Bug anger

Chapter 193

Chapter 193
The message from Yi Fanchen made Zhao Xing's mood extremely complicated.

After living for so many years, it was the first time he knew that his parents were still alive.

As far back as he can remember, Zhao Xing thought of himself as an orphan, an ordinary orphan just like everyone else.In order to live a better life in the future, he worked very hard in his studies. With his own diligence, he finally entered the federal university to study.

In the process of studying, Wei Tianqing killed him before he graduated, and went to Lan Yaoxing.This was the most disappointing day in his life. He thought he was a waste, and planned to live like this for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that he got a bug clone in an accident.

After that, Zhao Xing's life finally became exciting.

Not only was he favored by beauties, but he also possessed amazing wealth and became the holy king of a planet...

Everything that Zhao Xing has now makes him feel very satisfied when he thinks about it.

His only wish now is to keep getting stronger, and at the same time save those suffering people in the universe.

How much a person can do is directly proportional to the wealth and power he owns. With Zhao Xing's current ability, he believes that he can realize the ideal in his heart...

Everything is moving forward according to Zhao Xing's goal, and he is also immersed in this state.

But suddenly, he learned that his parents were still there, and he would soon know who they were and where they were. Zhao Xing was surprised, confused, happy, and aggrieved for a while.

"My parents, who are they? Why did they abandon me..."

While waiting, Zhao Xing's thoughts were in a mess. Sometimes he thought about his previous life, and then he thought about his life in the past two years. I finally guessed the identity of my parents...

Zhao Xing felt that the days seemed like years, but in fact time passed quickly, and five days passed quickly.

During these five days, Zhao Xing was not in the mood to eat, because he didn't feel hungry at all.When he was thinking about something, he seemed very silent.

Qinglong is a very mature woman. She knew that to Zhao Xing, this news was like a bolt from the blue, and it shocked Zhao Xing too much, just like when she was suddenly sent back to Tianlongxing.

Five days passed, and the flat-screen monitor in front of Zhao Xing was full of emails sent to him by Yi Fanchen. Each email stated their current location and estimated how much time they still had to arrive.

The last email was sent an hour ago, and it said that there was still about an hour and a half before Zhao Xing would appear in front of him.

After seeing this email, Zhao Xing recovered from his chaotic thoughts and waited quietly.

Half an hour finally passed, Qinglong who had been watching the monitor suddenly turned his head and said to Zhao Xing: "They are here."

Zhao Xing got up immediately and came to the bridge.

What is shown on the display screen is a huge spaceship, its shape is a flat triangle, it looks like an arrow, a huge arrow.

The monitor not only showed a graphic of the spaceship, but also marked its size.It is more than 2 meters long and more than 1 meters wide. Compared with it, the Blue Whale III spacecraft is quite small.Compared with the pentagonal spaceship of the King's Cavalry Association, it is one size smaller.

On the display screen, Zhao Xing could see it zooming in rapidly. After a few minutes, he could see it without looking at the display screen, but directly from the cabin.And it grows very fast...

After more than ten seconds, the spaceship that was originally the size of a fist became crushed like a mountain, and then the entire spaceship was shrouded in the huge spaceship that suddenly appeared.

At this time, Zhao Xing felt the spaceship fall down, shook slightly, and then stopped still.

Outside the window, it suddenly became pitch black.

"what happened?"

Zhao Xing frowned at this moment and asked.

Qinglong smiled wryly and said: "My spaceship has already entered its interior and has been fixed."

As Qinglong said, he called up a picture, which showed a spaceship being clamped head and tail by two giant clamps on both sides.The shape of this clamped spaceship is too similar to Qinglong's spaceship.

Seeing this picture, Zhao Xing was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that the spaceship caught in that picture was not the spaceship he was sitting on now?

"Crew members, please get ready, the spaceship is about to enter superluminal flight..."

Suddenly, the spacecraft's communicator sounded an electronically synthesized prompt.

Qinglong had no choice but to sit down in front of the bridge, and said with a wry smile: "Their intelligent system has invaded into my spaceship, and now, I can no longer pilot this spaceship."

After Qinglong finished speaking, he saw on the screen on the bridge monitor that the two giant clamps holding their spaceship were loosened, and then the spaceship started to move again.

Obviously, the spaceship is already under the control of the other party, moving forward according to the specified direction.

A few minutes later, the small spaceship that Zhao Xing and the others were traveling in entered a huge metal door separated from both sides, and stopped on a circular platform inside.

To Zhao Xing's surprise, after they entered the giant metal gate, they saw not only a circular metal platform, but also densely packed in front of them, all of which were platforms for parking spaceships.

Moreover, on these parking platforms, most of the platforms are parked with small spaceships.

After just a cursory glance, Zhao Xing estimated that there are no less than [-] small spaceships here, and each spaceship has a very strange shape. They look like bugs.

"Zhao Xing, you can leave the warehouse now."

While Zhao Xing was staring out the window in a daze, Yi Fanchen's voice sounded in the cockpit of the spaceship.

Then, Zhao Xing heard the sound of the spaceship door opening behind him.

Zhao Xing got up immediately, got out of the cabin, and walked down through the door in the middle of the spaceship. Qinglong followed closely behind him.

After getting off the spaceship, Zhao Xing saw a small maglev car parked beside him.

The appearance of this car is normal, but the style is very old, as if it was produced more than ten years ago, and it has been discontinued now.

Zhao Xing turned his head and looked behind him, and found that Qinglong was quietly following behind him, smiled and nodded to her, then opened the car door and got in, sitting in the driver's seat.

Without any hesitation, Qinglong walked to the other side of the car, opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

Before, Zhao Xing's heart was a little confused, but now, his state of mind has completely calmed down.On the contrary, it was Qinglong. She seemed very excited at this time, because this huge spaceship was so similar to a spaceship she had seen before.

After the two sat down, the car started automatically.

The car quickly drove onto a wide circular metal road, and it was obvious that the circular metal road went up round and round.

Zhao Xing quietly looked at the strange scene outside the window, and Qinglong didn't speak, and the car seemed very silent.

A few minutes later, the car finally slowed down. At this moment, Zhao Xing and Qinglong also noticed two people standing there hundreds of meters ahead.

After the car stopped in front of the two, the door opened automatically.

After Zhao Xing got out of the car, he stood in front of the two and looked at Yi Fanchen, then turned his gaze to the old man.

"Zhao Xing, we met again. I was the one who wanted to kill you last time. It was my fault. To make up for my mistake, I found your parents for you."

Yi Fanchen raised his head with a smile and said to Zhao Xing with a smile.

Yi Fanchen knew Zhao Xing, and this silver-haired girl made a deep impression on him. This girl looked harmless to humans and animals, but she was actually more dangerous than people like Wei Tianqing.

After Yi Fanchen finished speaking, Zhao Xing nodded to her with a smile and asked, "Who are these?"

"Oh~ let me introduce, this is Mr. Wu, I call him Grandpa Wu, you can call him that too." After Yi Fanchen finished speaking to Zhao Xing, he turned to Mr. Wu and said, "Grandpa Wu, this is Mr. Zhao star."

Zhao Xing was sizing up Mr. Wu, and Mr. Wu was also sizing up Zhao Xing at this time. He didn't seem to pay attention to what Yi Fanchen said, so he nodded slightly and said: "Like! It's so similar .”

"Who do you look like?" Yi Fanchen asked curiously when he heard Mr. Wu talking to himself.

"Like a king, so much like it!"

As Wu Lao said, he took a step and circled around Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing turned his head following Mr. Wu, with a strange expression on his face.

At the moment when Zhao Xing was stunned, Mr. Wu made a sudden move, grabbed Zhao Xing's right wrist, and said eagerly to Zhao Xing: "You come with me to check it now."

Until now, Mr. Wu couldn't really believe that Zhao Xing was the real king's son, so he had to confirm it.

Zhao Xing was very uncomfortable being grabbed by an old man's wrist. He tried hard to break free, but found that Mr. Wu's hand was very strong, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

And at this time, he couldn't help but follow Mr. Wu along the metal corridor, and then entered a high-speed elevator.

At this time, Yi Fanchen and Qinglong still stayed where they were.

Yi Fanchen looked enviously at Qinglong's curvy figure, and said with a smile, "Zhao Xing is really flirtatious! I saw him with a beautiful woman a while ago, but I didn't expect to change him now. Really? A good man!"

"I'm not his woman." Qinglong said coldly.

"Isn't it?" Yi Fanchen looked at Qinglong again, saw that she was wearing a mask, frowned, and then said: "Although you are not his woman, you must have a very close relationship with him, and you want to know him too. Who are your parents? If you want to know, come with me!"

As Yi Fanchen said, he turned around and left, but after walking a few steps, he turned around and said to Qinglong, "Zhao Xing has a great background!"

"Is it a big background? Maybe it's the same as what I guessed!" Qinglong looked at Yi Fanchen's back and said something in his heart.Then he quickly chased after him.

Soon, Mr. Wu took Zhao Xing to the room where the ice coffins were displayed on the spaceship.

(End of this chapter)

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