Bug anger

Chapter 143 Competition Video

Chapter 143 Competition Video
After the transaction was completed, Zhao Xing left the biological experiment building. Before leaving, Mr. Zhou reminded with a smile: "Don't forget that you still owe me a favor."

Zhao Xing nodded with a wry smile.

Zhao Xing gave Mr. Zhou his private bank account, but he didn't get the money immediately.

Because the money for buying the worm hormone was not owned by Mr. Zhou, after Mr. Zhou had to bring the worm hormone back and get confirmation from the federal government, he would transfer the money to Zhao Xing's account. It would take about ten days.

After leaving the biological experiment building, Zhao Xing drove to the abandoned warehouse where he used to live.The warehouse is no longer there, the original place is covered by turf, and there is no trace of the warehouse.

Zhao Xing looked at it and didn't miss it anymore, so he drove the car back the same way, drove into Yugang, and put the car into the corner of the landing warehouse.

He drove the spaceship out of the atmosphere of Blue Yaoxing.

After entering superluminal flight, Zhao Xing took out the mobile storage that Lan Tianhong gave him, and connected it to the optical brain that came with the spacecraft.

After opening the mobile storage, Zhao Xing saw a series of video files.These files are numbered, from 001 to 100, a total of [-] video files.

Zhao Xing casually clicked on the video file numbered 001.

This is a silent video image. First, a strange habitable star appears in the image. Outside the atmosphere of the planet, hundreds of spaceships of various types are parked.There are medium-sized battleships, medium-sized frigates, small armed assault ships, private spaceships, and so on.

To Zhao Xing's surprise, several large mechas appeared on the screen. These mechas were obviously biological mechas driven by Wang Qibing.

After the screen stayed here for a while, it suddenly changed and jumped to the surface environment of a habitable star.

At this time, the screen kept shaking, and it seemed that the camera equipment was installed on a mech.

The surface of the planet in the picture is a desolate canyon area, with countless mountain ridges rising, and cliffs hundreds of meters deep are separated between them.On the surface of the entire planet, only sparse, low trees with a few leaves can be seen.In addition to trees, there are sparse grasses on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the screen changed again.

The reappearing picture made Zhao Xing's eyes widen. This picture was obviously taken from the mountain ridge. The wide valley below is full of mechas. There are probably thousands of mechas densely packed.The styles of these mechas are all old-fashioned biological mechas from decades ago. Zhao Xing knew that this video must have been decades ago.

These mechas stood quietly, as if they were listening to someone talking. After a few minutes, they turned around and rushed to the other side of the valley.

Then, the screen jumps again.

In the picture, countless bugs appeared, and the dense bugs blocked the front like a tall wall, rushing towards the army of mechs.

What followed was a brutal battle scene, countless bugs were killed, some mechs were torn to shreds, and the pilot was taken out by the bugs...

The silent battle scenes played for more than an hour.

In the end, the bugs were finally wiped out, and the thousands of mechas lost dozens of percent, leaving only a hundred or so mechas standing on the yellow plain.

Around them, there are densely packed corpses of bugs and the remains of mechs.

After more than an hour of footage was broadcast here, Zhao Xing frowned, thinking, is this the so-called mecha competition?In the eyes of these big families, human life is so worthless. For the sake of gambling, they let mecha pilots fight countless bugs on the planet...

Zhao Xing can't accept this kind of competition. If it is said that he is fighting with the insects to compete for living space, he can accept it. However, this kind of battle is just a competition held by the rich and powerful big families for the sake of profit. means entertainment.

Zhao Xing took out a cigarette with some annoyance and lit it, staring straight at the black screen after the video was played.

After smoking a cigarette, Zhao Xing thought for a while, if he rejects Lan Tianhong now, the Lan family will definitely not let Lan Xin marry him, after all, Zhao Xing's strength is not strong enough to compete with the Lan family.What's more, there is another Wei family, Wei Tianqing can't wait to marry Lan Xin and get the support of the Lan family...

Zhao Xing was a little confused. After smoking, it took a long time before he hesitated to click on the second video file.

In the second video file, more than 100 mechas competed one-on-one in an open space.This kind of competition is more tragic than the previous battle with the bugs. Almost all the defeated mechs were killed by the opponents.

Some of the losers jumped out of the cockpit and tried to escape, and were directly trampled to death by the opponent's mecha. Some losers were squashed by the opponent's cockpit and squeezed to death in the cabin, and some were burned to death by the opponent's high-temperature flames...

This video was also over an hour long, and Zhao Xing watched it in fast forward.

Next, Zhao Xing clicked on the third video.

The third video shows the remaining dozens of mechas running non-stop on the plain, and then rushing into a cave.The screen stopped right here, but the progress bar of playing and giving up kept moving.

Zhao Xing pulled the progress to the end curiously, and saw a red armor rushing out of the hole with an egg, followed by a huge, injured beetle. This mecha is in hot pursuit...

Finally, this mech finally ran into a spaceship that had been parked and waiting for a long time, and the spaceship took off immediately.After the third video arrives here, it finishes playing.

Immediately after the third video was over, Zhao Xing clicked on the fourth one.

The fourth video is the beginning of a new game, but the planet of the game is changed, but the first game of thousands of mechs is also facing the army of bugs...

During the two-day voyage, Zhao Xing watched all one hundred videos. For this reason, he did not cook, but directly swallowed nutritional pills.

One hundred video files, recording a total of 25 matches.

At the beginning of every fight, they are facing a large number of bugs, which is equivalent to a knockout match, eliminating a large number of contestants.

Then the remaining few mech pilots will have a second tragic, one-on-one challenge. Generally, those who fail will be killed by their opponents.

Then the third game is a variety of adventures with different tricks, finding something out of a very dangerous place, and using this to determine the winner.Dangerous places include bug nests, various naturally formed danger zones, etc.

In the video, Zhao Xing found that every game, the mechas have changed, becoming more and more advanced, the outer shell of the mechas is getting stronger and stronger, and the weapons carried by the mechas are also more and more tricks, becoming more and more advanced. advanced.

In the last game, the biological mechas were no different from the mainstream mechas now.

In addition to this, Zhao Xing also saw that in these 25 games, the mecha players became more unscrupulous as they progressed to the end. As long as they can defeat their opponents, they can do anything.

For example, pretending to be dead in the first match, spraying the opponent with the rotten acid of the beetle during the one-on-one challenge, burning the opponent directly into the mecha with a powerful electric current, and destroying the mecha with the opponent, fighting for the hope of victory for the companion ...Any attack method that humans can think of can be used.

(End of this chapter)

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