Bug anger

Chapter 170 Financial Storm

Chapter 170 Financial Storm ([-])

After Phyllis finished speaking, Xu Xian said: "Now I just found some clues, but I'm not sure. It seems that I can only be sure after I catch that Zou Yuhong."

After Xu Xian finished speaking, Lan Long, Phyllis, and Long Wu all nodded.Long Wudao: "This matter must be thoroughly investigated to make a decision. It is not that simple to deal with your Wei family. If your Wei family is really in crisis, the four of us will not stand by."

At this moment, Wei Changxiong finally felt relieved, and said with a smile, "That would be great."

Zhao Xing was sitting on Xiao Xuan's office chair at the moment, looking at the detailed plan submitted by Lu Yang, and after only a few pages, the technical terms in it gave him a headache.So he threw the plan in his hand on the table, rubbed his forehead, and said with a wry smile: "You can do it as you see, I just want the result."

Hearing Zhao Xing's words, Lu Yang who was sitting on the sofa smiled happily.

For such a boss, people like him, Lu Yang, are his favorite.What they are afraid of is the boss who doesn't know how to pretend to understand, directs indiscriminately, and makes them responsible if something goes wrong.

Zhao Xing let go like this, and Lu Yang felt very relaxed.

"Boss, since you agree, I'll start immediately?" Lu Yang finally asked.

"let's start!"

Zhao Xing gave the order lightly.

After receiving the order, Lu Yang entered his work hall with excitement.

In this hall, hundreds of staff are waiting in full force.

After sitting down in front of his workbench, Lu Yang looked at the data on several monitors on the workbench, thought for a while, and immediately said: "If you buy the shares of Aegis, the price is within 20 yuan, there is As much as you want."

Immediately, some staff members began to operate the trading program and began to buy the shares of SHIELD.

Aegis Company is an alloy steel refining company controlled by the Wei family, specializing in the manufacture of high-strength shells for warships.Now, its stock price is ten yuan a share.

With Lu Yang's order, the [-] shares held in the stock market were immediately eaten up.The price jumped from [-] yuan to [-] yuan...

The operator faithfully carried out Lu Yang's orders, as long as the shares of SHIELD were below 20 yuan, including [-] yuan, he would take as much as he could.

It took only half an hour for the stock price to rise from [-] yuan to [-] yuan. After the stock price stabilized here, it stopped moving.

At this time, Lu Yang and the others had bought [-] million shares, accounting for one-tenth of the total issued by Aegis.

For 50 million shares, the average purchase price is 300 yuan, and the cost is less than [-] billion federal currency.For the [-] trillion controlled by Lu Yang, it is just a drop in the bucket.

At this time, Lu Yang gave another order: "Release 20 shares at a price of [-] yuan."

As soon as the operator released [-] shares, another buyer bought them, and the price jumped to [-] yuan.

"Continue, [-] shares to [-] shares." Lu Yang smiled again.

Soon, the operator released another 20 shares, and the price was set at [-] yuan, which was also bought.But then, another [-] shares appeared on the trading platform.

Just like this, the big investors who bought the stocks saw that something was wrong and did not dare to buy in again. During this period, some of them held the shares and waited and waited for the stock price to rise above 20 yuan before selling. The price is [-] yuan.

Seeing the trading situation displayed on the trading platform, Lu Yang said again: "100 million shares will be released, and the price will be set at 19 yuan."

The operator quickly released 100 million shares, but only more than 30 shares were bought, and then someone actually listed 18 shares at [-] yuan.

"Just let go of 100 million shares, sell 100 million shares, suppress the price to [-] yuan, and then buy [-] shares by [-] shares. As soon as the price rises to [-] yuan, immediately continue to suppress." Lu Yang ordered again.

Aegis Company is just a small listed company, and it is nothing among the dozens of companies controlled by the Wei family.But its stock price fluctuated abnormally, and it was quickly fed back to the headquarters of the Wei family.However, it has not received enough attention.The person in charge of this matter did not notify Wei Changxiong in time.

A full ten hours later, under Lu Yang's control, the stock price of SHIELD has fallen below [-] yuan, and Lu Yang and the others have inhaled one billion shares, accounting for one-third of the issuance.Besides the Wei family, Lu Yang and the others can be regarded as the second largest shareholder.

Lu Yang stopped in time, because his goal had already been achieved. In the ten hours of selling and buying, they only invested more than 40 billion yuan. If they sold them all at the current price, it would be equivalent to made money.

The operation against the Wei family this time is a huge plan, and it cannot be completed within a day or two. According to the detailed plan formulated, it will take about 30 days.

The next day, Lu Yang didn't touch the shares of Aegis, but started to attack another company controlled by the Wei family...

Lu Yang still used both inhalation and suppression to obtain a large number of stocks with the least amount of money.

In the past ten days, the stock prices of the listed companies controlled by the Wei family have fluctuated violently.

At this time, in the headquarters of the Wei family, the persons in charge of monitoring the subsidiaries finally found out that something was wrong, because they found that the stock prices of all the companies they controlled had experienced abnormal fluctuations, and the stocks circulating in the stock market were suppressed and inhaled. A large part of the total value has reached 50 trillion.

At the same time, due to the suppression of the stock price, so far, the loss of the Wei family has reached more than ten trillion yuan.

The Wei family is very rich, and their liquid assets have reached tens of billions. The losses in these ten days have reached more than ten trillion, nearly one-tenth of their current assets.

In the small conference hall in the Wei family base, Wei Changxiong listened helplessly to the reports of his subordinates. He was actually not very good at stocks.He could always hear that this time someone had used tens of trillions of huge funds to acquire a large number of liquid stocks of their holding company, and suppressed the stock price by anywhere from [-]% to [-]%.

After contacting the previous news, Wei Changxiong can already confirm that someone is deliberately opposing the Wei family.But it's not sure if it's the remnants of the Zou family.

Because the companies that bought their stocks this time are all newly registered institutions, with personal accounts and small company accounts.There is no way to trace the source.

Also, Wei Changxiong sent someone to arrest Zou Yuhong, but Zou Yuhong disappeared suddenly as if he knew about it in advance.All the people who were sent fell into vain.

If Zou Yuhong cannot be caught, it is impossible to be sure whether Zou Yuhong is a remnant of the Zou family, and it is even more impossible to know who is trying to deal with the Wei family.

Wei Changxiong came here after going through a lot of wind and waves, but he didn't care about the fluctuation of the holding company's stock price. He was already preparing for a stock war with the secret enemy.

Wei Changxiong believes that he will win in the end, because in addition to the Wei family's 400 trillion yuan of abundant funds, the other four will also help him and give him financial support.

I believe that by then, the Wei family will be able to raise no less than 500 trillion yuan.

500 trillion?In this universe, except for the federal government, who else can come up with so much money at once?
(End of this chapter)

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