Bug anger

Chapter 23 Lan Xin

Chapter 23 Lan Xin
Early the next morning, Zhao Xing boarded the cargo spaceship to Paradise Star.

If it wasn't for Mr. Zhou's signature, Zhao Xing's bug avatar would have some troubles to board the cargo spaceship.The reason!It was because the worm avatar was black in the description of the proof card, but now the worm turned dark red.

The security inspector asked, what's going on?Zhao Xing said that this is a scientific secret, so he prevaricated.Because Mr. Zhou wrote a line of "scientific experiment specimen" on his electronic certificate card, with Mr. Zhou's signature and electronic seal on it.With this electronic card, not to mention Tianlongxing, the capital of the federal government, Tianlongxing, you can enter and exit as you like.

Zhao Xing and his worm avatar first boarded a small spaceship, waited out of the atmosphere of Lan Yaoxing, entered the outer space, and then boarded a large cargo ship named 'Blue Whale III' at the space station.

The Blue Whale series cargo spaceship is the largest spaceship of the Blue Whale Cargo Company and the largest spaceship ever built by human beings.It is five kilometers long and about three kilometers high and wide, and it can transport countless goods at a time.For the sake of convenience, Zhao Xing spent several times more money and ordered an independent transport warehouse.In this way, after boarding the Blue Whale No. [-], he could stay with the alloy cabinet containing the worm avatar.

This independent transport warehouse has about 150 square meters and is divided into two parts.One part is the freight room, and the other part is the living room. This setting is for the convenience of guests staying with their goods.

Half an hour after boarding the ship, Blue Whale III set sail, followed by two medium-sized frigates.

A huge transport spaceship like the Blue Whale III transports a huge amount of cargo at a time, not to mention the preciousness of the cargo, but the quantity alone is a huge fortune.If there is no armed frigate escort, it will be a big loss if you encounter pirates.

Today's pirates should actually be called cosmic pirates. They use the vast universe as their sea, and they run away after robbing them. They come and go without a trace.

A few minutes after the Blue Whale III set sail, it began to fly faster than the speed of light.It will take three days to go to Paradise Star, and the spaceship is flying faster than the speed of light, and cannot play virtual online games, nor can it go out of the warehouse, so it can only pass the time by sleeping.

After three boring days like this, the captain’s voice suddenly sounded from Zhao Xing’s transport warehouse, reminding that the spaceship is already flying at sub-light speed, and it will arrive at the space station of Paradise Star in two hours. Guests who want to disembark, please do well. Prepare.

"It's finally here!" Zhao Xing stretched, jumped off the bed, and started doing indoor exercises.After three days of no strenuous activity, my muscles are a little sore again.

After finishing a set of indoor exercises, his body became warm. Zhao Xing took a hot shower again, took out a set of white casual clothes from his travel bag, and changed into them. He opened the warehouse door and took the high-speed elevator to Lanzhou. The topmost floor of Whale III.

Because it is a passenger spaceship, there are not as many guests as Star Cruises. Blue Whale III only has a viewing area on the top floor.In the viewing area, you can watch the universe and starry sky outside.

Because there is no planetary atmosphere to block the line of sight, the starry sky on the spacecraft is clearer, more beautiful, and more spectacular than that on the planet.

When Zhao Xing came to the viewing area on the top floor, there were already thousands of people here. Although there were many people, it was not crowded.

Although it is called a viewing area, it is more like a banquet place.Classical music is played here, there are tables, and there are waiters who keep shuttling through the crowd with drinks.

Zhao Xing sat down at an empty dining table, leaned his upper body on the back of the chair, and looked up at the starry sky above his head.

"Sir, what would you like to order?" Not long after Zhao Xing sat down, a waitress came up and asked softly.

Sitting here, it's not good not to order something, so he casually ordered a glass of apple juice.

At this time, there is still an hour and a half voyage away from Paradise Star, and Paradise Star can already be seen with the naked eye.It looked like a blue sphere as big as a ping pong at this time.

Zhao Xing was enjoying the sweet and sour apple juice while quietly admiring the beautiful starry sky.Suddenly, someone nearby exclaimed: "Look! Is that Miss Lan Xin?"

Zhao Xing turned his head in dissatisfaction, and saw a young man next to him looking forward with his mouth open.Looking at his expression again, it's like a fanatic with fanaticism when he sees his idol star.

Obviously, the sudden cry just now was made by this person.

Zhao Xing followed his gaze, and there was a large group of people not far away, and more people were walking towards that side excitedly.

"Lan Xin? I seem to have heard of this name... It was still at the Federal University. At that time, the male students around me often talked about her. Could this Lan Xin be the school belle of the Federal University?" Thinking of this, Zhao Xing shook his head. Now the population is as high as [-] billion. People with the same name and surname can occupy a city if they gather together.Zhao Xing didn't think that this Lan Xin was the same Lan Xin from Federal University.

The appearance of the name Lan Xin reminded Zhao Xing of his life in Federal University. When the name was mentioned by the male students around him, his eyes would light up, and his expression was the same as that of the man who exclaimed. Proud of her!

Zhao Xing was also a little curious about Lan Xin at that time, but his temperament was indifferent, he only wanted to become a sky cavalry soldier, and never took the initiative to see what the legendary beauty in the campus looked like.Until he left Federal University, Zhao Xing had never seen the legendary school belle, let alone what she looked like.

The diners around, no matter male or female, left the table one after another and gathered around there, but Zhao Xing still sat there indifferently, turning his attention to the starry sky outside.In Zhao Xing's thoughts, the word Lan Xin was slowly replaced by the beautiful starry sky.

Zhao Xing doesn't like famous beauties, especially those actresses who speak for artificial robots.

The body shape and appearance of those simulated robots are all made according to their models, and the customers of these robots are mostly single men.They buy these artificial robots at a high price, and everyone knows what they mainly do.

Such actresses are being slandered by others all the time, that's why Zhao Xing doesn't like them.And I believe that as long as a man with strong self-esteem will not like such a woman.

After more than ten minutes, the mocking noises around finally subsided.

At this time, Zhao Xing was immersed in the beautiful starry sky, and the heavenly star in the distance had become as big as a football.

"Huh~ Are you Zhao Xing?" Zhao Xing woke up from the state of ecstasy with a clear and pleasant voice.Then his gaze was withdrawn from the vast starry sky.

Zhao Xing turned his head slightly, and saw a beautiful woman looking at him with a smile.

When Zhao Xing saw the beautiful woman in front of him, he was amazed.

(End of this chapter)

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