Bug anger

Chapter 13 Surprising Discovery

Chapter 13 Surprising Discovery ([-])

After Zhao Xing's consciousness returned to his main body, he looked at the time, and it was already four in the morning. He didn't expect the time to pass so quickly, and it was time to go to work again in three hours.

Although he was a little tired mentally, he didn't feel sleepy at all. Now that the experiment was successful, Zhao Xing didn't plan to stay in Lan Yaoxing anymore.Here, there is no prospect of development at all. Besides, the growth of insects requires a lot of food, and it is not enough to eat only iron blocks from trees.

Bugs grow extremely fast. If there is sufficient food and various metal minerals, it can take up to half a year for a bug to grow from shell to adult.Staying here will delay the growth of the bug clone, and may cause the bug clone to die.

Zhao Xing is now inseparable from this worm avatar. The worm has a mysterious connection with his body. If there is no this worm avatar, he will probably become a waste that cannot connect to the network with mental power.This world is wonderful, except for the wonderful virtual world, there are also various wonderful places in the universe, which he has never been to.

In the past, before Zhao Xing got the worm avatar, he had a life attitude of muddling along, because he was unable to fight for a wonderful life for himself.But now, with the bug clone, everything will change.

Zhao Xing didn't want to return to the original numb life.Therefore, he wants to leave, and he will leave soon.

In addition to the development of the bug avatar, there is another problem. He vaguely feels that Wei Tianqing arranged for him to come here to work.He doesn't want to live under the surveillance of others, it's worse than going to jail.

"How to leave with the bug..." Zhao Xing lay on the bed with his hands under his head, thinking about it.

Insects are dangerous creatures for humans. Even for insects that are made into specimens after death, it is impossible to board an interstellar cruise ship, and it is also a troublesome thing to board an interstellar cargo ship.

It is almost impossible to sneak onto the ship, unless you have a close relationship with Captain XX.But Zhao Xing did not.And even if they got on the boat and arrived at their destination, once they were detected, the bugs would be destroyed immediately.

Zhao Xing couldn't leave in an informal way, and he immediately denied it.

Then, the only thing to do is to go through formal procedures.

The world is big and there are everyone.While most people fear and hate bugs, there are so few people who love bugs very much.

They like to collect all kinds of bug specimens and watch the fighting contest.

The "fighting insect" mentioned here is by no means the ancient cricket fighting, but fighting insects.Of course, this kind of bug is the same type of bug as Zhao Xing's clone.

The exciting entertainment of fighting insects can only be enjoyed by rich people, because to participate in the fighting insect competition, the insects must be alive and have undergone surgery.

Part of the brain has been cut off from the worms that have undergone surgery, and micro-bombs have been installed in various parts of the body. Once the worms get out of control, the owner can immediately detonate the worms and destroy them.

Insects whose brains have been cut off have actually lost their main consciousness, only retaining autonomic nerves, and their normal eating and digestion are the same as normal insects.

To make them fight each other, they must be manipulated by a dedicated psychic manipulator.

To put it bluntly, this kind of bug is actually a biological machine, worse than the bug beetle.

Once, a sky cavalry soldier who had fought with bugs watched the bug fighting contest and commented disdainfully: This is a children's game. The bugs controlled by humans don't even have one-tenth of their original fighting power.The fighting power of a hundred fighting insects combined is not as good as that of a wild insect.

But it is this kind of 'children's game' that has attracted many people.

The annual Fighting Insect Arena was almost full, and major TV stations competed to broadcast live. Once the program came out, the ratings were extremely high.

Although Zhao Xing has a worm avatar, he has never thought of participating in any insect fighting competition. Based on his current familiarity with the worm avatar, there is no problem in fighting for a good ranking, and he will get a huge bonus at the same time.

If Zhao Xing signed up for the Bug Fighting Contest, applied for the competition, and told himself that he had a larva, I believe someone would come to his door and go through all the formalities for legal possession of bugs, because although there are many living bugs, they are difficult to catch.

Especially the larvae are even rarer.Because before the larvae grow into adults, most of the time they stay in the nest and are watched by many adults.

Rich people can ignore federal laws, there is nothing they can't do, and it's not a problem to go through the formalities.But in this way, Zhao Xing would have to participate in the Fighting Bug Contest, and it would be exposed in front of everyone, so it would be very easy for people to see what's wrong.

The matter of having a bug clone must be kept secret. Once it is made public, the consequences will be very serious.

Therefore, as soon as the idea of ​​leaving Lan Yaoxing by taking part in the fighting insect competition appeared in his mind, he immediately rejected it.

"My worm is not a toy." Zhao Xing muttered to himself at this moment, shaking his head.

There is another way to go through formal procedures, and that is bug specimens.

The dead bugs were made into specimens, and they were very dignified to be placed at home, and they were very popular with the rich.As a result, there are organizations that specialize in the production of insect specimens for sale.

Such institutions are generally connected with the military and are also an important source of income for the military.The military captures live insects or obtains relatively complete insect corpses, and then sells them to these institutions, who process them into specimens or sell them at high prices.

Thinking of the insect specimens, Zhao Xing immediately thought that the biology laboratory where he worked was also in the business of insect specimens.This can be used, as long as you get a certificate card with the electronic seal of the laboratory.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xing sneered, and asked the person in charge of the laboratory to prove it would definitely not work, because he couldn't afford any specimens.You must know that the lowest price for a complete bug specimen is tens of millions of federal currency.

If you don't buy it, you can only steal it.For Zhao Xing, this is the only way at present, and he also has the conditions in this regard.Isn't there a saying that says so?No matter how strong the defense line is, it can be breached from the inside.

Three hours passed quickly, and it was dawn.As usual, Zhao Xing came to the monitoring room on time.

Throughout the day, Zhao Xing was thinking about how to sneak into the experimental building and enter the management office in the building.Moreover, he also made some substantial preparations.

The experimental building and the specimen library are two different departments. Although Zhao Xing has never entered the experimental building, it is not difficult to obtain its architectural drawing.

It is very simple to enter the experimental building, but the difficulty is that a password is required to enter the management office, and it is a relatively complicated password.Fortunately, although this laboratory is a scientific research institution specializing in the study of bugs and has the largest biological specimen bank in the entire federation, it has not heard of any impressive results for many years.

Because there is nothing top-secret, the security of the experimental building is relatively lax.

(End of this chapter)

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