Agent of Heaven

Chapter 2 Pig 8 Jie and Xiaodao Boy

Chapter 2 Zhu Bajie and Little Daoist

After questioning, Mu Feng had a preliminary understanding that the two people in front of him came here with missions.

As the envoy of the altar, the old pig went down to earth this time mainly to perform official duties and receive offerings from all directions, that is, to eat, and then go back when he is satisfied.This made Mu Feng couldn't help but lament that Laozhu, the messenger of the altar, is really a good job.

As for Mengmeng Daoyan's little classmate, this time he went down to earth because the Emperor Zhenwu Destroyed Demons ordered him to guard the Fumo Temple during his retreat. Unexpectedly, he fell asleep for a while and left the demons in the hall.Afraid of the punishment of the patriarch, he took the patriarch's saber, the sword of breaking the demon, and went down to earth, hoping to catch the demon before the patriarch left the customs and make up for his mistakes.

And Mu Feng's task is to assist them to complete the task. Xiao Daoyan's task seems to be more difficult, so he plans to complete Zhu Bajie's task first.

The three of them returned to Mu Feng's dwelling in the city, and it was almost noon, so they busily started cooking.

Old Tongzhu looked at Mu Feng who was busy in the kitchen, and smelled the fragrance wafting from the pot, his saliva almost dripped to the floor.

"Hey, brother, what are you cooking? Why is it so fragrant?"

"This is the ultimate delicacy in the world, and it will never be eaten in the sky! Just wait, it will be ready in 3 minutes."

Three minutes later, three large bowls were placed on the table, and Mu Feng divided them up: "Come on, Daoyan, this is your braised beef noodles. Mine is Laotan sauerkraut noodles. Second senior brother, this is the latest black pepper noodles." Steak noodles."

Xiao Daoyan climbed onto the stool and sucked the bowl of instant noodles mouthful, his eyes turned into symbols of stars.

The old pig ate his own in three or two bites, and then began to look at the two eating noodles with embarrassment.

"Hey, Xiao Daoyan!"

"Well, what's the matter." Dao Yan looked at Lao Zhu with his mouth puffed up.

"What are you eating? Can you give me a taste?"

"No, didn't you just eat it?" Dao Yan ran away holding the bowl.

The old pig turned to look at Mu Feng again.

Mu Feng quickly finished the instant noodles in the bowl, even the soup was not left at all: "Messenger of the altar, what are you doing looking at me all the time?"

The old pig said seriously: "Brother Mu Feng, do you remember what my mission in the lower realm is?"

"Oh! I understand, I will take you to the temple to purify the altar after I clean up the dishes."

The old pig burst into tears when he heard this.

Mu Feng: "What's the matter? Second senior brother, why are you still crying?"

The old pig said aggrievedly: "Life is bitter! I think that when I was Marshal Tianpeng, it was popular and hot. Since I followed the master, I have suffered all the way. Pause. Ninety-nine and eighty-one were difficult for me to achieve the true fruit. As a result, there was still little water in the Western Paradise, and I finally managed to get a chance to go down to earth. In the end, I still didn’t even have a full meal! I’m so miserable!”

Mu Feng couldn't stand it anymore, so he looked through the wallet with a few hundred dollars left, went downstairs to buy a box of instant noodles, and gave Zhu Bajie a good meal.This made Lao Zhu look at him for a long time in the same way he looks at his reborn parents.

Finally, after the old pig was full of wine and food, Mu Feng packed up his own clothes, and was ready to set off to live in a villa on the outskirts of the city.Firstly, next month's rent is due soon, and secondly, who would want to live in a small house when they have a villa?
Just like that, a big fat monk, a cute little Taoist priest, and a man with dickish glasses carrying big bags and small bags.Such a combination walked on the street and attracted the attention of countless people.Many people even took out their mobile phones and started secretly taking pictures.Laozhu and Daoyan also seemed to be surprised by everything, but they were also gods who had seen the world, and they were not surprised by things like high-rise cars.

"Brother Mu Feng, I don't understand, why don't you let me take you away on a cloud?"

Of course Mu Feng would not say that it was because he was afraid of heights: "In the world, one must keep one's feet on the ground."

"Your argument is a bit similar to my master." The old pig said: "If you meet him someday, maybe you two will have a common language."

Mu Feng smiled and nodded: "Maybe." But he said in his heart: "It is said that Master Lao Zhu is famous for being pedantic and long-winded, it's better not to see him."

At this moment, Xiao Daoyan's eyes suddenly lit up, pointing to a graceful figure in front of her and said: "She seems to have the aura of the fleeing monster."

Mu Feng looked at the girl, and saw that she was not tall, but she had a very good figure, wearing a sexy and fashionable short skirt and black silk.

"Is she the escaped demon?"

Dao Yan said: "No, she is a mortal, but she has a trace of that monster's evil spirit on her body, she should have been in contact with it recently. Let's stop her first and ask what happened."

The old pig looked at the buttocks tightly wrapped in the skirt in front of him and said: "Let me, the old pig, stop that female fairy to ask what happened."

Seeing Lao Zhu's perverted look, Mu Feng was afraid that something might happen, so he reached out his hand to stop Lao Zhu and said, "You two are gods, so if you go, you will inevitably startle the snake. Let me try it out."

Dao Yan nodded and said: "Okay, let's hide first." After finishing speaking, he dragged the old pig who wanted to say something more and hid in the crowd.

Mu Feng looked at the graceful figure in front of him, but his heart was pounding. He had never struck up a conversation with a girl before!The first time is bound to be a little nervous.Walked two steps, took a deep breath, and walked over: "Hi, girl."

The girl turned her head. She had thick eyeliner, a pointed chin, and a pair of big rimless glasses. This is the most popular face on the Internet nowadays.This person Mu Feng actually knew, it happened to be a girl named Liu Feifei who was in the same class as Mu Feng in university.

"Mu Feng, why is it you?"

"Uh, Liu Feifei, why are you here?"

"Uh, I'm waiting for someone."

"I'm moving."

After a short shiver, the two of them didn't have any topics to talk about. They just asked some nonsense like "what have you been doing lately."Although in the same class, the university is generally a world of several people.Mu Feng's only impression of Liu Feifei is that her boyfriend changed quickly.

The frequency of Liu Feifei changing boyfriends is indeed very high, from a 30-year-old social elite to a 19-year-old fresh meat junior.So much so that no classmate in the class can call her boyfriend by his first name.Later, he simply called him by his boyfriend's car.

Liu Feifei broke up with Toyota, and now there is another Cadillac or something.

And Liu Feifei had even less impression of Mu Feng, if not for the fact that all the boys in the class were in single digits, she might not remember Mu Feng at all.

Just when Mu Feng couldn't find anything to discuss with Liu Feifei, a BMW sped up and stopped in front of them.

Liu Feifei smiled and said, "The person I'm waiting for is here, I'll keep in touch with you in the future." After finishing speaking, she opened the BMW door to get in.

Mu Feng vaguely saw a bald and fat middle-aged man about four or fifty years old sitting in the BMW.

"Well, keep in touch in the future, please leave me your WeChat." Mu Feng still remembered his mission, and hurriedly said.

Liu Feifei couldn't help frowning, she was just being polite when she said "keep in touch", but the person in front of her just climbed the pole.But after all, it was a classmate meeting, and in the end the two still kept in touch with each other, but Liu Feifei had no intention of contacting again.

The BMW flew away, and the exhaust fumes made Mu Feng cough.Inside the car, the bald old man asked: "Little Feifei, who was that kid just now?" He said, and put a hand into Liu Feifei's skirt.

Liu Feifei blushed and said, "Hmph, it's just a little hanging silk."

Mu Feng in the distance sneezed.

Laozhu looked at the BMW going away and said, "Do you want to follow?"

Dao Yan said: "No need, I have secretly left a curse mark on them."

Mu Feng said: "Then let's go back first, think long-term and draw up a plan."

(End of this chapter)

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