Bug anger

Chapter 90

Chapter 90
The location of the great ancestral grave that Fu Tianlang said was in the deep mountains of Yi Xing, in a place with steep terrain and sparsely populated.

The landing ship landed at the mouth of a valley.

Coming out of the boat, Zhao Xing and the others obviously felt that they were a little heavier, and it took more effort to move.This is because the gravitational force set on the spacecraft is the same as that of the earth, and the gravitational force of Yixing is [-] times that of the earth.

Zhao Xing and the others packed up their equipment, and after more than ten minutes of getting used to it, they started heading towards the valley.Xiao Cheng didn't come out, he was in charge of manipulating the landing ship and various scanning equipment.

When Zhao Xing and the others were walking, several detectors opened the way in front of them, and timely fed back the surrounding environment images, air composition and other data to the landing ship.If anything is discovered, Xiao Cheng will notify Zhao Xing and the others as soon as possible.

This valley should be very large, with peaks nearly 200 meters high on both sides, but the vegetation is too dense, making the valley appear small.

The bottom of the valley is covered with vines as thick as arms, intertwined randomly, and with the dense trees, it is very difficult to walk.

Moreover, there is still a faint silver-white mist in this valley, exuding the smell of rotting trees.

Although they had been vaccinated, Zhao Xing and the others still wore silver antibacterial suits, gloves and a helmet to prevent any unexpected accidents. Even Fu Sirius was dressed like this.


Zhao Xing and the others stepped on dead branches from time to time, making crisp sounds.

After walking several hundred meters, the leader Zhao Xing stopped suddenly.

In front of them, there were two blackened human skeletons, which seemed to have died not long ago. There was still carrion on the blackened bones, and countless gray creatures as thin as hair were wriggling on them.This situation looks unavoidably disgusting, those slender creatures, probably maggots and the like.

Zhao Xing and the others looked at the corpse, and then moved on.

After walking another tens of meters, Xiao Cheng's anxious voice sounded in their ears, "There are large animals 50 meters ahead of you, like snake creatures, be careful."

Hearing the warning from Xiao Cheng, Zhao Xing and the others slowed down.At this time, Li Tian looked at a small instrument on his wrist. The screen on it displayed a topographic map of the valley. There were two dots on it, one was red and the other was green.

Green dots are moving slowly, red dots are stationary.Obviously, the green dots represent their current location, while the red dots are where the electromagnetic signal was sent.

"Captain, there is still 650 meters away from the signal launch point." After confirming the position, Li Tian said.

Zhao Xing nodded, and pulled out the particle pistol from his waist.Then he stopped, turned around and said to his companion, "Let's be careful, there are unknown creatures ahead."

In fact, Zhao Xing didn't need to remind him, Xiao Cheng heard the warning communication just now, and he immediately pulled out the particle pistol from his waist.

After walking cautiously for more than ten meters, there was a sound of "涑涑" in front of him, as if something was crawling, and Zhao Xing stopped walking immediately.

Judging from the sound, the unknown creature was coming towards them.

After more than ten seconds, Zhao Xing and the others finally saw the appearance of the unknown creature.This is a big guy with a body like a snake and countless legs under its belly.It has a thick waist and a length of more than 20 meters. It has a triangular head with two large compound eyes protruding from both sides of the head.From its mouth, two sharp fangs protruded, looking very vicious.

"What a big...snake!" At this time, Fu Tianlang pointed at the giant creature and said with some fear.


Zhao Xing pulled the trigger of the particle pistol, and a finger-thick blue beam shot out from the muzzle, which instantly landed on the triangular head of the 'big snake'.

This kind of particle beam is similar to a laser. The temperature of the gun can reach more than 3000 degrees, and it can maintain a high temperature of [-] degrees within a range of [-] meters.

This kind of particle beam is not very lethal to bugs, because the shell of bugs is very hard, resistant to high temperature, and moves very fast.But this 'big snake' is different. Its body does not have a high-temperature shell.

After the big snake's head was hit by the speed of blue light, a black hole the size of a fist appeared instantly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Yinfeng and the others also pulled the trigger on the 'Big Snake' and opened several large black holes in the body of the 'Big Snake'.

The vitality of this 'big snake' was obviously not as strong as that of worms, and it simply squirmed a few times before standing still.

Fu Tianlang's eyes widened as he watched from the side, because he had never seen such a powerful weapon. At this moment, he was thinking in his heart, if the guns in Zhao Xing's hands could be fired continuously, no amount of troops would be enough. opponent.

Seeing Fu Tianlang's surprised gaze, Han Xiaolong patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Sirius, this is just a small particle pistol, as long as you recognize me as the big brother, I will ask my uncle to take you out of this place." A planet. In the vast universe, you can see many interesting things, how about it?"

"Really?" Fu Tianlang asked excitedly, apparently seduced by Han Xiaolong.

"Of course, leave it to me!" Han Xiaolong said, patting his chest.

"But...unless your uncle brings my sister along." Fu Tianlang added another condition.

"Hey!" Han Xiaolong looked at Zhao Xing who was walking towards the 'big snake' in front of him, smiled mysteriously, and said, "Don't worry! Even if I don't say anything, uncle will bring your sister with him."

"Why?" Fu Sirius asked inquisitively.

Han Xiaolong couldn't answer directly, so he smiled and said, "You're still young, you'll know when the time comes."

"Okay! Then I'll call you the boss from now on. If you dare to lie to me, I'll make you look good!" Fu Sirius was not an easy-going lamp, and after he readily agreed, he added a threatening sentence.

Zhao Xing and the others heard what the two little guys were talking about.Although they thought it was funny, they didn't say anything, they just sighed in their hearts: The children nowadays are so smart.

Zhao Xing and the others inspected the 'Big Snake' to make sure it was completely dead before moving on.

What makes Zhao Xing feel a little strange is that there seem to be very few creatures in this valley, except for the worms on the corpses he saw just now, which is this 'big snake', there are only two kinds of animals in total.

With this question in mind, Zhao Xing and the others walked forward for more than 100 meters. Suddenly, there was a burst of gray-black smoke in front of them.

On the landing ship, Xiao Cheng saw this situation on the screen, and immediately controlled a detector to fly into the smoke.

After 1 minute, the detector fed back the data.

Xiao Cheng notified Zhao Xing and the others at this time: "The smoke is actually composed of very small creatures, which look very much like mosquitoes. They probably live by sucking the body fluids of other creatures. Don't worry, they don't pose any threat to you. , unless you take off your antibacterial suits."

Hearing the message from Xiao Cheng, Zhao Xing and the others were finally relieved, turned on the lights above their heads, and walked into the 'smoke' composed of countless tiny bugs without hesitation.

The existence of this kind of insect also explains why there are very few creatures in this valley, and most people will come in and never return.Walking forward in this insect fog, Zhao Xing and the others found that there were more and more bones under their feet, and they were all mummies.

(End of this chapter)

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