Agent of Heaven

Chapter 9 Suppressing Corpse Demons

Chapter 9 Suppressing Corpse Demons ([-])

When Dao Yan was concentrating on collecting the corpse demon, unexpectedly, the corpse demon who had closed his eyes suddenly jumped up, and directly hit Dao Yan's lower abdomen with a palm.Dao Yan seemed to have turned into a kite with a broken string, flying far away with blood spitting out from the mouth.

"Immortals are really extraordinary. If my palm was replaced by any top expert in the cultivation world, I'm afraid they would be beaten to death." The corpse demon opened his mouth, but the voice that came out was Yang Bin's.

Dao Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "You have succeeded in taking the house."

Another immature childish voice came out of the corpse demon's mouth: "Of course not, he forcibly injected the seven souls into my body before the physical body was destroyed just now. Now he is just a parasite in my body."

Mu Feng was surprised and said: "This corpse demon brother sounds like a minor."

Dao Yan explained: "Zombies are originally extremely low in intelligence, and the species with a long lifespan, the thousand-year-old corpse demon is generally only equivalent to the age of a human child."

Mu Feng said: "No wonder ordinary zombies want to be like beasts. I guess their intelligence is not as good as that of babies."

The corpse demon sneered and said, "When you are about to die, you still talk so much nonsense, and the world is so much fun, I still don't want to go back to that dark and dark Fumo Temple. So Daoyan, I want to kill you. And the man next to me, I decided to take that A parasite was thrown into your body! The parasite said that as long as it kills you, it will obediently get out of my body!"

Mu Feng said: "Brother, are you talking about me? You should keep that parasite to yourself. But Yang Bin, you are really a pervert, why do you always want other people's bodies?"

Yang Bin's voice came out of the corpse demon's mouth again: "What do you know? Everyone is mortal! I have lived for hundreds of years only by constantly taking homes."

Just as the corpse demon was speaking, a purple sword energy flew over, and the Demon Breaking Sword shone with a strong light, suddenly inserted into the corpse demon's chest, and pinned him to the wall!

Dao Yan jumped up, grabbed Mu Feng who was lying on the ground and couldn't move, and flew out of the cave.

The corpse demon was caught off guard by a sword, and he was really taken aback, but his body was really perverted. He held the hilt of the sword with one hand and pulled out the sword. Afterwards, the wound on his body It began to heal slowly.

If it wasn't for Dao Yan using the Devil Breaking Sword, he might not even be able to pierce the corpse demon's body.What's more, the corpse demon turned his body in an emergency just now, and the sword didn't hit the corpse demon's heart, otherwise Dao Yan wouldn't have to take Mu Feng to escape now.

The corpse demon held the Devil-Breaking Sword in his hand and turned into a black wind, chasing in the direction where Dao Yan was escaping with a strange smile.

After flying for a while, I saw Mu Feng and Dao Yan stopped in a forest and stopped running away.

"Haha, the two little babies gave up resistance so quickly? Why didn't they stop struggling for a while." The corpse demon laughed.

But Mu Feng showed a smile: "We don't have to run away when we get here, maybe it will be your turn to run away, but we still won't be able to run away."

The corpse demon said: "What a big tone, don't you have any help here?"

Mu Feng pointed to a big tree not far away, a fat monk was eating watermelon under the tree.

The corpse demon was shocked for no other reason, because the monk was here, but he couldn't sense any aura that belonged to him, as if this person didn't exist in this world at all, and was already detached from the world.

Yang Bin's voice came out of the corpse demon's mouth: "Don't be fooled, this monk is just a mortal! Kill Mu Feng quickly, after I take his body, even if the monk is powerful, he can't deal with the combination of the two of us."

Mu Feng yelled at the old pig: "Others have bullied you in front of you, kill them and I will treat you to a big meal!"

The old pig said, "I want to eat KFC!"

Mu Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll buy you ten hamburgers!"

The old pig said: "If you make an exception and make a move, it will be a disaster if the Buddha finds out about it."

Mu Feng said with red eyes: "Add two more family buckets."

The old pig patted his butt, stood up from the ground, and said to the corpse demon: "Amitabha, the poor monk will get rid of all evils today!"

The Corpse Demon suddenly felt great danger. Its eyes glowed red, its body began to swell and grow, and its fangs and nails also began to grow.An extremely large amount of black air was brought up from his body, making the surrounding temperature become colder.

But!Just when he finished transforming and was about to attack the old pig, the old pig's fingers had already reached his eyes. "Here!" the old pig yelled, and a golden light flicked on the corpse demon's forehead with his finger. A phantom flew out of the corpse demon's body, and it looked like Yang Bin.

The corpse demon knelt on the ground in horror, having lost the courage to resist, while Laozhu's sleeves were floating in the air, with a round of Buddha's light shining behind his head.

Yang Bin looked at the old pig illuminated by Buddha's light, and asked in a trembling voice: "Who are you!"

Lao Zhu smiled and didn't answer, Dao Yan and Mu Feng folded their palms together and said: "Nanwu Pure Altar Messenger Bodhisattva!"

Hearing this, Yang Bin's eyes were enlightened first, then despaired: "So you are Zhu Bajie!"

The old pig looked at Yang Bin and said: "You have killed innocent people, your crimes are serious, and you have fallen into the devil's way. Today, the poor monk will throw you into the skinning hell, and you will never be reincarnated!" As soon as the old pig finished speaking, a bloody door was behind Yang Bin When it was opened, Yang Bin was dragged into the door with a chain in his hands.

Seeing this, the corpse demon was terrified, and kowtowed on the ground like pounding garlic: "My Buddha is merciful! My Buddha is merciful! I know I was wrong, please forgive me!"

The old pig said: "I think you didn't take the initiative to cause too much murder in the world, and you were trapped in the phantom formation most of the time, so follow Daoyan back to Emperor Zhenwu and wait for what happens."

Dao Yan's injury was healed by Lao Zhu long ago, he took out the gourd, and the corpse demon turned into a streamer and voluntarily got in.

Mu Feng looked at the old pig and said: "You see how long it will take for my injury to heal, why are you helping Daoyan treat the injury and not looking at me?"

The old pig said: "I can't heal your injury. There are too many chaotic mana gathered in your body, and you can only refine it by yourself."

Mu Feng said: "Then how long do you think it will take for me to recover?"

The old pig said: "It depends on your talent, but after you get well this time, you should be able to use Tiangang 36 transformations freely."

Mu Feng said: "At that time, do you want to teach me some other supernatural powers, somersault cloud, will you know it?"

The old pig smiled and said, "Tiangang 36 Transformation is my old pig's living here with you plus the rewards of eating and drinking. Don't even think about other spells."

Mu Feng said disdainfully: "You don't know how to somersault, so just speak up."

Dao Yan bowed to Lao Zhu and Mu Feng and said, "Pimp Dao's mission has been completed, and it's time to return to the emperor to accept the crime."

Mu Feng said with some reluctance: "Would you like to stay no longer for two more days?"

Dao Yan said with a smile: "No, I'd better go back as soon as possible. The Fumo Temple can't be left unattended for too long." Say it, and took out a small porcelain bottle from his waist and put it next to Mu Feng, saying: "This is the one made by my emperor. The elixir that mortals eat can prevent all diseases and has the power to subdue dragons and tigers, so I give it to you as a thank you."

Dao Yan turned into a purple qi and flew away with the sword.

Mu Feng said to Laozhu: "There are still many masters in the cultivation world whose skills have been sucked by Yang Bin in Wanku Mountain, as well as a seriously injured Daoist Qingyang."

When Lao Zhu heard this, he nodded and waved his sleeves, and Mu Feng felt that he had returned to Wanku Cave in a flash.Laozhu looked at all the big bosses in the cultivation world who had been sucked into mummified corpses one by one, shook his head and said: "These have been dead for a long time, and they cannot be saved."

The old pig casually picked up Daoist Qingyang who had almost faded into a phantom: "There is still salvation for this." The Buddha's light flashed in his hand, and Daoist Qingyang's Nascent Soul began to solidify gradually, but the Nascent Soul remained the same. His eyes were closed tightly, but he didn't seem to wake up.

"I've healed his wounds, but I can't recreate his physical body. What happens in the future depends on his good fortune. Let's go. In a short while, his Nascent Soul will wake up."

Three days later, in a small building on the outskirts of the city, Mu Feng was sitting cross-legged, and Laozhu was eating KFC's takeaway family bucket beside him.

"You say you are a monk, why do you eat so much meat?" Mu Feng rolled his eyes and looked at the old pig who was gnawing on the chicken legs.

The old pig lisp: "Well, I'm not a monk."

"Why are you not a monk? You are not a monk, what are you?"

The old pig said: "I am a Bodhisattva, and I have become a true fruit, so naturally I don't have to abide by those clear rules and precepts."

"What's the point of this?"

The old pig said: "Have you ever seen an official who won the imperial examination and still study hard every day?"

Mu Feng suddenly became speechless. Thinking about it, most of the rules and regulations in the world are just made by individuals in order to achieve their goals. After the goals are achieved, who will go to the same place as before.

After the college entrance examination, will the students still go to the previous textbooks?I'm afraid it has long been thrown out of the sky.

Mu Feng sighed suddenly: "Old pig, why do you think that sometimes people are scarier than monsters?" He was referring to Yang Bin and others. This incident made him feel that Yang Bin was scarier than corpse demons.

The old pig said: "The human race and the demon race are just different in the way of reincarnation. In fact, there is no essential difference, just different origins."

Mu Feng nodded and said: "In this way, I understand that people are not necessarily kinder than demons, just like high-ranking officials are not necessarily cleaner than prostitutes." Let's talk, he slowly closed his eyes. After closing his eyes, he calmed down and began to refine the mixed mana in his body according to the method taught by Bajie.

(End of this chapter)

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