Bug anger

Chapter 183 Zhao Xing's Life Experience

Chapter 183 Zhao Xing's Life Experience ([-])
After persisting for an hour, the gravity of the gravity room finally disappeared, and at the last moment, Zhao Xing finally stood up.

At this time, he felt the blood that gathered in his legs began to flow back, and the dizzy feeling in his head disappeared, and he regained his clarity.Moreover, as soon as the eight-fold gravitational force disappeared, his pores opened, and a large amount of sweat was secreted.

Suddenly, the door of the gravity room opened, and four medical staff came in, supported Zhao Xing on a stretcher and carried him out.

The eight-fold gravity training this time caused great harm to Zhao Xing's body, and he had to receive treatment immediately.

In the medical room, Zhao Xing was lying in the medical cabin, being scanned by the equipment.

Zhao Xing was a little nervous at this moment, because he was a little worried that the things in his brain would be discovered by others.

But after a few minutes of instrument scanning, the four medical staff did not have any abnormal reactions.Zhao Xing felt strange. After being injected with drugs, he had to look at his own body scan after leaving the medical warehouse.

For Zhao Xing's request, the medical staff did not refuse, and brought out the scan picture just now, and let Zhao Xing look at it.

What Zhao Xing paid attention to was the brain in the scan picture. Compared with others, his brain was not the slightest strange in the color picture. The tadpole-shaped thing in the brain groove seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"What's going on here? Why did it disappear? It was there that day..."

After Zhao Xing frowned and thought for a while, he guessed that he might have been poisoned that time, and that thing appeared in his mind.

"Hehe! Could it be... I'm actually a normal person, not the offspring of humans and bugs." Zhao Xing, who thought he wanted to understand, suddenly became happy.

After the suspended palace that Yi Fanchen arrived at disintegrated, a huge scorpion rushed out.This scorpion is actually a huge mobile base.

This mobile base is much larger than the pyramid base of the Wei family and the circular base of the Lan family.

Yi Fanchen was in it, of course he didn't know Ji's appearance, at the moment he was sitting in the same cab with Mr. Wu.

There is no need for Mr. Wu to operate. The system of the base is fully intelligent. When Mr. Wu decided to set off to find the descendants of 'Wang', the intelligent program of this base was activated.

The activated password is: I have found the descendants of the king.

When Zhao Xing left the medical room, scratching his head, humming a song, and under the guidance of Xiao Ling, he walked to his rest cabin, the huge scorpion base flew faster than light, and suddenly appeared in the outer space of Paradise Star .

It did not enter the alert range of Paradise Star.

"Is it here?" Elder Wu asked, pointing to the planet on the monitor.

Looking at the familiar shape of the planet's surface, Yi Fanchen nodded.

Old Wu laughed and said, "Then let's go to Tiantianxing right away. I really want to see the descendants of the king right away, and then bring him to the king, and ask the king to forgive us..."

Old Wu said as he walked, and took Yi Fanchen into the high-speed elevator.

When you come out of the high-speed elevator, and then go several hundred meters through the metal corridor, you will find a huge landing pod.

After entering the landing pod, Yi Fanchen's eyes lit up, because in this huge landing pod, he saw many strangely shaped spaceships.

The appearance of these spaceships are all in the shape of bugs.

On the surface, I really don't know how these spaceships fly, where are their propellers, and do they have to deform during flight?

While Yi Fanchen was thinking, Mr. Wu took her into a spaceship shaped like a centipede.

After 1 minute, the centipede-shaped spaceship flew out from the mouth of the scorpion base, and then transformed rapidly. Its body circled, connecting end to end, forming a ring shape, and then countless legs quickly extended and deformed, and soon became It became a round pie-shaped spaceship and rushed towards the heavenly star.

Half an hour later, Yi Fanchen and Wu Lao appeared at the gate of Tianyi Building.

The two didn't go in and stood at the door for a long time.

Yi Fanchen was about to step forward, but was stopped by Mr. Wu and said, "He's not here."

"How do you know?" Yi Fanchen asked curiously.

Old Wu smiled and said, "Because I can't sense his presence, maybe he left!"

Yi Fanchen believed Mr. Wu's induction, and said helplessly, "We came a step late, but now that we know his identity, it's much easier. So what should we do now?"

Elder Wu thought for a while, and said, "I've been waiting for many years, and it's not too late. Let's wait around here!"

Yi Fanchen frowned and nodded, then rolled his eyes, and said, "Grandpa Wu, why don't you let me sneak in and have a look, there must be someone who knows Zhao Xing and knows his whereabouts."

Old Wu shook his head and said, "This is not good!"

Yi Fanchen smiled and said: "Grandpa Wu, are you afraid that Zhao Xing will blame you in the future? No, he even let me, the one who assassinated him, he must not be a petty person, and he will not blame you."

What Yi Fanchen said was indeed what Mr. Wu was worried about.After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Okay then! Don't hurt anyone."

Yi Fanchen immediately nodded with a smile.

Several security guards at the gate have been watching the two of them for a long time, but the two of them, one old and one young, are not dangerous in their eyes, especially Yi Fanchen, who they saw her with Mr. Xiao a few days ago I went in, so I didn't come forward to ask them.

After getting Mr. Wu's consent, Yi Fanchen took out a flute from the space ring and started playing.

The melodious music sounded.

The security guard at the gate and the passers-by stopped unconsciously when they heard the sound, fascinated by it.

After the song was over, while everyone was still fascinated, Yi Fanchen turned his head and winked at Mr. Wu, then he and Mr. Wu quickly passed several security guards and entered Tianyi Building.

A few minutes after they went in, passers-by and several security guards woke up. Everything just now was like a dream to them.

This is another skill of Yi Fanchen, she can use musical instruments to make sounds to hypnotize people.

After entering the Tianyi Building, Yi Fanchen took Mr. Wu and the reception staff in the lobby hadn't reacted before he pressed the high-speed elevator and got in.

After getting out of the elevator, it is already the highest floor of Tianyi Building, and this floor is where Xiao Xuan's office is located.

Coincidentally, as soon as they came out, they met Lu Yang.

Lu Yang had seen Yi Fanchen before, although he only took a picture of him, but he remembered this girl.

"Are you looking for Mr. Xiao? She's not here now." Lu Yang smiled and said to Yi Fanchen.

"Then do you know where she went?" Yi Fanchen asked.

Lu Yang shook his head, "President Xiao's itinerary is very mysterious, and I don't know."

"Then does anyone here know where she has gone? Actually, what we are looking for is your... Mr. Zhao." Yi Fanchen said again.

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Mr. Zhao, then I don't know. Besides, no one in this building has close contact with them except me, so I don't know."

Elder Wu looked into Lu Yang's eyes, nodded, and said to Yi Fanchen, "He didn't lie to us, let's wait outside!"

"All right!"

Yi Fanchen could only nod helplessly.

After the two left the building, they walked along the wide street in front of the building.Since you have to wait here, you must find a place to live. If you return to the base, you will be delayed for a long time.

When they advanced hundreds of meters, they saw a news broadcast on a public display on the side of the road.

"According to federal investigators, Yi star was discovered a year ago. It is a habitable star, rich in Lurkin... For such individuals and groups who ignore federal laws, the federal government has decided to use powerful It will be wiped out by force...According to reliable sources, the person who stole Yi Xing is named Zhao Xing, he is 25 years old, and graduated from the Federal University..."

"Grandpa Wu, that's him!"

Seeing Zhao Xing's profile picture displayed on the display screen, Yi Fanchen excitedly pointed at it and shouted.

Mr. Wu opened his eyes wide, staring straight at the portrait on the monitor, and then murmured: "Like! It's so similar! It's almost carved out of the same mold as the young Wang...Xiaoyi, I now You can be sure that this person is the heir of the king!"

Yi Fanchen said with a smile: "Isn't it already confirmed! Hehe! Then let's go to Yixing now."

Mr. Wu nodded and said with a smile: "The king's sons and heirs are different. Even without the king's help, he can make such a big battle. Ha ha! I don't think the federal government's fleet is his opponent at all."

Half an hour later, Yi Fanchen and Wu Lao returned to the Xiezi base.

At this time, Yi Fanchen noticed the shape of this huge base, and sighed: "It looks... so domineering!"

Mr. Wu was very happy, and said with a smile: "There are many more domineering things in my noble Zerg. You humans can only live on naturally formed planets, and the high-level life of the Zerg, such as our king, he You can live directly in the universe. You can go to any place in the universe at any time."

"This, isn't this the same as the gods in the movie?" Yi Fanchen asked in surprise.

Old Wu smiled and said: "As long as life continues to evolve and become stronger, it can also have abilities like theirs."

Yi Fanchen asked curiously: "Then, what's the difference between the evolved high-level beings you mentioned and the gods in the movie?"

When she asked, Elder Wu immediately frowned, thought for a while, and smiled wryly: "In this universe, there are only things that you can't think of, and there is nothing that doesn't exist. I can't say, if you have the opportunity to contact, you will naturally understand. If you don’t have that fate, you won’t understand even if you tell me.”

After Mr. Wu finished speaking, Yi Fanchen pouted, looking very unhappy. What Mr. Wu said was like saying nothing.

After a big battle, Yi Xing was busy at this time.All the brilliant doctors on Yi Xing's entire planet, no matter if they were native or slave-born, as long as they were skilled in medicine, they were all recruited to enter the base of His Majesty's Temple to treat the wounded.

In this war, at least millions of soldiers were wounded.

As long as the brains are not dead, they will all be transported back to Yi Xing.

With the current technology, as long as the brain is not dead, other organs can be copied, and a new body can be cultivated in less than a month.

(End of this chapter)

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