Bug anger

Chapter 28 Insect Fury

Chapter 28: Insect Fury ([-])
The pirates immediately became vigilant.

The dark red mecha put down the red mecha that Lan Xin was driving. Lan Xin didn't know how to drive a mecha, they knew this a long time ago, and they were not afraid of Lan Xin running away.

"Huh~" Zhao Xing moved again.

His speed was incomparably fast, and the speed when moving almost reached [-] kilometers per hour, which was similar to the speed of the mecha running on the plain with all its strength.Moreover, in this small space, he can give full play to his flexibility.

Zhao Xing did not attack the dark red mecha, but chose a silver-white pirate mecha as the target.When watching the pirates fight with the four black mechas, Zhao Xing had seen that one of the silver-white mechas was the weakest of the eight pirate mechas, because his movements were very weak compared to the other mechas. stiff.

This is not to say that there is a problem with the mecha, but that the pilots in it cannot manipulate the mecha proficiently.actually.The eight pirate mechs are of the same model, but the equipment has been modified according to each person's strengths.

To see the true strength of a mecha, it depends on the driver in its driving compartment!
The persimmon was about to be picked up softly, Zhao Xing moved, and the eight pirate mechs had no time to react. They saw that the bug turned into a dark red lightning, and rushed straight towards a silver-white mech.

With two beeps, Zhao Xing's two giant scythes swiped across the silver-white mecha's legs.

The structure of the humanoid mecha is similar to that of the human body, the joints are the weak points, because to drive the mecha to move, the joints must be equipped with drivers, as long as the driver is broken, the part it drives will lose its ability to move.

After Zhao Xing's red figure flashed under the silver-white mecha, he heard a "sizzling" sound from the bend of its legs, followed by a "click" sound, as if the driving device was being activated. its stuck.

I saw this silver-white mecha kneeling down on the ground, and then the upper body fell to the ground with a "puff".

As soon as Zhao Xing moved, within a few seconds, one of the pirate's mechas lost its fighting ability.

"This bug is a bit weird, everyone, pay attention to protecting your joints and use mechanical nets to deal with it!" The leader driving the dark red mech immediately spoke.

The pirates only had eight mechas, and one was killed by Zhao Xing at once. Before he injured the arm of the dark red mecha, these people didn't care, but now they treat Zhao Xing like an enemy.

The reason why Zhao Xing succeeded in one blow was entirely because the pirate mechas were not prepared enough for him. To put it bluntly, they didn't take him seriously at all.

And now?Zhao Xing had some troubles to deal with them.

At least they knew to protect the joints of the mecha, because Zhao Xing's giant scythe could not cut through the outer alloy of the mecha in a short period of time and damage the virtual nerve circuit inside.The only thing that can hurt is the shutdown part of the mech. Because it needs to move, there are gaps in these places. The gaps are covered with soft materials. The protection is not strong, and it only plays the role of isolating sand and dust.

As for the mechanical net, this is a capture tool, installed in the bullet head, and the launcher only needs to be a firearm of the corresponding caliber.When fired, the bullet is ejected from the muzzle, and then a mechanical net with strong toughness bursts out, enveloping the prey within it.Under normal circumstances, the mech is covered by it and will be restrained for a short time.

Hearing that the boss was going to use a mechanical net to deal with bugs, two of the seven pirate mechas pulled out giant pistols from their waists, and quickly changed the magazines.

The mech was more than ten meters high, and the pistol was shaped like an ancient revolver, but it was more than ten times bigger, and the muzzle looked like a cannon.

As soon as Zhao Xing saw the two mechas pull out their giant pistols, and changed the clips to point the muzzles at him, he immediately focused his attention on the fingers of the two mechas.He believed that with his own reflexes, when they pulled the trigger, he would be able to react immediately and avoid the mechanical net that was shot.

"Bang~" One of the mechas aimed its gun at Zhao Xing, and immediately pulled the trigger.

After a huge round bullet was fired from the muzzle of the gun, it immediately shattered and turned into a big net, enveloping Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing flicked his legs and dodged to the side.However, when he was in action, another mecha also pulled the trigger, creating a mechanical net, blocking Zhao Xing's way.

If Zhao Xing acted in the previous direction, he would definitely be caught by the second net.Because the diameter range covered by the mechanical net reached more than 20 meters.

The two nets became bigger and bigger in the air, and the speed was extremely fast, reaching at least half the speed of sound.

At this critical moment, Zhao Xing naturally opened the wings on his back with a 'swipe'. With the resistance of the air, his body paused, his limbs flicked hard, jumped up, and passed through the gap between the two nets.

At this moment, his body has been bounced in the air, and he has nowhere to draw strength.

The two pirates also saw this point, reacted extremely quickly, and pulled the trigger with great cooperation.Only two 'bang bang' sounds were heard in succession, and the two huge nets covered Zhao Xing again.

"Fight!" Zhao Xing roared in his heart.Hearing a 'woo', the wings on his back vibrated rapidly, and his body shot out like red lightning again.

The sickle insect's wings are mainly used for gliding, and they can also vibrate in critical moments, and use the power of the airflow to fly for a short distance.His worm avatar has undergone a strange mutation, not only the double scythe has a strange attack ability, but even the ability of the wings has been enhanced a lot.

At that moment, with the help of flexible movements, Zhao Xing once again escaped from the envelop of the two big nets.After flying tens of meters away, he immediately hid behind a metal pillar, hugged the pillar, stretched out his upper body and watched the seven pirate mechs vigilantly.

"Brother, what should we do? The mechanical net is useless to it, its reaction is too fast! We can't waste time with him here, time is running out." One of the mechas shouted anxiously.

The dark red mech immediately said: "That's good! You take Miss Lan Xin away, and Xiaoqiang and I stay here to deal with this damn bug."

The pirate called Xiaoqiang by the leader is driving a blue mecha, and the back of this mecha also has a pair of big scimitar-like wings.It can be seen at a glance that its function is the same as the scimitar wings on the back of the dark red mech, both of which can rotate rapidly.

After the boss finished speaking, two pirate mechas stepped forward, one left and one right clamped Lan Xin's red mecha, and dragged it away.There are also two mechas, which are carrying the silver-white mecha that was destroyed by Zhao Xing and lost its ability to move.

The remaining mecha, holding a pistol that can launch a mechanical net, was broken to prevent Zhao Xing from attacking them.

Zhao Xing quietly looked at the two mechas with scimitar wings, and saw that they took off the giant wings behind them, held the rotating shaft in the middle and shook them, and the two scimitar wings began to make slight noises.Zhao Xing knew without looking that the sawtooth on the edge of the wing had rolled, and its cutting force was no less than that of his trembling sickle.

Zhao Xing didn't move, neither did the two pirate mechas, because for the time being, no one could do anything to the other, as if they were all delaying time.

"You think I'm stupid! I'll stand in a stalemate with you here." After a few minutes, Zhao Xing said contemptuously in his heart.He suddenly ignored the two mechas in front of him, one red and one blue, moved his body, climbed to the top, ran on the top like walking on flat ground, and chased after Lan Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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