Bug anger

Chapter 22 To Heaven Star

Chapter 22 To Heaven Star
After leaving Li Tian's warehouse, Zhao Xing went offline.

The time on Lan Yaoxing was already seven o'clock in the morning.Zhao Xing was about to get up, but suddenly he felt sore all over his body, as if he had exercised too much, the kind of muscle soreness when he wakes up in the morning after a night's rest.

"Could it be some kind of illness?" Zhao Xing was a little frightened, endured the pain, got out of bed with difficulty, and took out the health tester from the drawer under the desk.

The tester is like a flat-panel display, only a lot thicker.Zhao Xing turned on the switch above, and the smooth surface of the tester immediately lit up.

Zhao Xing immediately stretched out his right hand to cover it, and after a few seconds, an electronically synthesized voice sounded from the health tester: "Hello! Your blood is not polluted, and your internal organs are working normally. Congratulations! You are very healthy!"

After getting the test results, Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief.Although the current medical science is advanced, as long as the brain is not dead, it can be saved, but who wants to be sick?Moreover, the current medical expenses are very high, and Zhao Xing did not buy medical insurance.

"Since he is in good health, why is his whole body sore?" Zhao Xing thought for a long time, but couldn't figure it out.He believes that the result of the tester is correct, but his body is very uncomfortable!
"Since the body is fine, it's a muscle problem..." Zhao Xing endured the soreness, changed into a set of sportswear, rushed out of the warehouse, and began to run around the warehouse.

Zhao Xing used to like sports very much. Before the accident at Federal University, he got up early every day and did moderate exercise to keep his body active.Since coming to Lan Yaoxing, he has gradually become lazy.

Because he lost his enthusiasm for life.

Zhao Xing remembered that he had exercised too much, and this situation would happen, so he decided to go outside for some strenuous exercise to see if he could relieve the pain.

Sure enough, Zhao Xing ran around the warehouse, the soreness in the leg muscles gradually disappeared, and gradually became hot.

"That's true! This is a signal that the muscles are beginning to strengthen!" Zhao Xing suddenly remembered that the improvement of a person's mental strength will also lead to the strengthening of the physical body.The most direct manifestation is that the toughness and strength of muscles and bones begin to increase, and the functions of internal organs will also improve.

Why is this happening?Until now, humans have not understood.It's just a guess that a person's spiritual power and physical body are one, and the improvement of one side will naturally drive the other side.For example, athletes are generally full of energy, and depressed patients with mental weakness may experience various physical problems.

Zhao Xing didn't want to waste his mental strength after a long run. After running for a while, Zhao Xing slowed down. When his breath and blood subsided, he fell on the ground and started doing push-ups to exercise his arm muscles.When it was almost done, he started to do sit-ups again... Zhao Xing kept doing various exercises, and didn't stop until his whole body became warm.

"Just now it was a waste of worry, but exercise is necessary, otherwise it will reduce the effect of strengthening the body, and we must continue to exercise every day in the future." Zhao Xing thought firmly in his heart.

After this exercise, the time has passed nine o'clock.

Back at the warehouse, Zhao Xing took a cold shower, changed into black casual clothes, and then rushed to work.

When we arrived at the specimen library, it was already 09:30.Zhao Xing went directly to the management room of Biaoku.

This is the second time for Zhao Xing to enter the management office, and the first time was when he went through the entry procedures.Unlike other people, in order to raise salary, he often eats and drinks with the director of the management office, and goes to the high-end hotel in Blue Star City to play.

Zhao Xing is a dignified person, and he thinks he can't do such a thing of lowering his personality to please his boss.Therefore, Zhao Xing's salary is the lowest here.

Zhao Xing entered the management room, and directly told a plump management director inside that he quit and wanted to resign.

The director of the management office looked at Zhao Xing, then turned on the optical computer on the table, called up Zhao Xing's information and looked at it. Swipe up, and there is a 'ding' sound.

Afterwards, the director of the management office threw Zhao Xing's ID card to Zhao Xing casually, and said blankly: "It's done! Your salary has been settled, and it has been transferred to your bank account. Leave your work card. Leave now."

Zhao Xing immediately took out a work card the same size as an ID card from his pocket, put it on the director's desk, turned around and left. .After leaving the management room of the specimen library, Zhao Xingchang sighed, feeling a burst of relief.Heart said: "Now it's time to think about which habitable star to go to..."

Zhao Xing returned to the warehouse, immediately turned on his antique flat-screen monitor, and clicked on an interstellar map.

The star map is centered on the earth, and all the current habitable stars are marked on it. If there is a stereo display device, the star map will look more intuitive.

The star map is very detailed. It not only marks the habitable stars under the jurisdiction of the federal government, but also marks the habitable stars occupied by other countries and forces. There are a total of 320 habitable stars.

These more than 300 planets are scattered in the vast universe, and they are very far apart, and the distances are calculated in units of light years.In Zhao Xing's mind, when he planned to leave here a few days ago, he thought of a few alternative planets.

If you are alone, as long as it is a habitable star under the federal government, you can go anywhere.He is mainly thinking about the bug avatar now, for the growth of the bug avatar, Zhao Xing had to think carefully.

After calling out the six candidate planets from the star map and carefully reading the detailed description, Zhao Xing finally chose a planet named Paradise Star.

Paradise Star is an autonomous star under the name of the federal government. As the name suggests, the star is a planet of enjoyers.As long as you have money, you can live happier than gods on this planet. As long as it is owned by human beings, you can buy it with money.

Here, as long as you have money, you can buy the most advanced biological mechs and the most powerful space battleships that are prohibited from being sold by the federal government; as long as you have money, you can let popular actresses accompany you for a night; as long as you have money, You can want anyone's life, including the head of the Federation President...

In short, this is a planet where money matters.

If you have money, you can buy anything, and it will not be confiscated by the government. Then, you can also buy the prohibited rare metals that bug clones need to grow.

This is the first reason why Zhao Xing chose this planet, and there is another reason, Heaven Star is a paradise for bug fighters.As long as the legal procedures are met, even if you walk on the street with a living insect, no one dares to stop it at will.

Finally, after consideration, Zhao Xing believes that Paradise Star is a planet that is suitable for his human life and will not delay the growth of bug clones.

"Go to Paradise Star! That's the decision!"

After making a decision, Zhao Xing immediately booked the interstellar cargo ship ticket to Paradise Star.

(End of this chapter)

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