Bug anger

Chapter 14 Surprising Discovery

Chapter 14 Surprising Discovery ([-])
After get off work, Zhao Xing left the warehouse and didn't go home immediately. Instead, he spent dozens of federal coins to take a maglev car to the nearest small town.

Lan Yaoxing has just been developed, and it is very far away from Tianlongxing, the capital of the federal government, so not many people come to live on this star.Up to now, the total population on Blue Yaoxing is less than 100 million.

Because of the small number of people, Lan Yaoxing only has one city on this planet, named Blue Star City.

Although Blue Star City is not big, all kinds of commercial facilities are extremely sound, and there is also a huge space port nearby, which can dock any type of spaceship.

After Zhao Xing came to Blue Star City, he looked at the signs on the side of the road, and entered a street specializing in the sale of high-tech electronic products.

Zhao Xing came here, of course, to prepare for cracking the password of the management room.Although the security equipment in the biological laboratory is relatively backward, it is not possible to calculate the password by just guessing.

He entered a relatively large store, picked and picked things in it, and quickly selected the items, and paid with his ID card.

Speaking of the identity card, it is very similar to the identity card in the God of War virtual world. The identity card not only records the identity information of the owner, but is also bound to the banking system.

In this era, payment is by credit card. Although the unit of Federal Currency is "Yuan", banknotes have long since disappeared from people's lives, and now only in museums can we see the real ones.

Zhao Xing spent more than 2 federal coins at one time to purchase the equipment he needed this time, and the money in his account was less than 20.

After shopping, Zhao Xing took a taxi to a place not far from the biological laboratory, and walked for about half an hour with his bag before arriving near the biological laboratory.

The researchers in the biological laboratory had already left work, and the entire laboratory was so silent that there was no sound.

Zhao Xing looked at the structure diagram of the biological experiment building all day long, and he memorized the terrain inside deeply in his mind. He even knew the positions of the sewers and the vents very clearly.

Since human beings have entered the era of the big universe, they no longer have to worry about energy. Although there is no one in the laboratory after work, most of the lights in the entire laboratory are turned on, illuminating the surroundings as brightly as daytime.

Although this laboratory is not eye-catching, it must be a scientific research department under the federal government. There are still guards, but there are not many. The total number of security guards in the entire laboratory is less than a hundred.

Like Zhao Xing, the work of these people is also very easy and boring.They stayed here for a long time, and naturally became lazy.They were supposed to be patrolling around at night, but they hid secretly in corners where no one noticed, and went into the virtual world to play.

It was precisely because Zhao Xing knew these things that he was able to sneak into the management room with great confidence and get the electronic identification card he needed.

Although these security guards are not responsible, the intelligent security system of the entire laboratory is running all the time.When the scientific research personnel in the laboratory are off work, the security system will be automatically activated.

If you accidentally touch the security system, the security system will sound an alarm immediately, and the alarm information will be transmitted to the police system in Blue Star City.In less than 5 minutes, the police will arrive.

Zhao Xing came to the back of the experimental building and looked around. As he expected, there were no security guards patrolling around, and they were probably addicted to the virtual world.

Zhao Xing hid in the shadow of a tree, opened the zipper of the bag, took out a set of silver-white plastic clothes, and put on a hood, gloves, and shoe covers.

Zhao Xing carefully looked around again, then walked to the side of the road with the bag, lifted the cover of a sewer, and slowly went down along the metal handle of the sewer.

The sewers are very dry, as if they were newly built.

In fact, there is absolutely no need to build a sewer in this building, because Lan Yaoxing does not have such a weather phenomenon as rain. Even if it rains, it is manually operated, and the amount of rain is very small.

Building sewers is a building habit that humans have maintained from the earth. As for the sewage discharged by the staff in the laboratory, it will not pass through the sewers, but will be treated by special facilities.

Therefore, the sewer is very clean and can be used as a residence.As for the common mice and cockroaches on the earth, they are completely absent here.

Because the vitality and adaptability of these two pests are no less than that of the Zerg, when humans immigrated to the interstellar for the first time, the Federation also formulated a special law to prevent life forms other than humans from being taken out of the earth.

However, this law has been criticized very much, because after hundreds of years, people have discovered that in an environment without other microorganisms, the human body's immunity has declined, and now many people will get sick as soon as they enter the earth.

This can also be regarded as a kind of degradation of human beings' ability to adapt to the environment!

After Zhao Xing entered the sewer, he took out the flashlight from his bag.Turn on the locator with the map set on the wrist, and walk through the sewer while watching the 3D display screen projected by the locator.

After about ten minutes, he finally stopped, then turned off the flashlight, and walked forward lightly.

More than ten meters in front of him, several beams of light were projected from above. This was obviously a sewer cover, but it was not tightly closed, and the light from outside could be projected in.

Zhao Xing came to look up from under the cover, and there was a patio above. He looked at the 3D display screen in his hand again, and after confirming the position, he climbed up along the metal handle.

He didn't open the cover immediately, but listened to the movement outside, and after confirming that there was no one, he slowly opened the sewer cover and got out.

At this time, Zhao Xing had arrived inside the experimental building, about 30 meters away from the back door of the experimental building.

Don't underestimate the distance of 30 meters. After the researchers get off work, the infrared alarm system will be turned on here. If someone enters without any precautions, the infrared rays emitted from the body will expose themselves.

Zhao Xing had already made preparations. The silver-white plastic suit on his body could completely shield the infrared light emitted by himself.

The back door of the experimental building was originally guarded at night, but there was no sign of anyone at this moment.

Zhao Xingmao walked through the 30-meter distance with extreme nervousness and came to the door.There is a fingerprint identification lock on this door, and the entrant needs to press his finger on it, and only those with identity records can enter.

Hundreds of years ago, this kind of fingerprint lock was relatively advanced, but now?Seeing the fingerprint lock, Zhao Xinghao smiled indifferently, took out a long decryption device from his bag, placed it in front of the fingerprint lock, and lightly pressed the button on it.After less than five seconds, the fingerprint lock opened with a 'click'.

"The things bought for five thousand federation coins are really reliable!" Zhao Xing was thinking at this moment.

After the fingerprint lock was unlocked, Zhao Xing immediately carried the bag, pushed open the door and stepped in lightly.

After entering the back door, there was a long corridor in front of him. According to the 3D map projected on his wrist, Zhao Xing quickly found the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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