Bug anger

Chapter 144 Different Contest

Chapter 144 Different Contest

When Zhao Xing went to Lan Yaoxing, Wei Tianqing from the chaotic star field was sitting in his training base, checking the information of the mech competition from his family.

The competition information is of course not the mech competition held by the federal government, but the information that various families send people to participate in order to compete for resources and markets.

Wei Tianqing knew from a young age that there would be such a competition every three years, and his grandfather, Wei Changxiong, would take him to watch this kind of competition since he was a child.

The purpose is to let him know that the family's business is not as smooth as he imagined. There are many rich and powerful families in the universe. If they want to earn a lot of wealth, they have to start their lives like the creatures in the jungle. A bloody, bloody struggle.

Wei Tianqing is 25 years old this year. When he was seven years old, he was brought to the scene by his grandfather. He watched the first game like this. He was stunned by the bloody scenes in the game. After returning, he almost had a nightmare for a year.

From the age of seven to the current age of 25, Wei Tianqing has watched five such games. He was scared at first, but now he is numb.

Wei Tianqing was actually not very interested in this kind of information passed on from his family, and he didn't need him to participate in such a competition anyway, at most he just followed his grandfather to the scene to watch it.

When he looked through the pre-entry list provided by the family of the competition as usual, he suddenly saw a familiar name——Zhao Xing.Zhao Xing's name was hanging at the top of the ten contestants of the 'Lan Family'.

Until now, Wei Tianqing didn't know how Zhao Xing left the Horrible Worm Planet unknowingly. According to Wang Qibing Mr. Liu's estimate, Zhao Xing might have gone to another planet through the wormhole.

Mr. Liu's guess made Wei Tianqing unbelievable, because since humans discovered wormholes, there has never been any relevant records.Seeing that Wei Tianqing didn't believe it at the time, Mr. Liu just said, "No, it doesn't mean you can't".

After Mr. Liu finished speaking, Wei Tianqing suddenly remembered Zhao Xing's worm. With worms, it is possible to do it.But he still refused to believe that there were some weird facts for him, although he had already agreed with Mr. Liu's guess in his heart.

Seeing Zhao Xing's name again, Wei Tianqing felt angry and clenched his teeth.But soon, he smiled and adjusted his mentality.

"This competition is a good opportunity!" Wei Tianqing thought for a while and suddenly sneered.

"Actually, it's not a chance." Suddenly, someone said behind Wei Tianqing.

Wang Qibing, who was called Mr. Liu by Wei Tianqing, has been sitting on the sofa behind Wei Tianqing. His usual hobby is to sit quietly in a corner with a glass of fine wine that has been cellared for hundreds of years.

Wei Tianqing heard Mr. Liu speak, turned the chair half a circle, looked at Mr. Liu and said, "Why?"

"Because this kind of competition is a life-and-death game. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that the King's Cavalry Association has decided that the top ten contestants in this competition will be selected into the King's Cavalry training camp. Type of training, those who survive will become a real cavalry king, sorry, I just found out.

I think that Zhao Xing has the potential to become a cavalry king and escape from the wormhole. Who would have thought of this?Who can do it?For that alone, I like him. "

Mr. Liu praised Zhao Xing without hesitation.

Wei Tianqing was not angry at all, he frowned and said: "Wang cavalry? Apart from selecting people from competitions every time, don't you Wang cavalry have other ways to attract talents?"

Mr. Liu twirled his cup and shook his head, "As far as I know, every king cavalryman comes from this kind of competition. Even I participated in the competition 14 years ago. After winning the first place, was chosen."

Wei Tianqing frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head, gritted his teeth and said, "I also want to become a cavalry king, Mr. Liu, is there any way to raise my spiritual strength by another level in the past four months or so?" ?”

Mr. Liu was silent for a while before he said, "If you can afford the price, I can help you."

"How much do you want?" Wei Tianqing asked immediately.

Mr. Liu smiled and said lightly: "1000 billion federal currency."

"Okay!" Wei Tianqing agreed without hesitation. 1000 billion is a huge amount of money for Wei Tianqing at present, but it is still affordable.

"Also." Mr. Liu said again: "Your grandfather must know about this matter. Otherwise, I won't be able to eat and walk away."

Wei Tianqing didn't expect that Mr. Liu, who is a cavalry soldier, would be afraid of his grandfather. After thinking about it, he realized that Mr. Liu was not the only cavalry soldier under his grandfather.

Wei Tianqing couldn't help thinking of the situation in the hotel that day. If his grandfather had been surrounded by cavalrymen, how could Zhao Xing escape so smoothly? Maybe he would have turned into a pile of dead bones now.

"I'll tell Grandpa about this." Wei Tianqing said calmly after turning his back to Mr. Liu.

At this time, Mr. Liu said to Wei Qing: "I will use my mental power to stimulate your brain to produce an assimilation effect. This principle is like the relationship between a magnet and iron. This is a common phenomenon of the Royal Cavalry Association. The training method used, under normal circumstances, takes a year.

When being assimilated, the process was a bit painful, but it was bearable.If the time is shortened, the intensity of assimilation must be increased. In this short period of four months, you will be in great pain. I wonder if you can bear it? "

"Is there any danger?" After Mr. Liu finished speaking, Wei Tianqing asked this question immediately as if he didn't care about the pain at all.

Mr. Liu said with a smile: "Of course I have, but I know your mental strength and your physical fitness. According to my calculations, you have a success rate of more than 80.00%."

After Mr. Liu finished speaking, he smiled again: "Master Wei, in fact, there is no need for you to become a king's cavalry. Our king's cavalry is not as good as you imagined. You will have the opportunity to take charge of the huge family of the Wei family in the future. , there will be a lot of cavalrymen for you to serve, and you don’t have to do anything yourself, isn’t that good?”

Wei Tianqing said with a smile: "The power of the family is only external force. If one day my family collapses suddenly, I will be nothing. But if I become a strong person like you, I don't have to worry about this problem. Not only that, I also I heard that the life expectancy of your king cavalry is longer than that of ordinary people, is there such a thing?"

Mr. Liu said with a smile, "The improvement of mental power will lead to the strengthening of the physical body, and then evolve. Speaking of which, our Wang Qibing is already a higher-level life form, and its life span is of course much longer than that of ordinary people."

After getting the answer he wanted to know, Wei Tianqing smiled excitedly, and then said: "I will contact Grandpa now, and hope he can agree."

"Okay! You are busy first, I'll go out for a walk." After Mr. Liu finished speaking, he stood up. Like last time, his body turned into several afterimages in Wei Tianqing's eyes, and he arrived at the office door in the blink of an eye. After that, he opened the door and walked out.

After Mr. Liu left, Wei Tianqing opened the communication.

A few minutes later, Wei Changxiong's ruddy and majestic face appeared on the monitor.

"Grandpa, I want to accept the assimilation of Mr. Liu's spiritual power and participate in this competition." Looking at his grandfather, Wei Tianqing said firmly.

After Wei Tianqing finished speaking, he felt a little uneasy, for fear that his grandfather would disagree.

But Wei Changxiong asked solemnly: "Tianqing, have you made up your mind?"

Wei Tianqing nodded firmly immediately, and said with a solemn expression: "Grandpa, I have a clear understanding. I want to become a real strong man."

Wei Changxiong nodded, "I just got the exact news that this Mech Contest is different from the past, you can tell from the information I sent you. It didn't say where it will be held, it won't be announced until the day of the competition. Moreover, this time the president of the King's Cavalry Association will personally watch the game and select ten elites to enter the King's Cavalry Association.

Not only that, as far as I know, the ten elites selected by the president will accept his assimilation and become his successors.For this reason, many of the participants this time are elites from various families.Originally, I also planned to let you participate in the competition, and you proposed it at this time, which is exactly what I want. "

After Wei Changxiong finished speaking, he urged: "Because of this, the major families will send out the most elite forces, almost all of whom are strong after assimilated by the King's Cavalry. The strength of these people is second only to the King's Cavalry. Because during the competition, You may die at any time, and I am communicating with a few old men to see if we can unite and send you little guys into the King's Cavalry Association smoothly."

"That's great!" Wei Tianqing's eyes lit up, and he couldn't suppress his excitement.

Seeing Wei Tianqing's expression, Wei Changxiong frowned and said, "Don't get carried away because of this, there are many families that are hostile to our Wei family, so you have to be vigilant at all times during the competition. Well, that's it! During this time you start Be prepared, don't be afraid of suffering."

After Wei Changxiong finished speaking, he simply closed the communication.

The communication had just been shut down, and Wei Tianqing received another message about the mecha competition.

He opened it and glanced at it, and saw that the list was obviously different from the previous one.

"It seems that the news that the King's Cavalry Association will select ten people to enter the King's Cavalry Association in this competition has been confirmed, and the information obtained by Grandpa is more comprehensive than that of Mr. Liu..." Wei Tianqing murmured talking to himself.

In the past ten or so competitions, the King's Cavalry Association would also spread similar news, but in the end, only the winners of five of the competitions were selected into the association.

Wei Tianqing knew about the existence of the King's Cavalry for a long time, but today he realized that there is actually a shortcut to become a strong man, that is to accept the spiritual assimilation of the King's Cavalry.

Wei Tianqing could imagine that someone in those big families had already done this and became a master of the 'quasi-king's cavalry'.

After Zhao Xing returned to the outer space of Paradise Star after two days of sailing, he received an email from Lan Tianhong when he turned on the network connection.

After clicking on the email, Zhao Xing only saw five words: 'Come to Tianhongzhuang soon'.

Seeing these five words, Zhao Xing knew something was urgent, otherwise, Lan Tianhong would not have used such a short sentence.

"There must be something wrong with the mecha competition!" Zhao Xing guessed, and drove the spaceship to the heavenly star.

(End of this chapter)

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