Bug anger

Chapter 29 Insect Fury

Chapter 29: Insect Fury ([-])
"Hey~ That bug really wants to save Miss Lan Xin!"

"There are all kinds of strange things these days, and it's not surprising that the bug is human."

"Haha! That's right! Haven't you seen an insect controller? Most likely someone is nearby, manipulating insects to fight pirates."

"Do you think that red bug is a fighting insect? It's so powerful! If it enters the fighting insect field, it will be strange if it doesn't dominate the insect field! When you encounter it in the insect field, you must bet on it to win!"

Seeing that Zhao Xing's bug clone ignored the two pirate mechas and instead went after the pirate mechas escorting Lan Xin, the bold people in the distance began to discuss again.

The pirates claimed before that as long as Lan Xin on the ship would not rob the goods and the ship, the guests on the ship would feel at ease. As long as the pirates did not seize the ship, kill people, or rob them of their property, no matter how beautiful Lan Xin was, she would have status , what does it have to do with them?

Seeing Zhao Xing chasing after him, the dark red mecha said angrily: "We were tricked by a bug, damn it!"

After he finished speaking, he chased out.

The two mechas ran rapidly one after the other, making the floor tremble with their footsteps.

As soon as the two pirate mechas left, the doors of the two black mechas lying on the ground opened, and two big men in black tights jumped out of them, crying and ran towards the two mechas that had been pierced through their chests. black armor...

Zhao Xing moved much faster than the mechas on the ship. The five pirate mechas carried a scrap armor and carried Lan Xin. Their speed was very slow. It took seven or eight minutes for them to get out of the cargo elevator and run To the rescue chamber of the cargo ship.

The rescue cabin of the cargo ship is actually an independent small spaceship, which can be ejected when the main ship is damaged and will decompose and explode.

On a large transport ship like the Blue Whale No. [-], there are a total of twelve rescue cabins, which are distributed in every corner of the cargo ship.

The pirates had already prepared for this time. They not only brought fifteen mechas on board, but also hundreds of armed personnel to assist them.At this moment, attacks were happening in every corner of the cargo ship, so the guards on board had to spread out to deal with it.Moreover, the pirates who sneaked in also cut off the monitoring system on the ship, making the captain blind.

The rescue cabin closest to the 85th floor has been occupied by pirates. Pirate technicians have changed the operating procedures of the rescue cabin and are waiting for their companions to return at any time.

After getting off the huge freight elevator, you have to pass through a long corridor of hundreds of meters. This corridor is 30 meters wide and 20 meters high, and you can run three mechas in parallel without force.

A group of pirate mechs with Lan Xin arrived here, but they had to slow down because the place was not spacious and Lan Xin did not cooperate.Although Lan Xin doesn't know how to drive a mecha to fight, she can still do some basic actions.Such as slow kicking, swinging arms from side to side, etc.

This made the two pirate mechas wearing the red mechas have to deal with it carefully. Lan Xin himself is not very strong, but using the mechas, it is a huge force!

"Don't move anymore! If you move again, believe it or not, I'll take off your clothes first!" A pirate wearing a red mech finally couldn't hold back, and roared angrily.

"Hehehe... This is a good idea. Although we can't go on it, we can always take a look!" Another pirate mecha's loudspeaker let out a lewd laugh.

Lan Xin, who was staying in the red mecha, was so frightened that she was about to cry. It was the first time she was kidnapped at such a big age.Moreover, she was hijacked by pirates. If the pirates succeed in hijacking this time, what awaits her is unknown.

Once scared, Lan Xin didn't dare to move anymore.

"Hahaha...that's what makes sense, a woman should be obedient..."

Before the pirate finished speaking, suddenly, a dark red sickle insect jumped down from the top, and a sickle slammed into the mouth of his mech, destroying the loudspeaker inside. .

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Xing's other sickle slashed across the neck of the mecha, and there was a sizzle sound inside, and a puff of black smoke came out, destroying the circuit of its head.

The pirate who was attacked panicked, and controlled the mech to punch him in the head. Zhao Xing was already prepared, and with a flick of four legs, he threw himself at another mech.


With a loud noise, the pirate mech actually blasted off its own head.

In this narrower range, it was easier for Zhao Xing to play. After injuring one mecha, it jumped onto the back of another mecha, and also slashed its neck with the trembling twin scythes.

Zhao Xing has absorbed the lesson just now, and never gave the pirate mechs time to react, he kept moving quickly among them, never stopped if he missed a hit, and rushed to the next target.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi..." As the red shadow flickered, the sound of cutting continued to resound, and the joints of the five mechas that could move continued to have dents...


The pirate mech with the gun finally couldn't stand it anymore and shot Zhao Xing, creating a mechanical net.

Zhao Xing had noticed this guy a long time ago. When he pulled the trigger, he quickly hid behind another pirate mech.What's ridiculous is that the mechanical net on this side of him actually caught his companion in the net.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The pirate with the gun seemed a little crazy. After yelling, he ignored his fatness and shot at Zhao Xing frantically until the last three bullets in his gun were fired.

It's a pity that with these three shots, he didn't even catch a single hair of Zhao Xing.

Because the bullets are too big, there are only six bullets in a round magazine. As soon as he finishes firing, he starts to change the magazines.However, Zhao Xing would not give him the time to change the clips at all, so he seized the opportunity, threw himself on his mechanical arm, and swiped vigorously at the joints with the trembling twin scythes.

After the sound of 'Chi', the mechanical arm of the pirate mech holding the gun began to tremble, and there was a problem with the drive inside, and it could no longer be lifted.

Once the guy with the gun is dealt with, things will be easy later on. No matter what kind of weapon they take out, they will no longer be Zhao Xing's opponent.

1 minutes later.

Except for Lan Xin's red mecha, the six pirate mechas were all lying on the ground, incapacitated.


Suddenly, the door of a pirate mech opened, and the pirate pilot inside climbed out.

As soon as he came out, he quickly pulled out the laser gun from his waist and shot Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing didn't hide at all, and let the small laser beam hit his body. The shell of the bug clone was comparable to mech alloy, how could it be pierced by a low-energy laser gun?

"Looking for death! I told you, I want you to bear the worm's anger!" Zhao Xing only felt the part that was hit become hot, and then returned to normal.Although he was not hurt, his anger was aroused. Thinking of the two retired Celestial Cavalrymen who died tragically, Zhao Xing roared in his heart and rushed forward.

The pilot of the mech was a man in his 30s, with burn marks on his face and a frightening look.But Zhao Xing didn't care about his appearance at all, even if he was a beautiful woman, Zhao Xing would kill him.

Under the man's terrified eyes, Zhao Xing's trembling sickle sliced ​​across his neck like cutting tofu.The trembling force of the sickle was astonishing, bringing up a blood mist.

"Since you don't respect life, don't let others pity you!" The tyranny of the bugs was aroused by the smell of blood.This tyrannical emotion also affected Zhao Xing. Although Zhao Xing knew that this emotion was irrational, he didn't have the power to suppress it at this moment. He yelled again in his heart, but the worm avatar let out a 'squeak' scream.

After killing one person, Zhao Xing rushed to another mech, sneered in his heart and said, "Don't think that hiding in the cockpit can't do anything to you."


One minute later, the sound of mechs running came from the freight elevator.

The dark red mecha driven by the pirate leader and the blue mecha finally arrived at this time, but they came too late!
(End of this chapter)

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