Bug anger

Chapter 169 Financial Storm

Chapter 169 Financial Storm ([-])

In terms of details, Zhao Xing doesn't need to worry about it, his team members will take care of everything.

After leaving the meeting room, Zhao Xing, led by the maid, went up to the temple on the base.

At this time, Zhao Xing felt very tired, and under the massage of the maids, Zhao Xing fell asleep quickly.

Zhao Xing slept very deeply. When he woke up the next day, he found himself lying on the bed with Peng Qian in his arms.

Soon Peng Qian woke up and gave Zhao Xing a charming smile...

It was almost noon.

He is a man who is very considerate to his wife. Seeing that Peng Qian was asleep, he gently pulled his arm out from under her head, covered the quilt, and put on his clothes lightly.

Out of the room, Zhao Xing felt that there was nothing to do. The plan was already being implemented, and even Fu Sirius had a mission. He would go out with Li Tian, ​​contact the buyer of Luerjin, and notify Zou Yuhong of the selected weapon manufacturing company by the way. Place huge orders.

After six leisurely days like this, Zhao Xing was notified that everything was ready.

Zhao Xing immediately returned to Paradise Star.

In the Wei family base, Wei Changxiong frowned after hearing his subordinate's report.

Because he just received the news that, except for the military industrial enterprises controlled by his Wei family, other weapons manufacturing companies have suddenly received huge orders for weapons.

These orders include a large number of mechas, various types of warships, various particle cannons, missiles, etc.

This is a very strange thing!
"Do you know who placed the order?" Wei Changxiong asked after thinking about it.

"We don't know yet, because the other party's identity is kept secret. However, we still got some clues. All the orders were handled by the same person, and this person's name is Zou Yuhong." Wei Changxiong's subordinates immediately said.

Wei Changxiong understood that this Zou Yuhong was just a small person, and his backstage was the real buyer.He thought for a while, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Catch Zou Yuhong, and I will ask him personally."


His subordinates took orders and were about to turn around and leave when Wei Changxiong said again: "Give me the information on Zou Yuhong first, his surname is Zou, he can't be a remnant of the Zou family!"

After his men left, a young woman entered Wei Changxiong's room.

The woman held a small mobile memory in her hand, and after entering the room, she respectfully said to Wei Changxiong: "Master, this is the information you want."


Wei Changxiong immediately sat down on the sofa, and there was a flat-screen monitor on the coffee table in front of him.After the young woman inserted the mobile memory into it, she clicked a few times on the display screen with her finger.Information about Zou Yuhong soon appeared on it.

It includes photos of Zou Yuhong being secretly photographed, as well as details of Zou Yuhong's purchase of spaceships and various materials.

"His connections are very wide!" Wei Changxiong narrowed his eyes slightly again, and said with a sneer, "It really is the remnants of the Zou family. Only the remnants of the Zou family can have such a wide popularity."

The Zou family that Wei Changxiong mentioned was a larger family than the Wei family decades ago, and its patriarch, Zou Xiaotian, was the president of the Commerce and Trade Association.

Zou Xiaotian is an upright person, and he especially likes talented people who were born as commoners. With his help, many business talents who were born as commoners began to rise in the business world.These people are talented and at the same time respect Zou Xiaotian very much.

At that time, Zou Xiaotian's words were more effective than the words of the federal president.

Zou Xiaotian's business group continued to grow and develop, and finally threatened the big families like the Wei family and the Lan family, and even threatened the rule of the federal government.

Finally one day, the federal government united with several big families and took action against the Zou family.In an instant, the Zou family was over, and the trade association formed by Zou Xiaotian was dissolved.

Although the Zou family is gone, the business elites cultivated by Zou Xiaotian have entered various industries and spread all over the universe...

If Zhao Xing and the others knew about this period of history, they wouldn't be surprised by Zou Yuhong's methods.

"Order, no matter what the cost, this Zou Yuhong must be caught, he will die if he dies!" After reading Zou Yuhong's information, Wei Changxiong gave another order.

After seeing Zou Yuhong's information, Wei Changxiong was actually a little scared. He was wondering if the property of the Zou family had not been wiped out. The descendants of the Zou family have been using the money to continue to grow and develop. Now, It's time for them to fight back.

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Changxiong notified the news to the other four families involved in the destruction operation, including the Lan family.

In addition to the Lan family, there are also the Xu family, the Long family, and the Wilder family.

Among them, the Wilder family has its roots in Europe on Earth, and is one of the few western families under the jurisdiction of the federal government.

It's a little funny that the Eastern countries that had no human rights that were criticized by Western countries on the earth have established a free federal government after entering the era of the big universe.However, those western countries have established scattered empires all over the universe.

Soon, the four families received messages from Wei Changxiong.

The four families were very surprised, and under the call of Wei Changxiong, they came to the Wei family base one after another.

The heads of these five families, that is, the patriarchs, are all old men, and only the head of the Wilder family is a graceful middle-aged woman named Phyllis.

The old man of the Xu family is named Xu Xian, and the old man of the Long family is named Long Wu.

After looking at the information provided by Wei Changxiong, Phyllis said, "Actually, we have also noticed changes in the sales of weapons during this period of time. It's just that among the five of us, except for your Wei family and the Lan family who are in the arms business, we Wei The De family is in clothing, the Xu family is in transportation, and the Long family is in the electronic software industry. Therefore, we did not pay too much attention. But now... If the remnants of the Zou family really make a comeback, we must be careful. "

(End of this chapter)

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