Bug anger

Chapter 50 Huge reward

Chapter 50 Huge reward ([-])
"Why are there so many bugs!" Li Tian shouted.

Zhao Xing's teammates had already slipped to the bottom of the valley. In front of them, there were densely packed bugs. In the mist, it was difficult to see the number clearly.

"We slid down the mountain and made such a big commotion, it's no wonder the bugs didn't notice it!" Yinfeng said.


There was no time to talk about these, Zhao Xing activated the hobbing knife, began to swing it rapidly, and took a step forward, rushing forward.

"Puff puff……"

There was only the sound of limbs being cut. All the insects that stood in front of the beetle were chopped into several pieces by the gear hobbing knife.


At this time, the bugs seemed to panic and kept screaming, as if they were calling for their companions in the distance.

"The captain is so fierce! No matter how many insects there are, they are no match for you!" Seeing the majesty of the insect beetle, Li Tian shouted loudly from behind.

At this time, Yinfeng's yellow mecha held a huge shield in its left hand and a huge sword in its right hand, blocking the bugs coming up from behind, and retreated rapidly while slashing.

Li Tian's black mecha was holding the giant sniper rifle from before, and it also started to shoot continuously at this time, but the bullets fired were made of beetle acid sacs and putrid acid.After this kind of bullet was ejected, it flew more than ten meters away, and a cloud of rancid acid burst out, forming a cloud of gray acid mist.All the insects that came into contact with the acid mist immediately made a 'sizzling' sound, emitted bursts of black smoke, and their bodies began to melt rapidly.

The putrid acid of the beetle can also corrode other kinds of insects.

And the blue mecha of the red bug, with two laser cannons on its shoulders, spew out a laser beam from time to time, killing the bugs that the silver wind couldn't stop.

Yinyue's red mech held a huge sword in her hand, and swung it very quickly. After running over the bug armor, the wounded bug who was still alive and still had fighting strength made up for it with a sword...

The five people cooperated closely, and the five mechas were like a whole, constantly moving in one direction.

According to Yinfeng's previous instructions, Zhao Xing rushed to wherever he found the most bugs.

After more than half an hour, Zhao Xing's beetle suddenly stopped.More than ten meters in front of him, there is a huge cave.The diameter of this cave is more than 20 meters. The entrance of the cave has been polished smooth, and a strong fishy smell emanates from it.

"Haha! It's here, let's go in!" Li Tian laughed.

"Everyone, be careful!" Zhao Xing said, and the beetle started and quickly rushed into the hole.

Although the wormhole was dimly lit, the mecha was equipped with an infrared vision device, and the situation ahead was clearly reflected in Zhao Xing's eyes.

As soon as he entered the hole, he found that the wormhole had a certain inclination, about ten degrees or so, extending to the ground.


Suddenly, a giant spider worm stopped in front of the beetle, and sprayed a white spider silk at the beetle.This kind of spider silk is extremely sticky, if it gets entangled, it will reduce the flexibility of the mecha.However, spider silk is afraid of high temperatures, as long as the temperature is several hundred degrees, it can be melted.

Even so, Zhao Xing did not dare to be careless, and controlled the insect beetle to dodge to the side. With four legs propped up on the cave wall, the two hobbing knives were activated, and cut into the giant spider insect's body with a puff.

"Puff puff……"

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Xing kept waving the hobbing knife, chopping the giant spider into pieces.

After finishing off the giant spider, Zhao Xing didn't stop, and the beetle moved forward quickly.Every time you travel a certain distance, a bug will jump out.Relying on the flexibility of the bug beetles, Zhao Xingdu dodged their attacks, and then chopped them into pieces.

Go forward, keep going!Gradually, Zhao Xing was immersed in the thrill of 'killing an insect in ten steps'.

"Damn! The captain is so powerful! It's like killing insects!" Li Tian exclaimed.

The teammates behind Zhao Xing were all amazed at the insect beetle's amazing speed and attack power for a moment.

Yinfeng analyzed at this time: "The walls of this wormhole are extremely smooth. The humanoid mecha cannot fully exert its strength here. Only the insect armor will not be restricted. The adaptability to the environment, the insect armor is much higher than the humanoid mecha. too much."

"How great it would be if I could drive a bug beetle!" Li Tian said enviously again.

In this way, he continued to move forward for dozens of kilometers, and it was estimated that he had already penetrated more than a thousand meters underground. The space in front of Zhao Xing suddenly enlarged.He was surprised to find that he could enter a huge cave only by advancing more than ten meters.

Through the infrared vision device, Zhao Xing saw that the huge space in front of him was as high as [-] meters, as large as more than ten standard football fields combined.

And in this vast space, there are densely packed insects, and it is estimated that there are thousands of them.These thousands of bugs were divided into six small groups, guarding a lot of things in the middle.

"Wow! Look, among those bugs, are there piles of eggs?" Li Tian shouted in the internal communication.

"It seems to be!" Zhao Xing has seen the eggs, glanced at the thing guarded by the insects, and recognized them immediately.

"Hey~ If you can get so many insect eggs in the real world, you will be rich! Those who like fighting insects will definitely pay a lot of money to buy them." Li Tian sighed again.

Yinfeng said at this time: "Look at the swarms of insects, they are all grouped together according to their types. There are six types in total, namely giant spider insects, scythe insects, centipede insects, long beetle insects, giant ant insects, and giant mosquito insects. In other words, there are a total of six female insects here, and each female insect will be guarded by three to four elite-level insects. It is very difficult to kill six female insects!"

Yinfeng said that there were six female worms, and Zhao Xing immediately discovered that there were six huge openings in the big hole opposite them, and different kinds of worms came in and out of it, and the worms that came out all had big worms in their mouths. Egg.

Zhao Xing thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said: "There is no good way now, only to break through! However, we need to concentrate on attacking one female wormhole first, and then go to another female wormhole after we succeed, so as not to provoke others at the same time." Elite bugs around many female bugs."

Li Tian said at this time: "The setting of the system is too deceitful. In reality, it is impossible for many kinds of insects to gather in a big hole. Because different insects gather together, there will be mutual devouring of each other's larvae and The situation of the eggs. Unless... there is an intelligent female insect."

Zhao Xing originally wanted to forcibly rush into one of the female wormholes, but after hearing Li Tian's words, the raised leg of the worm beetle immediately put down.He asked: "Smart female insect? What kind of insect is this?"

Li Tian immediately explained: "This kind of female insect is equivalent to the royal family of Zerg. They don't have much attack power, but what makes them powerful is that they have the ability to think. Moreover, the longer this kind of insect lives, the more intelligent it is. The thinking ability of this female worm that has been around for thousands of years is already about the same as that of ordinary humans."

(End of this chapter)

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