Bug anger

Chapter 49 Huge reward

Chapter 49 Huge reward ([-])

The five of them passed through the teleportation array and came to the No. [-] insect planet again.

"The mother wormhole is where the worms are most dense, and the entrance is a valley..."

When we arrived at Worm Planet No. [-], Yinfeng explained it to everyone.

Li Tian nodded, "Well, I heard it's not easy to enter the cave. Let's rent a car first."

"No need." Red Worm smiled slightly, took out a large maglev transport vehicle from her large-capacity space ring, and said: "This vehicle is not expensive, only [-] federal currency, I think it will be used in the future I had a lot of time on the car, so I bought one."

"Haha! That's it! It's convenient for us to go anywhere." Li Tian smiled happily.

"Red bug." Zhao Xing frowned, and suddenly called out.

"Huh?" The red bug turned his head and looked at Zhao Xing suspiciously.

Zhao Xing solemnly said: "In the future, no matter what expenses are incurred, they will be deducted from the team's account. Also, don't spend your personal money on the team anymore. I hope our team will become stronger and stronger because of unity and hard work. , not... you, do you understand what I mean?"

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, Yinfeng immediately said: "The captain is right, we have to work hard on our own, instead of using a lot of money to make the team stronger. This is not good for us. Red bug, why do you Everyone is very grateful for everything the team has done, and the captain does not mean to blame you."

"Yeah." Red Worm didn't show any displeasure, nodded with a smile, and said, "After that, I won't spend any money here, and I'll rely on everyone to work hard in the future!"

Li Tian said with a smile: "That's right! Only in this way can we play consciously! In the future, when we have achievements, we will have a greater sense of accomplishment."

As the captain, Zhao Xing had to say these words. He thought that the red worm would be unhappy after saying these words, but instead of being unhappy, the red worm looked at him with hot eyes.

Zhao Xing didn't know that in the world of God of War, after he became the captain, he had a special temperament, the temperament of a strong man.In this era, powerful men always attract women's attention, not just the red worm, even Yinyue looked at Zhao Xing with complex emotions.

Zhao Xing's mental power is stronger than his teammates, any expression or gaze of them can't escape Zhao Xing's attention.But he didn't care, the virtual world is too different from the real world, including geography, rules, human appearance, and... human emotions.

"I'm about to enter the mother wormhole of Worm Planet No. [-]. Why don't you go outside the town and try out the new mecha?"

At this time, Li Tian suggested again.

In fact, there is no need for Li Tian to remind, everyone in the team except Yinfeng has this idea, because they haven't really piloted the fighter-level mecha since they got it.

Everyone immediately released their mechs, entered the cockpit, and then climbed into the transport vehicle purchased by Red Worm.

This transport vehicle is much better than the one I rented before. Not only does it have more space in the compartment, the system is more advanced, and the speed is also faster.Under Li Tian's control, in less than a minute, the car left the town within a few kilometers and arrived outside the town.

After leaving the town, you can move freely.

As soon as Zhao Xing entered the beetle's cockpit, when the nervous system of the beetle connected with his consciousness, Zhao Xing felt a difference.Perhaps using the data of the bug avatar, Zhao Xing entered the driving state, as if his consciousness had entered the bug avatar.There is a natural, intimate feeling.

The difference is that he clearly perceives that the bug armor is very stiff, not as flexible as the bug clone.After all, it is a man-made machine, and it is impossible to make it as perfect as a living body.

After Zhao Xing got out of the car, he drove the insect beetle away to a place more than 100 meters away from the transport vehicle.


With a flick of the beetle's four legs, the entire fuselage jumped high, reaching a height of more than 20 meters from the ground, and then hit the hard sand and gravel ground, splashing a large amount of dust.

"Sisi Si..."

Zhao Xing activated the crescent-shaped hobbing knives on the two large forelimbs.For this new insect beetle, the two gear hobbing knives are its most aggressive weapons. Of course, Zhao Xing wants to try its power.


Zhao Xing controlled the insect beetle and swung its two large forelimbs. The hobbing knife on it cut through two huge boulders as tall as mountains, making two soft sounds.

After trying the power of the gear hob, Zhao Xing drove the beetle to make various difficult moves. Compared with the original one, the new beetle was much more flexible.

After about half an hour of activity, after mastering the performance of the new mecha, I set off again, the target - the mother wormhole!

Like other teams, Zhao Xing and the others were full of confidence before entering the female worm cave. They all believed that their team could defeat the female worm in the cave and get huge rewards.

In fact, deep down in his heart, Zhao Xing was also a little apprehensive. As the captain, he didn't want the entire army to be wiped out in the first big operation.

The speed of the transport vehicle was very fast, almost reaching the speed of sound, but it took about an hour to reach the target location preset by Zhao Xing and the others.

After the transport vehicle stopped, Zhao Xing and the others got out of the vehicle.With the help of the red bug's detector, although Zhao Xing and the others took some detours, they avoided encountering many bug swarms and saved a lot of time.

It was a high hill, and below them, below the slopes, was a valley of mist.This valley is very large, estimated to be ten kilometers long and about three kilometers wide. Because of the fog, the depth cannot be seen.

"In the setting of the dog day, there is fog in the female wormhole!" Li Tian said dissatisfiedly looking at the fog in the valley.

Yinfeng smiled and said: "This is to increase the difficulty, otherwise it will be easy for people to see the truth in it, then everyone can get a huge reward."

"Silver Wind, you came here earlier, do you know what's in the mist?" Zhao Xing asked aloud.

"Bugs, a lot of bugs." Yinfeng said solemnly: "Not only are there a large number of bugs, but the fog is also weird, because any detectors inside will lose their function. In this fog, the visibility is only more than 20 meters, which is not easy. Identify the direction. The team I joined last time was destroyed before it got close to the real entrance of the mother wormhole. However, the last failure was not without gain, at least I only said that in the fog, the worms you encountered The denser it is, the closer it is to the cave.”

"How deep?" Zhao Xing asked again.

Yinfeng thought for a while and said, "From here, it's estimated to be a kilometer."

After he finished speaking, he immediately said: "Captain, I don't have much experience here, so I have to rely on you to command this time."

"The hillside under my feet is 45 degrees. If I rush down, I will use the thick-skinned insect armor to open the way and rush over..."

After Yinfeng finished speaking, Zhao Xing immediately thought of countless possibilities in his mind, and then he thought of the most direct way, and immediately said: "Let's rush down this slope, and I will open the way ahead. Yinyue and The red bug is following me, Yinfeng, Li Tian, ​​you two are in the rear."

There was a hint of majesty in Zhao Xing's voice. As soon as he finished speaking, his teammates said in unison: "Yes! Captain."

"Okay! Come with me!"

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, the beetle started immediately, and the four legs with barbs moved quickly, as if walking on flat ground, and rushed down the hillside at a 45-degree angle.

At this time, the distinctiveness of the insect beetle appeared.

On the hillside, the hooks on the insect beetle's feet can easily pierce the sand and rocks, keeping the mecha stable, while the human mecha can only lie down on the slope after a jump, and slide down with the help of the planet's gravity.


Behind Zhao Xing, the gliding mechas of his teammates kept colliding with the protruding stones, crushing the stones and making ear-piercing noises.

The speed of the insect beetle running on the slope is faster than the speed of the team members gliding.It took less than 20 seconds for Zhao Xing and the others to go to the end.

As soon as the fog entered, Zhao Xing became vigilant.Before he reached the bottom of the valley, he saw densely packed insects below, the most numerous being sickle insects and giant spider insects. Fortunately, he did not see any abnormal beetles.


When it was about to fall to the bottom of the valley, Zhao Xing's insect armor jumped and landed on the back of a sickle insect, smashing it into a pile of insect residue.

(End of this chapter)

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