Bug anger

Chapter 192 Mail

Chapter 192 Mail
Seeing Zhao Xing's excited face, Qinglong said lightly: "The old man has agreed to your marriage with Xiner some time ago."

Zhao Xing nodded, and said: "Your old man has finally figured it out, that's good. The matter that he sent an assassin to assassinate me, that's fine. I'll treat it as if it never happened."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, Qinglong didn't say a word. He was silent for a while, then stretched out his hand and said, "Bring the flight coordinates!"

Zhao Xing immediately took out a mobile memory from the space ring and threw it to Qinglong.

After Qinglong held the memory in her hand, she released a small black spaceship from her space ring.It is only more than 20 meters long and about five meters wide. It looks very 'delicate' in the spaceship.Only such a small spaceship can be put into the space ring and carried around.

The two quickly entered the cockpit of the spacecraft.

Qinglong skillfully activated the spaceship and rushed out of the planet's atmosphere.

At this time, Qinglong inserted the mobile memory that Zhao Xing gave her into the console, and imported the flight coordinates into the navigation system of the spacecraft.

Soon, the spacecraft calculated their current position.

"This is actually the periphery of the 'Insect Sea'." After seeing the coordinate display, Qinglong said something in surprise, then turned his head and asked Zhao Xing, "Have you been here?"

Zhao Xing nodded honestly, and said with a smile: "Of course, otherwise, where did my migratory worms come from?"

Qinglong ignored Zhao Xing's words, but said: "According to the speed of this spaceship, the return time will take about a month."

"Yeah! It's far away. I thought your spaceship was faster than my X180 spaceship." Zhao Xing said with some disappointment.

I haven't seen Lan Xin for a long time, and Zhao Xing misses her very much.

"According to the coordinates, there is a signal coordinate five light years ahead, where we can communicate with the federal network smoothly, and we need to get there first."

After Qinglong finished speaking, he didn't care whether Zhao Xing agreed or not, and activated the spaceship's short-distance space jump function.

Zhao Xing understood that Qinglong wanted to communicate with the King's Cavalry Association to report safety.

After more than ten minutes, the spacecraft had completed a short flight and stopped.

At this time, Qinglong turned on the communicator and connected to the federal network.

In fact, Zhao Xing also knew that it was nearby. In order to monitor the star field controlled by the bugs, the federal government built a communication station here.

After Qinglong connected to the network, he also took out his optical computer and flat-screen monitor, sat down on the sofa in the cockpit, and connected the optical computer to the federal network.

Zhao Xing immediately sent an email to Lan Xin and Xiao Xuan.

Just after sending the email, he saw a notification that he had received a new email, and he clicked it casually, and found that it was sent from an unfamiliar account.

This is a text message, asking Zhao Xing's current space coordinates.

"Is it wrong?"

Zhao Xing muttered, and turned it off casually.

At this time, in the huge Scorpion base, Yi Fanchen smiled wryly and said, "Grandpa Wu, if you ask him like this, he won't talk to you. Let me do it! We finally got his email address, don't let him He ran away."

"Okay!" Elder Wu stepped aside helplessly.

Yi Fanchen stood on the bridge, entered a message by voice, and sent it to Zhao Xing.

At this time, Qinglong also replied to the message. She turned around and said to Zhao Xing: "When my spaceship flies faster than the speed of light, it will automatically disconnect from the federal network. Are you okay?"

"Okay!" Zhao Xing said lightly.He guessed that Qinglong's ship would be set up like this, it must be for the sake of confidentiality.

Just when Zhao Xing was about to close the communication, a new email popped up in his mailbox.

Zhao Xing clicked on it immediately, saw the words on it, his eyes widened in surprise, and he jumped up from the sofa.

Seeing Zhao Xing's abnormal reaction, Qinglong frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Xing didn't answer Qinglong's words. After taking a deep breath, he suppressed his voice and said, "Qinglong, I can't leave here for the time being. I have to wait here."

"What are you waiting for?" Qinglong asked with a frown.

"News from my parents." Zhao Xing said in a deep voice.

"Aren't you an orphan? Why do you suddenly have parents?" Qinglong frowned and asked.When she said this, she couldn't help but think in her heart: "Zhao Xing is so similar to that Sky Wufeng, they can't be related?"

Zhao Xing sighed, and said: "Speaking of which, I have to thank your old man! Didn't he buy a killer to kill me before? That killer is 'Bald Eagle'. She took my blood sample back, it is said that it is I found my parents and asked me to wait here for her news."

As Zhao Xing said, he turned the flat-screen monitor 180 degrees, facing Qinglong, and said, "If you don't believe me, you can read the email she sent."

Qinglong glanced at the content of the email, nodded, and said: "This is a big deal, we can wait here."

Zhao Xing didn't expect Qinglong to agree, so he looked up at her and said thank you.

At this time, Zhao Xing immediately sent a reply email, sent back his coordinates, and left a message later, saying that he would wait here for a long time.

In the scorpion base, after receiving Zhao Xing's reply email, Mr. Wu immediately asked the base's intelligent program to analyze it. Immediately, Zhao Xing's current location appeared in the star map.

Seeing Zhao Xing's current position in the star map, Mr. Wu said excitedly: "This is great, I didn't expect him to be on our way back."

Yi Fanchen said with a smile at this time: "Grandpa Wu, you see that he replied immediately after I replied like this. This time I was able to find him, but it is my credit, you have to reward me."

Old Wu smiled and nodded, "No problem. After taking him back to see Wang, tell Wang Yi that he will definitely reward you."

"What will he reward me?" Yi Fanchen asked curiously.

Mr. Wu held his head high and said proudly: "As long as the king is willing, he can give you whatever you want."

Yi Fanchen pursed his lips and said, "Then I want to live forever, can he do it?"

"No problem, using the means of the king to give you eternal life is just a matter of little effort." Wu Lao said with a smile.

"how is this possible?"

After Mr. Wu finished speaking, Yi Fanchen couldn't believe it.

"Nothing is impossible." Old Man Wu said, "It's just that you have to pay a price."

"What price?" Yi Fanchen asked.

Old Wu shook his head: "I can't tell you now, but you will know when the time comes."

After Mr. Wu finished speaking, he issued an order to the intelligent program of the base, and immediately went to the coordinate point where Zhao Xing was located.

With this order, the huge scorpion base began to rapidly deform, and soon, it changed from a scorpion into a huge triangular spaceship.

At this time, from the appearance, it would never have thought of its previous form, which was a huge scorpion.

(End of this chapter)

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