Bug anger

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

"It's a pity that such a beautiful woman was ruined by the emperor! I have a solution."

Li Tian finished speaking with a smile, and controlled one of the detectors to quickly fall from the beam of the palace, and flew in front of the emperor Li Que, standing in the air.

Seeing a strange thing flying towards him suddenly, Li Que was startled, and immediately took a few steps back.

Fu Meiren also opened her eyes wide at this time, covering her mouth and looking at the detector in doubt.

The detector just stayed there quietly...

"Come on!"

After staring at the detector for a few minutes, seeing that the detector did not move, Li Que relaxed a little, and yelled,
"Your Majesty!" Immediately, a waiter bowed and fell on the ground.

Looking at the waiter on the screen, Li Tian smiled and said, "This is the eunuch in the legend, right? It's too shameless!"

Zhao Xing smiled, but did not speak.

"Go and see what it is." Li Que stepped forward, grabbed the waiter by the shoulder and lifted him up, pointing to the suspended spherical detector and said.

The waiter looked in the direction Li Que was pointing at, and was also startled. He shook his body, then lowered his head under Li Que's threatening gaze, and said, "Obey, obey."

The waiter stepped forward cautiously, raised his trembling arm, and slowly grabbed the detector.

But just when his finger was about to touch the detector, the detector suddenly went up, and then stopped at the top of the temple.

Now, Li Que's attention was completely diverted to the detector, and he called the guards to climb up the ladder...

The main hall suddenly jumped up and down, no matter how they approached the detector, the detector would change its direction before they touched it, so that they would not be able to touch it.

In the cockpit of the spaceship, Li Tian laughed from time to time.

Zhao Xing actually doesn't want to interfere with the lives of the people below, at least not now.Seeing that Li Tian used this method to temporarily stop the emperor, he also breathed a sigh of relief, sitting on the sofa in the cockpit, enjoying with Yinfeng with a glass of wine.

Not long after, Han Xiaolong came out from nowhere and took over the control of another detector from Li Tian.

Han Xiaolong was even more evil. Instead of harassing Li Que, he controlled the detector to sneak into the harem and into the rooms of the concubines.

The harem suddenly became chaotic, and some beautiful women who were taking a bath were frightened and ran out of the bathroom without clothes...

Seeing that Han Xiaolong was really outrageous, Xiao Xuan finally frowned and said: "Xiaolong, don't play tricks, those women are innocent, don't frighten them."

Only then did Han Xiaolong let go of those beautiful concubines.

At this moment, everyone in the hall, including Li Que, was out of breath. They couldn't figure out what this strange thing that suddenly appeared was.After tirelessly, Li Que finally ordered someone to shoot at the detector with a bow and arrow.

The shell of the detector is made of high-strength alloy material, which cannot be pierced by a boatload of small-caliber bullets, let alone bows and arrows.The arrow collided with it, making a 'bang bang bang' sound, and the hall was immediately filled with arrows...

In vain, Li Que finally remembered Fu Meiren, seeing her squatting silently by the pillar with a dazed expression on her face, he lost interest at the moment, so he called two maids to take her down and lock her up.

Looking at the scene in the picture, Zhao Xing didn't feel any pleasure, and always felt a little bit bullying.

Lan Xin and the others thought it was fun at first, but in the end they gradually lost interest, and turned their eyes to the vast starry sky instead.

"Stop!" Zhao Xing said indifferently when he saw Li Que was going crazy from the screen.

Li Tian and Han Xiaolong immediately controlled the detector to fly out of the palace, circled a few thousand meters high, and then flew to the room where Fu Meiren was imprisoned, floating on the beam to monitor.

"Now, the emperor won't do anything to that woman for the time being, the task is completed." Li Tian let out a long breath and said with a smile.

At this time, Xiao Cheng finally finished the analysis. He turned the stone chair around, faced Zhao Xing and the others, and said with a smile: "The analysis and sampling of the microorganisms in the water source have been completed. Now only the microorganisms in the human body are left. This matter would have been very troublesome, but brother-in-law, you brought a child up from below, you only need to draw his blood and analyze it."

"How long will it take before we can go down?" Zhao Xing asked.

Xiao Cheng immediately said: "About an hour, the blood was drawn and analyzed, and the vaccines were cultured." He said, and he opened the monitoring screen of the isolation chamber.

The screen showed that the little boy named Fu Sirius had woken up, walked around the isolation warehouse curiously, turned his head and kept looking at the smooth metal walls on all sides.

"Sterilize him, take a blood sample, inject him with a general vaccine, and bring him here, Xiao Cheng, I'm going to trouble you." Zhao Xing said with a smile.

Xiao Cheng nodded, and immediately got up and got out of the cockpit.

More than ten minutes later, the ragged Fu Tianerlang was brought into the cockpit.

After being brought into the cockpit, Fu Tianlang just looked at the situation in the cabin curiously, raised his eyes and glanced at Zhao Xing and the others, and then asked somewhat cautiously: "Are you ancestors?"

After Fu Tianlang finished speaking, the translator in the cabin automatically translated Fu Tianerlang's words and played them in the driver's cabin.

"Ancestor?" Zhao Xing shook his head with a smile when he heard it, and said, "I came from the same place as your ancestors."

After Zhao Xing finished speaking, the translator translated the words back. Fu Tianlang's eyes lit up when he heard it. He pointed to Fu Meiren's surveillance screen and begged: "You know my sister, please save her, okay?" it is good?"

Zhao Xing secretly sighed that this little guy has a very good psychological quality. If other children encountered such a strange thing, how could they have the courage to talk to them calmly.

Zhao Xing smiled and said: "Actually, we are already helping your sister. Just now, we stopped the emperor and caused chaos in his palace. The emperor has no time to pay attention to your sister. By the way, what's her name?"

"Fu Yuxue." The little boy replied honestly.

"A nice name!" After Zhao Xing praised, he asked again: "How much do you know about your ancestors?"

After Fu Tianlang scratched his head and thought for a while, he replied: "It is said that our ancestors came to this world on a huge flying ship, and then multiplied, and we are their descendants... After the ancestors died, they were buried In a mysterious valley. It is called the Great Ancestral Tomb...Many people want to enter there, but they never return. Legend has it that as long as you enter the Great Ancestral Tomb and start the big boat, you can return to the place where your ancestors were born , live forever..."

After Fu Tianlang finished speaking, Zhao Xing nodded.Now he can be sure that the wreckage of the spaceship is still there, and it is protected from being approached by people.

"That's great!" Li Tian said excitedly at this time: "It seems that our luck is good! Just now ten probes have sent back data. It turns out that the population of this planet has reached more than 1 million. Ten countries. Speaking of it, it is the same as in the TV series. This little guy is the prince of the Tianju Kingdom, and his sister is of course the princess. Their Tianju Kingdom is actually because Fu... The country was destroyed only because of coveting. It really corresponds to the idiom of Naju - a beautiful face is a disaster."

"My sister is not!" Fu Sirius retorted loudly when he heard Li Tian's last words.

Li Tian didn't care, and said with a smile: "You are really brave! Are you afraid that we will throw you out of this boat?"

Fu Tianlang obviously didn't know the consequences of being thrown out of the spaceship and being exposed to the universe, so he hesitated for a moment, then shook his head stubbornly.

Seeing that Fu Tianlang was not afraid of him, Li Tian smiled helplessly, and then said to Zhao Xing: "According to the electromagnetic signal, we can determine the location of the big ancestral grave, and finding the black box should not be a problem."

Seeing that Zhao Xing and the others stopped paying attention to Fu Tianlang, Han Xiaolong stepped forward with a smile and pulled him out of the cockpit.Zhao Xing and the others did not stop them.

Zhao Xing and the others waited patiently for about half an hour. Xiao Cheng finally finished the work in hand. He sighed and said, "Fortunately, the medical equipment on the spaceship is fully automatic, and the vaccine has been configured."

After everyone was vaccinated, Zhao Xing and the others entered the landing ship and flew to the great ancestral grave on Yi Xing.

(End of this chapter)

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