Bug anger

Chapter 121 Arrival

Chapter 121 Arrival
"Little wolf, are you full?" Zhao Xing asked with a smile seeing the little guy's comfortable appearance.

Fu Tianlang nodded, "I'm full."

"Aren't you worried about your sister when you sneaked onto the boat and left?" Zhao Xing asked.

Fu Tianlang smiled and said: "I told my sister that I want to go outside with my sister, and my sister agreed."

"Don't call me brother-in-law." Zhao Xing frowned and said, "I'm not your brother-in-law yet."

Fu Tianlang blinked at Zhao Xing, "Anyway, sooner or later! Don't think I can't see it."

"He's really a big kid." Zhao Xing felt a little helpless. If he found out a few days in advance, he could still send Fu Sirius back, but now 20 days have passed, and it will take another 20 days to go back, and it will be another month when he comes back , two months will be gone.

"Do you know that the place I'm going to is very dangerous, and I may die at any time. If something happens, how can I explain to your sister?" Zhao Xing said, his face a little ugly.He was always worried about Fu Sirius' safety.

Seeing Zhao Xing's ugly face, Fu Tianlang lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, brother-in-law. I won't dare next time, but I really want to see the outside world with you, and I don't want to hang out on Yi Xing. Brother-in-law, don't worry , if I die, my sister will not blame you. You saved my life!"

"Your sister is also ignorant." Zhao Xing said helplessly, thought for a while, and asked, "Can you cook?"

Fu Sirius raised his head immediately, "Of course I can do it. I learned it from sister Xiao Xuan. I can make rice porridge, noodles, pastries, and I can also stir-fry."

Zhao Xing was already hungry at this time, nodded and said: "Go and cook me a bowl of noodles, put more chili."

"Okay!" Fu Sirius exclaimed excitedly, and began to get busy in the kitchen.

"Hey!" Zhao Xing turned his head to see Fu Tianlang's skillful appearance, and sneered.This voyage was so boring, I thought I must clean up this guy.

Zhao Xing always thought that Fu Tianlang was more stable than Han Xiaolong, but he never thought that he would do such an unexpected thing.I thought that I must deal with it severely, so that he would be afraid when he talked about going out with me in the future.

Fu Sirius was seriously cooking for Zhao Xing, but he didn't expect that Zhao Xing was thinking about how to 'torture' him.

In less than 10 minutes, Fu Tianlang brought a bowl of steaming noodles to Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing picked up a few sticks with chopsticks and put them in his mouth to taste. He felt that the taste was not bad, and the chili and salt were put in a moderate amount.So he nodded and said: "The craftsmanship is not bad! I will cook the next meal by you."

Seeing Zhao Xing nodding slightly, Fu Tianlang scratched his head and smiled, but he couldn't help being discouraged when he heard Zhao Xing's last words.

Zhao Xing looked at Fu Tianlang's reluctance, and said with a smile: "I haven't punished you for sneaking onto the boat, so this should be regarded as punishment."

"Okay!" Fu Sirius replied weakly.

After eating, Zhao Xing asked Fu Tianlang to clean up the kitchen.After finishing, let him enter the cockpit again, and wipe off the soot everywhere due to smoking in the past 20 days with a rag.

Zhao Xing kept holding his hands, supervising Fu Sirius' work like a foreman.

After cleaning the cockpit and satisfied himself, Zhao Xing looked at Fu Tianlang's belly and found that the noodles were almost digested in his stomach, so he said to Fu Tianlang: "Little wolf, do you want to be a strong man?" By."

"Of course!" Fu Sirius nodded immediately.His eyes looked determined.

Zhao Xing nodded in satisfaction, "However, to become a strong man, one must suffer a lot!"

"I'm not afraid of suffering!" Fu Tianlang said again with twinkling eyes.

Zhao Xing sneered: "Then come with me to the fitness room. From now on, you have to learn Kung Fu. Well, start from the most basic Kung Fu."

"Great!" Fu Sirius jumped up happily.

The two soon came to the fitness room.

Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief, squatted down slightly, and said to Fu Tianlang: "This is a horse stance, you know it. Start doing it now! Persist for an hour."

"That's easy!" Fu Sirius immediately followed Zhao Xing and squatted into a horse stance.

Zhao Xing looked at Fu Sirius' posture, it was very standard, then he closed his eyes slightly, and began to practice the breathing method given to him by Mr. Liu.

Although this breathing method has become Zhao Xing's natural breathing habit, he still insists on practicing whenever he has time.

Half an hour later, Zhao Xing looked at Fu Tianlang and found that this guy was still holding on, and his legs didn't show signs of shaking. He thought to himself, so this little guy has practiced before!

Zhao Xing didn't say a word, and continued to practice.

Soon, another half hour passed.At this time, Fu Tianlang finally couldn't hold back any longer, and asked, "Brother-in-law, the time is up!"

Zhao Xing closed his eyes and smiled, "Did I say that?"

"Then how much longer?" Fu Tianlang asked through gritted teeth.

Zhao Xing chuckled: "Whenever I say the time is up, it will be there!"

Fu Tianlang hummed helplessly, gritted his teeth and insisted again.

Finally, another 15 minutes passed before Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

At this time, Fu Tianlang's forehead began to sweat, and his legs trembled constantly.

"One hour and fifteen minutes, not bad!" Zhao Xing thought to himself.Then he said with a smile: "It's time, you can stop."

"Ah~" Fu Tianlang felt his legs go numb, and sat down, panting weakly.

Zhao Xing didn't intend to let him go, and said again: "I have practiced the strength of the legs, now I will start to exercise, the strength of the arms, start to do push-ups, just like me..."

As Zhao Xing said, he got down on his stomach, straightened his legs and waist, raised his hands on the ground, and showed Fu Tianlang a demonstration.

"But I'm very tired now!" Fu Tianlang said with a worried face.

Zhao Xing sneered and said: "If you admit that you are a softie, you don't need to train with me. And you don't need to cook in the future. I'll serve you, how about it?"

"I don't want to be a softie!" Fu Tianlang gritted his teeth, imitating Zhao Xing and started doing push-ups.

"No! The waist has to be straight, the whole body has to be as hard as iron, and only the arms are allowed to move... Yes, that's it!" Zhao Xing immediately corrected Fu Sirius's posture of moving arms and buttocks together.

"Brother-in-law, how long have you been doing this!" Fu Sirius asked.

"One hour!" Zhao Xing said with a smile.

"Ah~ it won't be another hour and fifteen minutes!" Fu Tianlang said with a bitter face.It seemed that he knew that Zhao Xing had lied to him just now.

Zhao Xing laughed again, "If you admit that you are a softie, then you don't have to do it."

The word 'soft' is extremely lethal. When Zhao Xing said this, Fu Tianlang had no objection anymore, and gritted his teeth and began to do push-ups seriously.

In less than half an hour, Fu Tianlang couldn't hold on anymore, his body lay on the ground and he couldn't get up.

At this moment, Zhao Xing kept moving at a constant speed, "Did you just give up like this? Haha! Let's admit that we are a softie!"

Fu Tianlang immediately gritted his teeth, using both hands to prop up his body...

For twelve hours, Zhao Xing kept changing patterns to 'tune' Fu Sirius. After finishing the push-ups, he rested for 10 minutes, and then used the horizontal bar to do pull-ups.

After finishing, do sit-ups again...

After twelve hours, the two of them were hungry again.At this time, Fu Tianlang's clothes were soaked with sweat, his body was limp and he seemed to have no energy.

But Zhao Xing still didn't let him go, and supervised him to cook in the kitchen.

After eating, Fu Tianlang couldn't even open his eyelids. He opened a random room, fell on the bed and closed his eyes. Within a minute, he started snoring.

Zhao Xing pushed open the door, looked at the sleeping Fu Tianlang and smiled, and then went over to cover him with a quilt.

It was like this every day for ten days in a row.Zhao Xing's originally boring journey became interesting because of the appearance of Fu Sirius.

Zhao Xing's purpose is definitely not to 'torture' Fu Sirius to pass the boring time, but to improve his physical fitness as much as possible.Because this trip is full of dangers, if you are really in a dangerous situation, without luck, the better your physical fitness, the greater your chance of surviving.

When the spaceship broke away from the state of superluminal flight, what appeared in front of Zhao Xing was densely packed wreckage of the spaceship, with no end in sight.

Among the wreckage, huge bug corpses can also be seen.

Looking at this quiet picture, Zhao Xing felt like he was in hell.Obviously, there has been a war between humans and insects here. When Zhao Xing searched for information about this place before, he saw brief news.

It said that more than 70 years ago, when humans discovered that this place was a place where bugs lived, they gathered millions of warships, more than 3 million soldiers, and tens of thousands of mechas to attack here, but the result ended in a disastrous defeat for humans.

However, after this war, the number of bugs has also decreased sharply. At least until now, there has not been a swarm of hundreds of millions of bugs.

However, it can be predicted that when the number of bugs in this star field reaches a certain level, they will invade the habitable star of human beings again through the wormhole, and the second war between humans and insects will inevitably happen again.

This is only the entrance to the star field of Starworms. Due to the densely covered wreckage of countless warships, the spaceship can only use the normal flight state.Zhao Xing was not proficient in driving the spaceship, so he turned on the autopilot at this time.

Fu Tianlang looked out of the window and opened his eyes wide. For him, this scene shocked him too much.

"Brother-in-law, are these warships made by humans?" Fu Sirius asked suddenly.

Zhao Xing nodded, "That's right! These warships are all made by humans, and what you see is only a very small part of the human fleet."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, Fu Sirius didn't notice what to say, and kept looking outside blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

The spacecraft moved forward at an extremely fast speed, and after about half an hour, it finally passed through the wreckage area and entered a vast and empty space.

At this time, Zhao Xing turned on the space scanning system and began to draw a nearby star map.

(End of this chapter)

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