Agent of Heaven

Chapter 10 Trouble

Chapter 10 Trouble
Autumn, remnant autumn.

In this season, there will always be a desolate and slightly chilling autumn wind.

There is a road in the wind, and there is a person on the road.

The man was not tall, wearing a bootleg Adidas jacket and carrying a battered canvas bag on his back.His appearance is too ordinary, so ordinary that it is difficult to recognize his face when you throw him into the crowd.

But he is not an ordinary person.Because he is Mu Feng!
Mu Feng knew that he was being followed by someone as soon as he got on the bus today, and it was more than one person.These people are dressed in different styles and colors.The only thing in common is that their eyes are fixed on Mu Feng's body, and they refuse to stay away for a moment.

Mu Feng knew the reason why he was targeted by these writers, and also knew the identities of these people.

Three months ago, during the battle between Wanku Mountain and the Millennium Corpse Demon, Yang Bin, the main person in charge of the Jiangdong area of ​​the Ninth Bureau, set up a trick to kill all the masters of the Jiangdong factions, even Qingyang Daozun of the Shushan faction. Also seriously injured.

And these people who came to stare at him were the master disciples of the major cultivation sects in Jiangdong. There were 59 of them in total, and all of them were masters above the Golden Core stage.Among them, the leading couple, a man and a woman, have clearly reached the late stage of the Nascent Soul, stepping into the ranks of the first-class masters in the cultivation world.

After Mu Feng got off the bus, he walked into a newly opened Lanzhou Ramen near the station.This sparsely populated place actually opened a Lanzhou Ramen, which is undoubtedly good news for him.Because he and Laozhu finally don't have to eat instant noodles anymore. Although Laozhu likes it very much, Mu Feng himself is really tired of eating it.

"Boss, come to the beef ramen for one night and add some beef." Mu Feng called to the owner of the ramen shop.

The boss's expression was rather bewildered, because after he saw Mu Feng coming in, dozens of people followed in succession, crowding this small ramen restaurant to the brim.

Mu Feng turned around and said, "Everyone followed me all the way, I don't know what's your business?"

The leader was a monk with a small beard, and he said loudly: "I am the Qingdeng Pai Kongtong."

The woman with the highest cultivation also stepped forward and said: "Zi Ling of the Songyang School." She should be quite old, but her appearance is still beautiful, but her tone is a bit cold.

Mu Feng said: "I don't know what is the relationship between Daoist Zixu of the Songyang School and Master Ding'an of the Qingdeng School?"

Kongtong said: "Ding'an is the master of this little monk."

Zi Ling said: "Zi Xu is my senior brother."

Mu Feng said: "It seems that you all know that they are dead."

Kong Tong said: "Exactly, all the major cultivation sects in Jiangdong suffered heavy losses in Wanku Mountain that day, and my Qingdeng Sect and Songyang Sect lost their heads, so I came to invite Mr. Mu Feng to come with us for a walk. Come on, explain the cause and effect of the matter to us?"

Mu Feng said: "If you really want to ask, I can explain it to you right here."

Zi Ling said: "Let's invite Mr. Mu Feng to come with us."

Mu Feng said: "It seems that you suspect that I killed many masters in the cultivation world who were present at that time?"

Zi Ling sneered and said: "We all went to the base of the Ninth Bureau to ask about the battle of Wanku Mountain, and you were the only one who returned alive! In my opinion, you must have colluded with the corpse demon and framed all the factions present at that time. Master!"

Mu Feng said: "The Daoist Qingyang of the Shushan School is not dead either, maybe he can testify for me."

Zi Ling sternly said: "You will pick witnesses! Daoist Qingyang has disappeared since the battle at Wanku Mountain!"

Mu Feng scratched his head and said, "It seems that I have no way to prove my innocence."

Kong Tong said: "If Mr. Mu Feng is innocent and goes back with us, I and the Jiangdong sects behind me will also return your innocence."

Mu Feng said: "If I say that I am not the murderer, Yang Bin in the ninth game is the culprit of all this, do you believe me?"

Zi Ling said: "I don't believe it!"

Mu Feng said: "Okay, then I am the murderer!"

"Return my senior brother's life!" Zi Ling shouted sharply, and a white light was released from his palm, it was a three-foot-long flying sword, the sword light was fierce, and stabbed at Mu Feng's throat.

If it was Mu Feng who was three months ago, seeing such a master, his first reaction should be to run.But now he has refined the massive amount of mana that Yang Bin won with Asura's magic power, which is no longer the same.

He stretched out two slender fingers, Lightning moved out his hand, and tapped on the blade of Feijian.With a few crisp sounds, the flying sword was broken into several pieces and fell to the ground.

The people in the cultivation world around were dumbfounded.The one who made the move was Ziling, the number two figure of the Songyang faction, and the master of the late Yuanying period!But the ordinary-looking young man in front of him waved his hand to defuse her attack.And also destroyed the magic weapon flying sword she had practiced for many years!
However, this kind of strength also made the practitioners present more certain that he was the culprit of the Wankushan massacre.

Mu Feng said leisurely: "You have also seen my strength."

The people in the cultivation world who were present secretly sacrificed their magic weapons one after another, preparing to fight Mu Feng to the death.

Mu Feng said again: "Of course, there are many of you and you are very powerful. If you rush up, I will definitely not get any benefits. But! Those who go up first will definitely be killed by me! Before I exhaust myself, I can at least kill you!" There are a dozen masters. Then it depends on who of you is so selfless and wants to kill me, the devil in the cultivation world!"

After hearing the words, all the masters in the cultivation world secretly put down their weapons again. After all, no one wants to be the one who stands out.

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from a distance: "Ye Feiyao, the chief disciple of the Shushan School, pays homage to Mu Feng, Mr. Mu." The first word of this voice was still far away, but the last word seemed to have arrived in front of you.

"Haha, you're done! Brother Ye from Shushan Sect is here."

"He is the number one master of the younger generation in my cultivation world! His cultivation level will never be inferior to any elder in Shushan."

"It's still too late for you to surrender!" The practitioners present shouted loudly.A cheerful atmosphere permeated the noodle shop.

Mu Feng just took a sip of water indifferently: "Ye Feiyao, it seems that he is indeed a master."

A tall man in a white robe walked in, with a simple black long sword on his back.The most memorable thing is that he also has a pair of thick eyebrows, which make his face more gentle and make his smile more convincing.

Ye Feiyao walked straight in front of Mu Feng.

Mu Feng said: "Are you also coming to kill me?"

Ye Feiyao smiled and said: "No, I'm here to save you." His smile always makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Mu Feng said: "Oh?"

Ye Feiyao turned his head and said to the group of cultivators behind him, "Fellow Taoists, I am here to prove Mr. Mu Feng's innocence."

As soon as he said this, the surroundings were quiet at first, and then there were chattering voices.

Ye Feiyao continued: "I sent Elder Qingyang, who returned to Shushan yesterday, and told us the whole incident of Wankushan. The murderer is not this Mr. Mu, but Yang Bin from the Ninth Bureau of National Security!"

Kong Tong was shocked and said: "Mr. Ye is serious?"

Ye Feiyao said: "With the thousand-year reputation of my Shushan School, this matter is absolutely true!"

Often a trouble that is enough to give you a headache will be easily settled by other people in a few words.Mu Feng's innocence was simply confirmed by Ye Feiyao.Because standing behind him is the Shushan sect, a famous sect that everyone in the cultivation world will give him face.

Famous Jiangdong schools like the Songyang School and the Qingdeng School are actually not worth mentioning in front of the Shushan School.

In the entire comprehension world, there is also Kunlun who can be compared with the Shushan School.

Now the noodle shop people have dispersed, only Mu Feng and Ye Feiyao are left.A bowl of hot ramen was placed in front of them.

Mu Feng put his head down and ate deliciously, but Ye Feiyao remained motionless.

"The ramen here tastes really good, why don't you eat it?" Mu Feng asked.

Ye Feiyao said: "I started bigu early, and no longer eat mortal food."

Mu Feng asked: "Then why do you want to order another bowl?"

Ye Feiyao said with a smile: "If I just sit here and watch you eat, I will feel very embarrassed, and I am afraid that others will think that I am waiting to eat your leftovers."

Mu Feng said: "I didn't see it, you are quite humorous. Is Qingyang Taoist alright?"

Ye Feiyao said: "Elder is fine, the injury has recovered, I came this time to express my thanks to you on behalf of Elder Qingyang."

Mu Feng said: "It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about."

Ye Feiyao said: "There is one more thing. Three days later it will be the 800th birthday of my master Shushan. Elder Qingyang ordered me to send you an invitation card. Please be sure to come and watch the ceremony."

Mu Feng nodded. It should be that Shushan has solved a big problem for himself this time. Inviting himself to such a grand event is also for his own face. Of course, he cannot refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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