Bug anger

Chapter 119 Leave

Chapter 119 Leave
"It's been a long time since I ate the porridge cooked by Xiao Xuan. Let's go to the kitchen to have a look." After Zhao Xing went out, he remembered the old days and turned to go to the spaceship's kitchen.

Sure enough, as he expected, as soon as he entered the door, he could smell the aroma of rice, and a burst of heat was coming out of a smart rice cooker.

Zhao Xing lifted the lid and found that it was black rice porridge, so he filled a bowl.After taking a sip, his mouth was filled with a sweet scent, which was a familiar taste, and Zhao Xing could tell that it was cooked by Xiao Xuan himself.

After drinking two bowls of steaming black rice porridge in one go, Zhao Xing entered the cockpit.

After entering the door, Zhao Xing took a glance and found that everyone was present, sitting and discussing together.

"Haha! Captain, you finally woke up! Did you sleep well last night?" Li Tian greeted with a smile.

Zhao Xing just smiled, and then asked: "Are you all ready?"

Xiao Xuan nodded and said: "It's ready, haven't you seen that Yuxue has finished her makeup?"

Zhao Xing turned his head to look at Fu Yuxue, and saw that she was wearing a white Han skirt, a gorgeous headdress on her head, and her face was covered by a translucent gauze, looking very mysterious.

Looking at Fu Yuxue's clothes, Zhao Xingcai noticed that Xiao Xuan and Lan Xin were also wearing the same clothes, but they didn't wear veils.

And Yinyue and Yanqing are also dressed in the same way, but they are wearing green skirts, which make them look more lively.

Five beauties in ancient costumes, Zhao Xing smiled slightly, then nodded, "Then let's start!"

One minute later, except for Zhao Xing, Xiao Cheng, and Pang Liankun, everyone in the cab left.

Pang Liankun controlled the spaceship to rise to a height of hundreds of meters, and then the door at the bottom opened, and a landing ship flew out of it, and soon disappeared into the sky.

After re-parking the spaceship, Xiao Cheng opened a screen from the monitor.

What is shown in the picture is a small village with hundreds of thatched huts. It may be an outbreak of infectious diseases within the plague. Half of the houses have white banners hanging in front of their doors. Many people wear white clothes woven with coarse fiber. clothes, with Bai Ling wrapped around her head, coffins were being carried out one after another...

The whole village is filled with the sadness of the death of a loved one.

Seeing such a scene, Zhao Xing frowned, deeply feeling that the human beings on this planet live in too much pain, even small bacteria can take their lives.

A few minutes later, on the monitoring screen, a scene of a landing ship falling from the sky appeared.

Xiao Cheng immediately manipulated the detector and locked the screen on the landing ship.

Fu Yuxue's fairy-like figure appeared in the eyes of the villagers. She looked extremely mysterious and noble. Behind her, Lan Xin and Xiao Xuan who were veiled also followed her. Yinyue and Yanqing were dressed as maids, Hand holds box with mystical runes.

Qiansong and Yinfeng were dressed as warriors, with treasured swords on their waists.

Li Tian is in charge of staying on the landing ship.

Zhao Xing could have predicted the following situation.

The villagers were afraid of Fu Yuxue and the others at first, but after Fu Yuxue cured a dying villager under Fu Yuxue's leadership, the way the villagers looked at them changed immediately... More than an hour later, all the villagers who were still sick were sick. After receiving the treatment, Fu Tianlang dressed as a boy announced the existence of Tianyijiao to the villagers in the reverent eyes of the villagers. Afterwards, Fu Yuxue left spare medicine for the villagers and taught them how to take it...

Finally, while the villagers collectively bowed down, Fu Yuxue and the others boarded the landing ship and took off into the sky.

Zhao Xing felt like he was watching a play, but he couldn't be happy all the time. This was actually a kind of deception, taking advantage of the ignorance of the villagers.

But there is no way to do it. The descendants of the explorers used the method of fooling the people for the sake of rule and self-interest. It is conceivable.They destroyed progressive civilization and thought, concocted a set of superstitions, made ordinary people believe that they were the real dragon emperors, and deified themselves.

This is actually a kind of sadness.

Next, Fu Yuxue and the others also had the same itinerary, saving lives and healing the wounded throughout Yi Xing.

The treatment on the first day was all special incidents detected by Xiao Cheng with the monitor, and the common people involved were all in urgent need of help.

When it was shown on the screen that Fu Yuxue and the others had rescued a woman with dystocia, Xiao Cheng said: "Later, we will establish branches of Tianyi Education in these places, recruit people, promote the idea of ​​equality and mutual assistance, in order to help people in time To solve the problem, detectors must be stationed in these places. Also, those palaces, the army, and various government offices must also be monitored... Our monitors are not enough!"

Zhao Xing nodded, "This kind of monitor is very cheap. At that time, I will hand over the finances to Li Tian. He is the envoy of Shancaitang! You can apply for him to allocate funds, and he will agree."

After more than ten hours of busy work, Fu Yuxue and the others finally came back.

Everyone gathered in the cockpit again to hold a summary meeting.

Zhao Xing said with a smile: "You all performed very well today. You have saved thousands of people, and at the same time you have received their gratitude. If you persist for a while, it will not be difficult for these people to support and join Tianyi Sect. During this process, you can write an application to Li Tian for what equipment is needed and where you need to spend money, and if it is reasonable, he will agree."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, Xiao Xuan quickly recorded it.

Lan Xin said at this time: "There are too many people on the planet! We have treated only a small number of people today. I suggest we separate operations tomorrow! Bring weapons with you, so the efficiency will be higher."

After Lan Xin finished speaking, Yinfeng said again: "We have to choose a place with steep terrain to build a huge temple, select some believers to visit the temple, and implant the mystery and majesty of our sect into their hearts. In addition to benevolence, some people must be punished, especially those dissidents who oppose us. Otherwise, some people will gradually think that we are kind and deceitful."

After Yinfeng finished speaking, Zhao Xing nodded, "This is feasible, but it can't be done too much and become a kind of oppression, otherwise it will make people feel disgusted."

Ever since he came back, Qian Song had been thinking about it, and at this moment he took the opportunity to speak: "As the envoy of the Law Enforcement Hall, I will start recruiting subordinates to start training, and I need to equip them with communication equipment to facilitate communication."

After Qian Song finished speaking, Zhao Xing nodded and Xiao Xuan quickly recorded it.

Xiao Cheng said at this time: "Some of the royal family has also begun to pay attention to today's incident. The data from the monitor shows that they already know that we did it, and they are a little restless. They may want to clean up the people we helped. What about this?"

Zhao Xing sneered and said, "They have a keen sense of smell. If they really want to take violent actions, then give them a warning. If they don't listen, they can only be cleaned once."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, he looked at Qian Song and Fu Yuxue, and seeing that they had no objection, he continued, "We only want to make the lives of humans on this planet better, and violence is necessary."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, there was a moment of silence in the driver's cabin, and Pang Liankun said at this time: "In addition to the development of the sect, what is going on simultaneously is the mining of Luerjin. We can't always buy their currency, otherwise it will disrupt their of the order.

Also, when our sect develops to a certain level, that is, when it is initially mature, it will start to cultivate its own talents. I am thinking about this plan, and a mature system will come out within one month. "

"Yes!" Zhao Xing sighed: "Actually, we don't have much time. The development of the sect and the cultivation of talents must be carried out simultaneously. When I was away, Lao Pang was responsible for purchasing various equipment and recruiting and training talents. Other People develop according to their respective positions, and if there is something that cannot be decided, it will be handed over to Yinfeng, Lao Pang, and Li Tian to discuss and decide."

"how about you?"

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, Lan Xin realized something was wrong and asked immediately.

Zhao Xing said with a smile: "I have something to announce next. I will be away for a while, which is related to my bug. Well, I will come back at the end of May next year. You don't need to dissuade me. I must Do it yourself."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, he looked at the expressions of Lan Xin and Xiao Xuan, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, and don't blame me for being the shopkeeper. If my work is done well, we won't have to worry about it anymore."

Except for Pang Liankun and Li Tian who knew about Zhao Xing's going to the Chongzi Starfield, he was going to keep it a secret from everyone else, because if one more person knew about it, he might be more worried.

"Then when will you leave?" Lan Xin asked.

"Tomorrow!" Zhao Xing scratched his head and said.

"Hmph!" Lan Xin snorted softly at Zhao Xing, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and a sneer flashed across her face.

Seeing her smile, Zhao Xing suddenly felt a little creepy.

After the discussion, it was already dark.

Xiao Xuan went to the kitchen and cooked a sumptuous dinner with the ingredients on Yi Xing.

At dinner, everyone got together and opened a few bottles of wine...

After Zhao Xing entered the room drunk, he found that Lan Xin and Xiao Xuan were both in his room.

"Hey! It's not about flying together!" Zhao Xing smiled wickedly while taking advantage of his drunkenness.

Lan Xin sneered, pushed him into the bathroom, and then the two women joined forces, stripped him naked, and washed off the smell of alcohol on his body.

Sure enough, as Zhao Xing expected, as soon as he came out of the bathroom, the most daring Lan Xin began to tease him, Xiao Xuan also drank some wine, and at this time became bold...

Early the next morning, Zhao Xing felt dizzy when he woke up, and his waist was a little sore.Thinking of the madness last night, Zhao Xing couldn't help gritting his teeth.If it wasn't for his enhanced physique, he really wouldn't be able to deal with these two demanding women.

After getting dressed, Zhao Xing left the room and habitually drank a bowl of rice porridge cooked by Xiao Xuan before entering the cockpit.

At this time, everyone was present to see him off.

Zhao Xing didn't want to see their sad faces, he waved them away without saying a word...

After driving the spaceship out of the atmosphere, Zhao Xing let out a sigh of relief, feeling a little disappointed and a little excited. He has always had companions by his side, but now, he has to face the next thing alone.

Zhao Xing understands very well that he doesn't play a big role in Yi Xing's construction, and he feels that he doesn't like this kind of life either.For a long time, he has had an idea in his heart to travel the universe with a worm clone, and now it has finally come true.

"I hope that when I come back next year, Yi Xing will have a big change..." Looking at Yi Xing behind the spaceship getting smaller and smaller, Zhao Xing muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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