that Xiao Xuan had left.He got up immediately, and after taking a shower, he opened the door and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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