Bug anger

Chapter 184 The Critical Moment

Chapter 184 The Critical Moment
Among the handsome ships of the Federation Fleet, Xue Hao walked back and forth a little irritablely. He was too disappointed with the performance of the fleet at this time. With more than 20 warships, it can't compete with a fleet that is half the number of its own.

The fleet dispatched by the federal government this time is one-third of the total fleet, which is already the limit that can be mobilized. If this battle is defeated, the federal government will not be able to use force against Yi Xing for a long time.

The consequence of that is that Yixing will become a highly autonomous planet in the star field of the federal government.If Yi Xing's ambitions are more than that...the federal government may be about to disintegrate.

According to the previous plan, the federal government dispatched 20 warships at a time, without resorting to force, just threatening to make Yi Xing surrender.But they kept silent, and actually gathered more than [-] warships.

Now, Xue Hao has more than 12 warships available in his hands, and he also knows about the warships lost by Yi Xing.

If the fight continues, based on Xue Hao's understanding of Pang Liankun in the Military Academy, this guy will definitely fight to the death with the Federation Fleet until the last battleship is wiped out.

Seeing Xue Hao frowning and walking back and forth, his adjutant saw him and asked, "What should we do now?"

Only then did Xue Hao stop, thought for a while, and said, "What else can I do? It's impossible to fight them to the death, and you don't even look at the virtues of our soldiers... Change to siege and harassment tactics, You can only spend a long time with them until you kill them!"

As soon as Xue Hao finished speaking, the staff behind him suddenly shouted: "General, there is a UFO approaching, and its head...is very big!"

When Mr. Wu decided to go to Yi Xing, the intelligent program on the spaceship searched for Yi Xing's coordinates immediately.

The sudden assembly of the federal government's fleet to attack Yi Xing is obviously impossible to hide from people, especially those reporters who have a keen sense of smell and want to dig out big news all day long.

The federal government did not intend to keep this plan completely secret. When they acted, Yi Xing had already appeared on the star field map released by the federal government.

Now, Yi Xing is completely open to the world. As long as you have a spaceship, you can go to Yi Xing.

Under the calculation of the intelligent system, the Scorpion base appeared in the outer space of Yi Xing after a short space jump.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of kilometers in front of them was the huge fleet of the federal government.

In the cockpit of the scorpion base, Yi Fanchen saw the scanned image in front of him, and saw that the screen was full of dense warships, and the wreckage of the warships farther away, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Grandpa Wu, they really started a war with Zhao Xing and the others." , I don’t know how to win or lose.”

Mr. Wu smiled and said: "It seems that the Federation Fleet didn't take advantage of it. There are 20 warships, and now there are more than [-] left, and they are so far away from Yi Xing. Otherwise, they have already surrounded Yi Xing and started to land on the ground." occupied."

"Then what are we going to do now?" Yi Fanchen asked curiously.

Old Wu smiled and said, "No hurry, let's stop here and have a look."

"Why don't you help them?" Yi Fanchen asked again.

Old Wu smiled and said, "We stop here to help them."

Yi Fanchen immediately understood that the huge scorpion base stopped here, the Federation Fleet would definitely be vigilant, and would send a large number of warships to defend them.

As soon as Mr. Wu finished speaking, the Federal Fleet sent a communication request, but Mr. Wu ignored it.

Among the handsome ships of the Federation Fleet, Xue Hao frowned when he learned that the other party hadn't responded, and said, "I really don't know if it's a friend or a friend! We must be on guard. If it doesn't actively attack us, we can't provoke them. Execute according to the plan made before..."

Soon, the federal fleet dispersed and began to deploy space torpedoes in the outer space of Yi Xing...

Yixing's cargo route is first through the GS810 star, entering from the wormhole, then passing through the large cave under the Wormstar, and then reaching Yixing through the wormhole.

Due to the previous secrecy, only Li Tian and Pang Liankun and their core team members knew about the entire transportation process. Therefore, until now, the federal government has only blown up the wormholes on this planet.And cut off several routes to the GS810 planet.

At this time, the fact that Yixing Company and Yixing are one body has long been found out.

However, the federal government was unable to take any effective measures against Yixing Company.

Because Zhao Xing and the others had expected this situation a long time ago, under the operation of Xiao Xuan and the others, Yixing Company is actually just a shell. Inside this shell, there are countless small companies, and the company's account number is also used by the universe bank. anonymous account.It takes a long time to deal with it.

The federal government's plan is to use the fleet to force Yi Xing to surrender and bring Yi Xing under its rule. In this way, the Lurkin produced on Yi Xing, as well as manpower and material resources...including Yi Xing Company, so everything will be Return to the government.

The officials of the federal government have good ideas, but this is based on the fact that Yi Xing is completely conquered by them.

At this time, all major forces in the universe knew about Yi Xing and the actions taken by the federal government.

The Liberty Alliance adjacent to the federal government, as well as other small empires, reported a spectator mentality, and so did many officials within the federal government, especially middle and low-level officials.

To put it bluntly, the federal government has developed to the present, and it has become corrupt. The senior officials of the government are all from various big families.They control the Federation regime, but only for the benefit of their respective families.

If Yi Xing is really conquered, it will be the time when several big families start to share the results.The common people, as well as the interests represented by middle and low-level officials, will not get any benefit.

Zhao Xing was born as a commoner, and he walked step by step, seeing the life of the people at the bottom, seeing that the rich have no laws and can kill people at will, and seeing the life of the slaves who are worse than death... All these made him feel that he had been living a life of death for a long time. Buried the idea to change the world.

Therefore, Zhao Xing and his team members resisted.Now that Yi Xing is strong, apart from Zhao Xing, people like Li Tian and Yinfeng probably have the idea of ​​changing the world in their hearts.

Yi Xing and the Federation Fleet were in a stalemate like this.

The result of this war was also known to several bigwigs who controlled the federal government at the first time.At this time, they were already discussing countermeasures in the general government of the federal government on Tianlongxing.

The result was that they borrowed troops from the major families and changed the commander of the Federation Fleet. They thought that although Xue Hao was the best in the military academy, he was too young and too impulsive.

Xue Hao also learned the news immediately, but shook his head with a wry smile.That's the way the federal government works. If things don't go well, someone is always responsible.He was dismissed from his post this time. After returning, if he didn't take care of it, he might be sent to a military court.

His adjutant, that is, his junior, was very dissatisfied: "General, isn't this a change of general? It's a taboo for military strategists!"

Xue Hao could only shake his head after hearing this.

Among the huge pentagonal spacecraft of the King's Cavalry Association, there is a place with a top height of several hundred meters and a diameter of a thousand meters.Here, turf is laid out on the ground.

Zhao Xing came here after resting for several hours.

At this moment, he is not alone here, Nangong Lengyue is also there.In addition to the two of them, there were many strangers on the spaceship that they did not know.

Here, is a place of leisure.

Others come to walk and stroll.And Zhao Xing came here mainly to release the clone of the bug.

It has been a long time since he transferred his consciousness to the body of the bug, Zhao Xing always felt that something was missing, and he was not used to it!

"Hi! Zhao Xing."

Seeing Zhao Xing coming, Nangong Lengyue shouted from afar.

Zhao Xing saw her as soon as he arrived, and walked forward with a smile.

Nangong Lengyue was wearing a tight black leather jacket, her figure looked very hot, Zhao Xing walked in front of her, and couldn't help but glance at her chest, waist, thighs and crotch.

Seeing Zhao Xing's gaze, Nangong Lengyue smiled and said, "What's the matter? I haven't touched a woman for a few days, so I'm thinking about it now."

Zhao Xing shrugged helplessly, and said with a smile: "Because you are so attractive, as long as you are a normal man, you will be like me."

Nangong Lengyue curled her lips and said with a smile: "Men are all the same. By the way, are you okay?"

Zhao Xing knew that what Nangong Lengyue asked was about training under eight times the gravitational force, so he smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll stick to it."

"It's fine." Nangong Lengyue nodded.

Only then did Zhao Xing remember the purpose here, and after a few steps, he turned around and released the bug clone.

Although she had seen Zhao Xing's worm avatar, when it appeared in front of her eyes, Nangong Lengyue still opened her eyes wide in surprise, walked up to the worm, stretched out her hand involuntarily, and gently touched the worm's spiked legs .

At this time, Zhao Xing transferred his consciousness into the worm's body through the consciousness transmitter.

The difference from before was that as soon as the consciousness entered the worm's body, he felt a burst of hunger in the worm's body. At the same time, he faintly felt that after the worm's clone was full this time, it was about to evolve again.

"Is it here?" Zhao Xing looked around. If the evolution is completed here, it will be troublesome if someone comes to make trouble.Others are not afraid, but Wei Tianqing will take the opportunity at this time...

Although worried, Zhao Xing had no choice at this time.

He understood the process of changing the clones of the bugs a few times before, and they all came suddenly.If it is forced to delay, it might destroy the bug clone.

Fortunately, after the last change of the bug clone, his consciousness was divided into two. In this way, his body can also protect the bug clone during the growth of the bug clone.

What's more, there is still Nangong Lengyue present.

"Leng Yue, my worm avatar is about to grow again. In a few hours, it will be at its weakest. You have to help me, so that no one can get close to its growth."

Seeing Zhao Xing's solemn expression, Nangong Lengyue nodded. She also knew that this matter was very important to Zhao Xing, not to mention that she still owed Zhao Xing a favor. If it wasn't for Zhao Xing's help, she might have been Eliminated, how can I stay here now?
Now, Zhao Xing felt relieved.

He released the food that had been prepared for the bug clone from the space ring.

Because of the money, Zhao Xing's worm avatar ate much better than before. Apart from a sufficient amount of Luerjin and other rare metals, the main ingredients were high-calorie substances.

This time the worms ate separately and swallowed three times the usual amount of food at once, which made Zhao Xing feel full.

After the bug clone ate, more than ten minutes later, the bug clone began to change.

At this time, Zhao Xing released the silver-white mecha and entered the cockpit, and Nangong Lengyue did the same.

Seeing the situation on Zhao Xing's side, the people in the distance walked over curiously.

When they approached a hundred meters away from the worm clone, Zhao Xing issued a warning not to allow them to approach.

This time, the growth of the bug clone was still painful.My whole body is still like being pierced by countless needles, and I still have a feeling of disintegration and shattering.

This is the first time Zhao Xing felt this painful feeling from the bug avatar.

In the past, this feeling only appeared on the surface of the body, but this time, it is the whole body, every corner of the body is like this.

At this moment, Zhao Xing had an illusion that the bug avatar would be completely shattered and turned into a pile of minced meat.Of course, this illusion is due to the fact that he is too painful.


After Zhao Xing endured it for more than ten minutes, the body surface of the bug clone made crackling sounds.

With the appearance of this sound, it can be clearly seen that countless cracks began to appear on the silver-white bug's shell.

This time was the most painful time for Zhao Xing.

Because of the pain of the bug clone, Zhao Xing's body was also affected, and even the mech he was driving began to tremble.

No matter how painful it was, Zhao Xing could only persevere. At this moment, he secretly prayed in his heart, hoping that there would be no accidents.Because this change of the bug avatar is equivalent to appearing in front of the public in the hall.

At this moment, what Zhao Xing expected before finally happened.

Because, he saw Wei Tianqing walking in with two people.

Zhao Xing also knew the two people behind Wei Tianqing. One of them was Li Yuan, who was from the Li family.The other person is named Sun Ming, a member of the Sun family.

In the competition held by Wang Qibing this time, the top ten players, except for Zhao Xing, were all from aristocratic families.Only these people can be cultivated since they were young, and they will have high-performance mechas.

This world is a world where the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker.

As soon as Wei Tianqing came in, he noticed Zhao Xing and the others.

Although Zhao Xing and Nangong Lengyue were in the cockpit, Wei Tianqing recognized them just by the appearance of the mecha.

"Brother Wei, look, isn't that the mecha of Zhao Xing and Nangong Lengyue? Also, the worm in front of their mecha is the worm of Zhao Xing!"

Sun Ming pointed to the mechas of Zhao Xing and Nangong Lengyue and said.

Wei Tianqing frowned, but suddenly relaxed, and said with a smile: "There must be something wrong! Let's go and see!"

After Wei Tianqing finished speaking, he quickly walked towards Zhao Xing's direction.

When the three of them came to a distance of [-] meters from the clone, Zhao Xing warned through the external loudspeaker of the mech: "You all stop and go one step further, don't blame me for being rude."

Because of the pain, Zhao Xing's voice trembled.

Wei Tianqing was very smart, and he could hear something unusual from Zhao Xing's voice. At this moment, he shifted his gaze to the silver-white worm. Seeing that the outer shell of the worm clone had been broken, he immediately understood that it was probably Zhao Xing's worm. What changes are going to happen!And this kind of change cannot be disturbed in the middle.

Thinking of this, Wei Tianqing sneered and said, "This is a public place, not your private territory of Zhao Xing, I'm coming here, what can you do to me?"

After Wei Tianqing finished speaking, he released his large yellow mech and immediately entered the cockpit.

Afterwards, Li Yuan and Sun Ming also released their mechas. Li Yuan's mecha was black, and Sun Ming's was dark blue. They were both large mechas.

Seeing the three of them entering the cockpit, Zhao Xing knew that Wei Tianqing and the others were planning to make trouble for him.

"Leng Yue, it seems that they want to sabotage it. Now I am affected by the clone of the bug, and I can't exert the normal strength of the mech. It depends on you."

After Zhao Xing gritted his teeth, Nangong Lengyue said, "Don't worry! I won't let them come over."

After Nangong Lengyue finished speaking, her red mecha stepped forward and blocked Wei Tianqing and his three mechas.

"Get out of the way! Otherwise we won't be polite." Li Yuan said coldly.

Nangong Lengyue sneered and said: "Didn't you say this is a public office, why should I give way to you when I stand here?"

"Well said!" Wei Tianqing said with a smile: "Then the three of us will separate and go in another direction."

After Wei Tianqing finished speaking, his yellow mecha didn't move, but Li Yuan's black mecha and Sun Ming's dark blue mecha turned around, trying to bypass Nangong Lengyue's red mecha.


Nangong Lengyue controlled the mech, pulled out the huge sword from behind, and warned: "If you dare to do anything to Zhao Xing and that bug, don't blame me for being rude!"

Once Nangong Lengyue finished her threatening words, Li Yuan and Sun Ming remained unmoved. At this time, Wei Tianqing's mecha also took out a spear from behind, pointed at Nangong Lengyue and said, "I really want to compete with you!" Let's do it!"

At this time, the shell of Zhao Xing's worm avatar had completely shattered. What made Zhao Xing a little scared was that his consciousness on the worm avatar slowly began to fall into a deep sleep, and even his body consciousness couldn't help but feel drowsy. .

Suppressing his drowsiness, he saw that the worm avatar had turned into a pile of minced meat, which was scarlet red, and this pile of 'minced meat' began to continuously secrete white liquid.

Facing the threat of the three mechas, Nangong Lengyue knew that if Wei Tianqing fought at this time, only one of the other two mechas would entangle Zhao Xing's mecha, and the remaining one would destroy it. , then troublesome.

Therefore, she controlled the mecha and began to retreat rapidly.

"Leng Yue, I can't do it anymore. Affected by the clone of the bug, I am very sleepy and may fall asleep at any time."

At this time, Zhao Xing's powerless voice suddenly rang through Nangong Lengyue's communicator, and Nangong Lengyue couldn't help but smile wryly when she heard it.She knew that for Zhao Xing, this was the most critical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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