Agent of Heaven

After Chapter 1, I will work for Tianting

After Chapter 1, I will work for Tianting

Mu Feng is out of luck!real!
He didn't recruit anyone or provoke anyone that day, he just posted a job advertisement on a certain recruitment website.

Unexpectedly, 1 minute later, he miraculously received an email asking him to go for an interview early the next morning.

After boarding the No. [-] bus, after a three-hour long journey, Mu Feng in a suit was thrown in a deserted suburb.Looking around, on the left, there is a barren hill.And on the right, there is still a barren hill...

"Damn it! Did I take the wrong bus?" Mu Feng looked down and checked the navigation on the phone: "You are still 50 meters away from the destination, please go straight ahead."

"Did the navigation make a mistake again? Forget it, we've come so far, let's go ahead and see." Mu Feng brushed aside the weeds taller than a person in front, and moved forward according to the navigation's instructions with difficulty.Huang Tian paid off, walked through the weeds, what Mu Feng saw finally was no longer a barren mountain.What I saw this time was a deserted pond!There is also a gray-haired old farmer fishing by the pond.

Mu Feng couldn't help but want to burst into tears, the damn navigation must have made a mistake again, the last time he went to a restaurant, he was directed to the crematorium!This time the interview guide came to the suburbs!
"Hi, may I ask if Yuxu Culture Co., Ltd. is near here?"

The old farmer turned his head when he heard the words, and showed a kind smile to Mu Feng: "That's right, it's here, and I'm the president of the company."
Mu Feng's expression at this time was like that of a woman from a good family who had been bullied by a hundred strong men. The old farmer could clearly see the crystal clear teardrops shining from his eyes.

"Young man, don't get excited. I know it's not easy for you to come here. Seeing how hard you have come here, our company will definitely treat you favorably." The old farmer patted Mu Feng on the shoulder kindly.

"God, crazy people send emails to deceive people these days, why am I the one who was deceived!"

"Don't get excited, young man, this old man is not crazy."

Hearing what the old farmer said, Mu Feng looked him over carefully again. He was dressed in linen clothes that looked like ancient people, his long gray hair was scattered behind his back, and his beard that hadn't been shaved for many years was messy. Showing a mouth full of big yellow teeth.Mu Feng burst into tears instantly: "You are not crazy, what are you?"

The old farmer smiled slightly, and said inscrutablely, "Haha, I am a fairy! Don't you see it?"

"I see, old god, wait a moment." Mu Feng silently took out his mobile phone, ready to call the psychiatric hospital.

"Seeing that you are so smart, I don't dislike your low education level. I will officially admit you as an employee of our company."

"Old man, actually, I don't think this job is really suitable for me. I read in the email that you are only here from the world's top [-] companies."

"Haha, young man, we are not only the world's top [-], we are simply the world's number one!"

Mo Feng glanced at the old farmer who kept laughing, and saw that the hooks on his fishing rod were all straight, "This old man's illness, probably has not been cured."

"Hey, why are you leaving? Young man, come back!" The old farmer looked at the desolation around him, then looked at the lonely Mo Feng and said, "Oh! I know, I haven't helped you with the location of the office yet. Change it, watch me change! Change!"

Mu Feng secretly sighed that he was unlucky, turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly heard a loud rumbling noise behind him!Looking back, I was horrified to find a villa rising from the ground and appearing on the edge of the pond.

Looking at the dumbfounded Mu Feng, the old farmer said proudly: "This old man is here to welcome you on behalf of Heavenly Court and Yuxu Palace."

"Yuxu Palace?" Mu Feng looked at the fishing rod with a straight hook in his hand again and suddenly realized: "Are you Jiang Ziya?"

Jiang Ziya nodded slightly and said, "Exactly."

Walking into the transformed small building, there are three floors and all kinds of facilities are available.The first floor is a huge living room. The overall decoration style of the living room has the feel of the Republic of China period. There is actually a billiard table in the center of the karaoke hall.

"Grandfather, may I ask what is going on with my job?"

"It's easy to say, easy to say, I'm here to explain to you." Jiang Taigong then explained everything in detail.

It turns out that since the Tang Dynasty, the aura in the human world began to decrease inexplicably, and there were fewer and fewer gods in the lower realm, and the connection between heaven and the human world was gradually cut off.Unexpectedly, human nature flourished later, and all kinds of magical things in the world changed with each passing day, and gradually there were many things that the gods wanted to learn.So I want to open a station in the world where the gods can temporarily settle down, so that they can occasionally come down to experience life in the world, or do something.And Mo Feng happened to be the master of the chosen station, that is, the postman in the ancient official position.

"Then why did you choose me?" Mu Feng had a flash of inspiration: "Could it be that I was a god who was demoted to the mortal world before, and this time I was made to take the blame and make meritorious deeds?"

Jiang Taigong was sweating profusely and said, "No!"

"Then why is it me?"

"Actually, the Jade Emperor drew lots..."

"Uh...forget it, then can you tell me what will be the work content in the future?"

"The gods who have been entertained must be in charge of them, and they cannot be allowed to mess around in the world."

"Are you honestly joking? I am a mortal, and I can't control the sky full of gods and Buddhas."

Jiang Taigong stroked his beard and said: "It doesn't matter, I have my own way." Say it, throw the fishing rod in your hand on the wall, and with a flash of golden light, it turns into a wooden whip and hangs on the wall.The whip is three feet six inches long and has 21 sections. Each section has four seals, a total of 84 seals.

Mu Feng pointed at the wooden whip excitedly: "Is this the legendary whip?"

"That's right, that's right. This thing is the supreme treasure that restrains the gods of the heavens, so I will lend it to you temporarily."

"Then can I ask about the salary? Hey, how much is the monthly salary?"

"Hey, not for now."

"No pay! Then why don't I do it?" Mu Feng was unwilling to call anyone for a white job without pay.

"No one has ever been able to refuse a reward from the Heavenly Court. Your official position is mandatory."

"What if I have to say no?"

"The last person who thought like you was suppressed by a mountain for 500 years. I think you are pleasing to the eye, so let's show mercy and only suppress you for 100 years." Said Jiang Ziya stretched out a hand.

"Don't, don't, don't! I'll do it, can't I do it?" Mu Feng had an expression of being forced into prostitution.

Jiang Ziya smiled and said: "Actually, you don't have to be so sad, every fairy who comes to you will give you a corresponding reward."

Mu Feng came to his senses: "What reward?"

Jiang Ziya said: "Depending on how much you help them, elixirs, magic weapons, and supernatural powers will not miss you."

Mu Feng said happily: "Give these good things? Is there still room for promotion?"

Jiang Ziya got up and smiled and said, "It's all there, it's all there, your business is coming soon, I'm going too! Haha." Amidst a burst of wild laughter, Jiang Ziya turned into a spot of light and disappeared in front of Mu Feng.

At this moment, there was a "dong dong" knock on the door.

"He came so fast? What kind of guest will it be? I'm going to see the gods soon, and I'm a little excited when I think about it." Mu Feng opened the door of the villa excitedly.But I saw a fat monk standing outside, bowed slightly to Mu Feng and said: "Benefactor, the poor monk came to bother you, and I still look at Haihan."

"Where did the Great Monk come from?" Mu Feng asked, after all, he had never heard of a monk in the sky.

The fat monk smiled and said nothing, pointed to the west and then to the sky.

Mu Feng thought for a moment and said, "You mean, you came from Xitian Daleiyin Temple?"

The fat monk nodded: "Exactly."

Mu Feng said again: "But Jiang Taigong told me that this is the inn of Tianting Daomen, and he didn't tell me whether it is allowed to entertain people from Xitian."

The fat monk said: "It's okay, I'm old...cough cough, the poor monk used to work in the Heavenly Court, and he was allowed to come down after clearing up the relationship with the above."

Unexpectedly, the fat monk was still a relative, so Mu Cheng asked again: "Then what is the master's coming to the world?"

The fat monk said with a smile: "The poor monk is tired of staying in Daleiyin Temple. This time, he came to perform his duties and perform tooth-dashing sacrifices."

Mu Feng invited the fat monk to come in and sit down. Just as he poured a glass of water for him, he heard another knock on the door.

"Who is this time?" Mu Feng stepped forward and opened the door, but there was a handsome little boy standing outside the door, looking up at him cutely.

"Come from heaven?" Mu Feng asked.

Xiaodaotong nodded timidly: "Yes."

Mu Feng led Xiao Dao Tong into the room, but when Dao Tong saw the fat monk sitting on the sofa, he hurriedly bowed and said, "The Emperor Zhenwu Destroys Demons sits down and the boy Dao Yan pays homage to the Bodhisattva, the envoy of the Nanwu Pure Altar."

The fat monk nodded slightly and said: "Zhenwu and I are old friends, you don't need to be polite."

Mu Feng was shocked and said, "You Zhu Bajie?"

The fat monk blinked and said, "Yes, I am Zhu Bajie."

(End of this chapter)

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