Bug anger

Chapter 122 Call it Sirius

Chapter 122 Call it Sirius

At this moment, Zhao Xing didn't dare to go any further, and stopped the spaceship.

A few minutes later, the planets within [-] light-years were systematically displayed in three-dimensional images.Zhao Xing looked at the star map, and was surprised to find that there were hundreds of small galaxies in the star map, and these small galaxies were very close together.The closest small galaxies, the distance between their two stars, are less than a billion kilometers.Calculated on the basis of the regular flight speed of the spacecraft at [-] kilometers per second, it only takes about three hours to go from one small galaxy to another.

Next, Zhao Xing began to scan for possible habitable stars among these small galaxies.

Bugs have similar environmental requirements to humans. There must be water, oxygen, and a suitable temperature on the planet. These three conditions must be met.

According to the experience of human beings exploring the universe, in every 1 small galaxies, it is possible to find a habitable star, or a planet that can be transformed into a habitable star.

Soon, the analysis results came out.

To Zhao Xing's surprise, among these hundreds of small galaxies, there are at least fifty planets that meet the condition of moderate temperature.It made him feel that in this star field, the proportion of habitable stars is too high.

Zhao Xing was just surprised, but he didn't find it strange. The universe is too big, and any weird things can happen.The strange change that took place in him is an obvious example.

As soon as this data came out, Zhao Xing became more vigilant.Maybe there are a lot of bugs on these fifty planets.

Here, it is not like the insect star he has seen before. In this star field, the types of insects may be the most complete. In addition to the insects that can walk and fly on land, there may be insects that can survive outside the planet's atmosphere. insect.

Those warship wrecks are a good illustration of this problem.During that amazing war, the fleet must have encountered bugs that could fly in the starry sky and have the ability to attack warships.

After thinking about it, Zhao Xing set the nearest habitable star as the target point and started the spacecraft.

The set target planet is more than 30 billion kilometers away from Zhao Xing's spacecraft, which is too close to use short-distance space jumps, and can only use conventional flight, which takes about ten hours.

Zhao Xing has been away for 20 days. On Yixing, Tianyijiao has grown rapidly, and now has tens of thousands of loyal followers.

At the highest peak of Yixing, Pang Liankun and Xiao Cheng are guarding the intelligent mechanical equipment and starting to build a magnificent temple.Xiao Cheng and Li Tian spent three days designing this temple with intelligent software.

It cannot but be said that the imagination of the two is rich and bold.

In the design drawing, this mountain with an altitude of more than 7000 meters and a diameter of more than ten kilometers will start from the top, cut off 2000 meters, and then hollow out the interior.The exposed temple on the top of the peak was built in the style of the imperial palace of the Han Dynasty in ancient China.Then at the base of the temple, the hollowed-out interior of the mountain, a huge military base was to be built.

In the military base, ten large warships with a length of more than 4000 meters can be parked. The shell of the base is divided into ten layers, and each layer is made of high-strength alloy steel plates up to one meter thick.

In this base, there is a modern command system, a large first-aid center, an imitation ecological space...

If all of them are completed, on the surface, this is just a high mountain and a magnificent temple, but in fact it is!It is a military base with perverted defenses. To destroy it, the entire planet must be blown up.

The cost of such a huge project is astonishing. After analyzing and simulating the graphics, its cost is as high as five trillion federal coins.This only counts the cost of materials and engineering costs. Others, such as the base's main control optical brain system, energy system, base protective cover system, etc., have not been included in the calculation.

Only Li Tian and his group of "upstarts" dare to spend so much money. Big families like the Wei family and the Lan family are definitely not willing to spend so much money to build such a base. It is better to use these Money to build a fleet of thousands of warships.

After Zhao Xing left, Li Tian and the others did not dare to make too much publicity and purchase a large amount of various machinery and materials. They could only conduct preliminary excavations on this mountain for the time being, laying a solid foundation for the future construction of the base.

It is impossible for the humans on Yixing to complete such a huge project, because their tools are too backward. Even if 1000 million people work on it for ten years, it is impossible to make it seven meters high and more than ten kilometers in diameter. The peak of the mountain was dug into a hollow shell.

Pang Liankun and Xiao Cheng were just sitting in a cargo ship at the moment, watching the surveillance screen. All the work was done by large intelligent machines.

When Xiao Cheng was bored, he opened the previous design graphics and kept admiring...

Their cargo ship was a medium-sized cargo ship with a length of about 500 meters and a height and width of about 300 meters. It was about the same size as Zhao Xing's X180. The difference was that the cargo ship had a lot of space, no recreational facilities, and only ten cabins for the crew.

The price of such a spaceship specially used to transport goods is only 20 million federal currency, which is very cheap.During these 20 days, Pang Liankun and Li Tian have sold Lurkin several times, totaling [-] tons and [-] catties, for [-] billion federal currency.

More than half of the 20 billion was used to purchase cargo ships and mechanical equipment, leaving less than [-] million federal currency.

Although the money was running out, they also planned not to leave Yi Xing for a short time, so as not to be seen by others.

At this time, Xiao Cheng was looking at the design drawings, and Pang Liankun was not idle, he was conceiving the construction plan of the fleet.Based on the production of Lurkin on Yixing, he calculated that his team can have more than 2000 trillion in income. If one tenth of it is used, which is 200 trillion, according to the cost of a state-of-the-art large warship plus weapons, Coupled with the 20-year maintenance cost calculation, a warship will consume 400 billion federal currency, 200 trillion, and you can have [-] large warships.

Five thousand ships may sound like a small number, but you must know that a standard large warship is 500 meters long and more than 2000 meters high and wide. Except for the blue whale-type cargo ship spaceship, there is no other spaceship larger than it. Big.In the federal government military, there are not so many large warships.Roughly estimated, it is about [-] ships.

The fleet organization in the universe is divided into three types: medium fleet, large fleet, and combined fleet.

A standard medium-sized fleet consists of five large battleships, fifty medium-sized frigates, 150 medium-sized battleships, two thousand small attack ships, and fifteen medium-sized logistics ships, for a total of 2000 and two hundred and twenty ships.

A large fleet consists of ten medium-sized fleets. If it is a joint fleet, it is generally composed of more than two large fleets.

Pang Liankun knows that it is impossible to use all 200 trillion to buy large-scale warships, but if it is used to develop the fleet, he can have forty medium-sized fleets, that is, two large-scale fleets, with a total of nearly [-] warships, which is equivalent to the fleet of the federal government One-sixth of the amount.

If such a force develops, there is no need to be afraid of any force, including the federal government.Because if there is a war, it is impossible for the federal government to send all the warships to attack them.

At that time, it was not they who worried about others, but others worried about them.

Pang Liankun kept calculating the data, imagining the scene when he commanded [-] warships in battle in the future, and felt like his blood was boiling.

Of course, Pang Liankun will not be carried away by the scene he imagined. To realize this grand ideal, there is still a long way to go, and new and more difficulties will continue to appear ahead. Maybe the dream has not been fulfilled. was discovered...

Heaving a sigh of relief, Pang Liankun calmed down completely and began to formulate a talent training plan. According to the calculation of the establishment of two large fleets, about 500 million people are needed.Seeing this data, Pang Liankun's head suddenly became dizzy...

After more than nine hours of flight, Zhao Xing's spacecraft has already approached the target planet, and on the monitor of the spacecraft, the surface terrain of the planet in front can already be seen.

There are at most 10 minutes left to enter the gravitational range of this planet.

At this time, a green indicator light flashes.

Zhao Xing knew that there was an external communication request for contact, so he immediately slowed down the spacecraft and stayed quietly in the starry sky.

When the communication signal is approached, the signal is processed by the system and translated into a sound signal.It reminds the alien spacecraft to stop advancing immediately, because this is already the periphery of the 'Giant Worm Starfield'.If you go deeper inside, you may be attacked by bugs at any time.

It turned out that this was an alarm signal to remind the spaceship that broke into here.

"So this star field is called 'Giant Worm Star Field'!" Zhao Xing nodded, and then started the spaceship to move forward without any hesitation.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Xing had arrived within the gravitational range of the target planet, and he immediately turned on the orbit flight mode, flying around the planet like a man-made satellite.At the same time, a probe was sent to the planet.

The purpose of Zhao Xing's coming here is to obtain migration worms and create wormholes to facilitate the transportation of large machinery and various warships to Yixing.Of course, he would not rashly break into the depths of the Giant Worm Starfield.

"What kind of planet is this? There are so many volcanoes on it!" At this time, Fu Tianlang pointed at the monitor of the spacecraft and said in surprise.

At this time, the scanning system of the spacecraft is photographing the surface of this planet from a high altitude, in order to analyze the material structure of its surface from the light reflected from it, and calculate its mass and so on.

Zhao Xing nodded, "Yes! There is an active volcano erupting every few thousand kilometers above, but there is water on it, there may be organic life forms, and there may be bugs."

Zhao Xing pointed to the blue color on the screen and said: "This is the sea of ​​this planet. Although it is dark blue, it is similar to the sea on Yi Xing..."

Zhao Xing tried to use simple metaphors to explain the environment of this planet to Fu Sirius.

After a few minutes of analysis, the result finally came out. The planet's carbon dioxide gas accounts for 50.00% of the air, oxygen accounts for 70%, and there are dozens of other rare gases.The temperature on the earth's surface is more than [-] degrees, and the gravitational force is [-] times that of the standard gravitational force.

After combining the data, it is concluded that this planet needs to be transformed in order to become a habitable star suitable for human survival.

But in this environment, insects can survive very well.

"What's the name of this star?" Fu Tianlang understood half of it, and asked while Zhao Xing was looking at the detection data, scratching his head.

"I don't know either." Zhao Xing shook his head.Then he thought for a while and said with a smile: "Let's give it a name! How about calling it Sirius?"

(End of this chapter)

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